Chapter 9

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When we saw Mantis and Drax I just wanted to hurt someone, but its not Mantis's fault.

"The bodies in the Caverns. Whos are they?" I ask.

"They are his children." Mantis says.

"What?" Gamora question.

"Peter. We have to save Peter." I say.

"Its to late. Ego would have already won him to his side by now." Mantis says.

"Then we leave." Nebula says.

"No we cant leave Peter." I say.

"Yeah he's our friend." Gamora says.

"All you guys do is fight. You arent friends." Nebula says.

"Your right we're family. We leave no one behind. Well... Maybe you." Drax says.

Just then the transmitter went off and I quickly answered it.

"Rocket. Thank god." I say.

"Keep that transmitter close so I can find you." Rocket says.

"Okay. Ego's on hinged." I say.

"Dont I know it. Get ready." Rocket says.

We got to where Ego was with Peter and then Rocket and Yondu came through the roof. I quickly went over to Peter and helped him up.

"I told you something was off." I say.

"I told you so. Really? Not what I wanted to hear right now." Peter says.

"I came back didnt I." I say.

"Because of the unspoken thing." He says.

"There is no unspoken thing." I say.

We got onto the ship that Rocket and Yondu were on and Peter climbed above.

"We have to kill him." Peter says.

We were going down to Ego's core when we were hit by some Sovereign ships. Then Mantis, Drax, Gamora, and I fell out of the ship.

"Everyone okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think so." Gamora says.

Just then Peter flew out with Rocket and then he went back to the ship. Then before I knew it the ship blew up.

"PETER! NO!" I yell.

For a second my heart sank, but then Nebula, Yondu, and Peter were actually just fine. Although the next thing I knew Yondu yelled something funny.

"Im Mary Poppins Ya'll." Yondu says.

They all landed down and I went over to Peter.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Jessy Im fine. What about you? You werent hurt were you?" Peter asks.

"No, but can I..." I start and was interrupted.

"Mantis look out." Drax says, but Mantis was out cold.

"PETER!" Ego yells.

Drax picked up an unconscious Mantis and Peter sent them out to meet Kraglin. I had fell down and Gamora caught me and Nebula her. We were making our way out and we then were attacked by some tentacle things. Then out of nowhere we were released and went to the ship where Drax and Mantis already were.

"They better hurry back soon." Gamora says.

Just then Rocket showed up with Groot and Peter wasnt with him.

"Rocket where is Peter?" I ask.

Nothing he said nothing just then Baby Groot pointed out and I got up and before I knew it everything went dark. When I awoke Gamora was by my side.

"Peter is okay. He and the others are planning Yondu's funeral. Yondu sacrificed himself for Peter." Gamora tells me.

"Oh god. Poor Peter." I say.

"Come on." She says and helped me up.

We went over to where the funeral was being held and Peter was very hurt and upset. Hearing him speak about how much Yondu meant to him as a father. I placed my hand in his arm and he looked at me so sad.

"Peter..."I say.

"Hey Pete. Captain found this for you in a junker shop. He hoped you would come back one day." Kraglin says.

Peter walked over to Kraglin and I kind of watched their conversation.

"What is it?" Peter questions.

"Its a zoon. Its what everyone is listing to now back on Earth. It has over three hundred songs." Kraglin says.

"300 hundred songs? Thank you." Peter says to him.

"Your welcome." Kraglin says.

Kraglin went to walk away when Peter called him back and showed him Yondu's arrow.

"Rocket salvaged the pieces and put it back together. I think Yondu would want you to have it." Peter says and handed it to him.

"Thanks. Captain." Kraglin says.

I decided to give Peter some time alone so I went over to Rocket and the rest of the guardians and I then looked out and saw other ships in the sky.
(Mantis, Kraglin clearly joined the team. Also Nebula is staying with them as well)

"They came." Rocket says.

"Who came?" I ask.

"Whats that?" Drax questions.

"Its a Ravisher funeral." Peter says.

"I am Groot." Groot says.

Baby Groot jumped off Peter's shoulder and into my arms. Everyone just watched the fireworks and I went to my room. I lifted up my blanket and pulled out my backpack. I opened up it up and brought out a notebook. I sat in my bed and opened the notebook. I picked up a photo of my family that we took at our 16th birthday party. It has my family and my friends in the photo.

"I thought you didnt have anything from home?" Peter questions.

"Well I only had this photo. It was in my pocket the day I was taken." I say.

"Ohh.. I know what your ex did to you. Rocket and Gamora told me and Mantis said she could feel that betrayal. I want you to know that Im not this guy who hurt you. I would never be that guy who would ever dream to hurt you. This last year getting to know you has been amazing. I know you didnt hear Mantis when she said something. Now I will say it. I love you Jessy. Would you like to be more then friends?" Peter asks.

"Ummm let me think." I say.

I just got on my knees on my bed, I leaned up and kissed him. He lifted me off the bed and placed me on the floor.

"I'll take that as a yes." He says.

"As you should." I say.

I placed my arms around his neck and kissed him once again. I might never get to see my family again, but I have my family here. I also have Peter and thats all I could ever ask for.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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