Chapter Five: Audrey And I Give Sydney A Crash Course On Hydrokinesis

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    Leia's tongue plunged inside me, thrusting deeper and deeper. I writhed in bed, arching my hips up up up, meeting her thrust for thrust, butt the steady throbbing that once grew so intensely there, was fading away. I pushed myself, trying, trying, really trying, but it faded, cooling with that sadness of dissatisfaction. When I fell against the bed, Leia rose, a smug grin on her face. I didn't have the heart to tell her she didn't make me climax, didn't have the heart to say I didn't want her, not anymore. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't want her, not anymore. Moreover, that the person I wanted most of all, wasn't just in a relationship but was mated. Leia crawled up beside me and laid down. I snuggled against her side, but already felt wrong, off, like it wasn't her I even wanted to lay next to. I waited until I was certain she fell asleep, and slid out of bed. I opened the tent's zip flap, and stuck my head in the Snow Kingdom air. Ice cold winds churned by, slapping some air into my face, clearing my head. I rubbed my naked breasts and belly, wishing Huntor was there, right there, touching me, inside me, thrusting deep so very deep. Making me feel so good, so, very good. Finally, I zipped the flap, and crawled back into bed. When the nightmare came, I was so not prepared for it.
    I ran in a huge maze, running around corners, trying to escape the steady march march march of the dead, of the frozen dead. "Run run run as fast as you can." Purred that voice, that horrifying high female voice I knew all too well. A voice I hadn't heard since that battle in the mountain, since Wenzi destroyed her. "We can catch you, you're nothing but a chubby human." I froze as I came around a corner and found six frozen men walking toward me. I screamed as they grabbed me, and lifted me off my feet, taking me back to that cavernous rom. "Caught." She squealed. "Caught like a rat in a trap, my trap." I kicked, screamed, cried, sobbed, but their grip was cold and hard. Dead, all of these people were dead, and yet she controlled their bodies, controlled them like puppets, like toys. They shoved me against an alter, and I felt their hands work at the little clothing I had. Then, there was a silent whoosh, and I was shoved to the back of my mind, as, she, took over. "Ah, it feels so good to have a body, don't you think?" I struggled, trying to fight. "There's no point child, I have thousands of years in this, you, well, you do not." Khione laid back against the alter and moaned, moaned, as the first of the corpses pushed into her, into me.
    The scene changed, and I was in a bar, shivering, freezing, wanting to escape her, needing to, but she was toying with me, letting me run. Vague images lashed by. Huntor, a young Huntor, his eye glowing, even back then. Him fighting The Taker, and me wanting to help him, needing to help him, but not knowing how to. Khione's laughter as she watched Huntor fight The Taker. "Good, so good, so very good, he's perfect for Dargonue, so very perfect for him." Winds churned through the broken window and I tried to control them, tried to use them. "There is no point child, I have thousands of years in this, you do not." But there was something, a feeling deep inside, a kind of, click, then the winds were raging under my control. "NO, NO NO NO NO." She shouted in my head, out in the glacier. "NO." Then the building was trembling, shaking, coming apart, and she dragged me out the window and into the storm. I woke up with a gasp, and shoved my face into the pillow. Leia, who was already gettign dressed, turned to me. "You ok Sarah?" "Yeah," I breathed. "Yeah yeah, I'm ok, just, just, a nightmare." "Oh, ok then." She turned away and slid her pearl into her hair, into that tail she favored.
    I rolled out o the bed, once I got my breath back, and started to dress. I was determined to find Huntor. I needed to talk to him, to tell him about my nightmare, to feel that someone loved me, loved me and cared for me. I walked out fo the tent after Leia and she walked toward the training ground. I moved deeper into the indigo camp. I saw Vera walking out fo a tent with Alexandra. They both gave me cheerful waves. My wave was babyish, just the way it used to be. I walkeed around a tentt and a large Molten male came around the other side. I watched hsi gaze lower immediately to my breasts, then to my face. His eyes went dark with lust, his burgundy wings shifted slightly. "Well hello there." His voice was a silky purr, most likely to make females fall over themselves with need, but—"Hi, bye." I walked right by him. He went taught, as if being denied, much less rejected, just didn't compute. He stalked after me, and said, "Oy, you." I ignored him and came around another tent, and stopped in my tracks. Sydney was leaning against her tent, her, and Huntor's, tent. By all appearances, she looked bored, nonchalant, something anyone knew was a lie.
    Suddenly, I remembered that Huntor wouldn't be alone, nor would he sleep alone, nor, would Sydney let me anywhere near him after yesterday. But before I could backtrack or figure out some excuse, the male lumbered in behind me and said, "Oy you." Sydney raised a sardonic eyebrow. "My name isn't You, it's Sarah." "Well I wanna talk to you, Sarah." The silk he put on my name irritated rather than intoxicated. "Well I'm not interested." I snapped. "Clearly." He unfolded one wing, and hooked it around my waist. "Hey." I shrieked as he pulled me against his side. "Mmm. You smell just right, just, right. Right, female, and ready for some." He ran his nose along my hair, over my neck. "You bastard, let me go." "I think I'll give you what you clearly crave, what your female apparently isn't giving you." I tried to shove him away, but he shifted slightly so something long and hard rubbed against my ass. "You disgusting bastard, let me go." Hee sniffed, long and deep. "Sorry, no can do here. I think I'll." He ran a hand over my breast. I snarled, and shifted into my dracon skin. Wings and tail lashed out and he released me, taking several steps back. "What the Molten—"Stay away from me." My wings rose on either side of me in a threatening manner, and he snorted, "Like some flightless female can fight me." "Wanna bet?" I snarled. He quirked and eyebrow. He flapped until he hovered a few feet off the ground. I flapped hard and rose twenty feet off the ground. Surprise lashed across his face. "How—" winds churned, ice cold winds kissed with snow. I rose higher and a sword of ice appeared in my hands. Terror now lashed through his eyes as he realized just who I was.
    Sydney, through all this, watched with mild amusemeent, mild irritation, but as that terror lashed through his eyes, she stepped forward. "Come down Sarah, you've made your point." Now nothing but slight amusement shown in her gaze. I lowered to the ground, and she said coolie, "Name Molten male." "I don't have to—"You're gonna want to tell the truth, and tell it with no deception, because you are facing the gold Sun Dragon." Now that face went absolutely pale, right to the bone. His mouth opened in a silent scream. Sydney unleashed that godly gaze on him. He instantly stumbled away, kneeling in front fo her. "Apologies, apologies, apolo—"It's not me you should be apologizing to now is it?" She asked coldly. He glanced at me, and I tried to unleash my won godly gaze. After all I was the goddess of the North, of snow wind and ice. He cowered, but I was certain it was more from her than me. Then, "Huh, is this what I have to wake up to?" Relief and hunger exploded in me at Huntor's cool easy tones. But his face was anything but cool and easy. His face was livid. "You'dd bettter have cogent reasons of why you decided to harass my snow goddess, and even after she told you no several times, continued to chase after her, like a cur to cars." Shame lashed through his eyes as he did nothing but bow, all be it even lower than before.
After that little interlude, Huntor rounded Lorna, Arachne, Briella, and Kneecora to go to the kingdom's castle. I opened my mouth, to ask why he didn't ask or say for me to go when Sydney said simply, "Come with me." With no real choice, I followed her into their tent. A soon as I walked in, and felt like I walked through three waterfalls. "Strange huh?"  Sydney asked as. I gasped. "Huntor figured out how to channel symbols around the tent, just in his passtime." "He has passtime?" I grumbled. She shrugged and sat on the rim of a bubbling bathtub. I neared and she said, "Probably shouldn't sit here, wouldn't want you to fall." I looked over the rim and squeaked in terror. It wasn't a bathtub, instead, it was an active miny volcano. Lava bubbled sluggishly fifty feet below, and the heat that pulsed off of it made me wanna shrink back, which I did. Sydney waved her hand absently. "If you fell I'd catch you, possibly, probably, maybe." "Maybe?" She shrugged, looking more and more like Huntor. "You're an essential member of the family so I'd really consider catching you, at least, before you hit the lava." She shrugged again. "Or, I'd draw a lava symbol on you and toss you in to see fi it worked, if it protected you." "And if not?" I asked, feeling some real fear. That arrogant shrug again, and now a deadly glisten tin those bold green eyes.
"Believe me Sarah, there'd be worse things I'd want to do to you for what you're developing." I decided to feign ignorance. "I have no idea what—"Don't." Whatever I was going to say was cut off by that one word, and the lava that spewed in those eyes. "Don't lie and say you have no idea what you feel, are feeling. I can smell it, by God, I can smell the desire on you still, the unsatisfied desire." "I," I closed my mouth. Sydney nodded. "Huntor may have pushed it aside, shrugged it off, but I saw the look in your eyes Sarah. You want him again, and it's no possessive sisterly thing. It's no mild lust, no just sexual thing. It's why males are hounding after you. You're putting off the scent for them. They know you aren't satisfied by Leia, so they believe they can." She leaned forward, and I took an involuntary step back. Sydney chuckled, and the sound was so much like Huntor's that a chill ran down my spine. "Relax chick, I'm not likely to hurt you, yet." Her eyes went hot and molten on the word, "Yet." She stroked the volcano she sat on, then waved an absent hand. The lava that bubbled freely hardened into rock. "You know, he picked up that power like breathing, just did it, you know." It took me a moment, since I was still thinking of Sydney and how she'd torture the shit out of me. How, in this tent, I'd be her hapless prey. Then it clicked. "Oh, you mean—"Yeah." She said, looking down at the volcanic rock. "He created this little volcano, not me, it's his work, not mine." I really didn't know what to say to that. She slid off the side and stared down at the rock below. "I still have ttrouble using water, controlling it, shaping it, fighting with it." Said Sydney reverently.
    She turned to me, her green eyes glinting strangely. "I want you to show me how." "What?" I asked, not only taken aback, but honestly thrown out of it. "Come again." "I want you to teach me. You and Audrey." Ok, now I was truly certain she was joking. "You want Audrey and I to teach you how to control the hydro power, the power that you share with Huntor?" "Exactly." Said Sydney seriously. "What about Huntor?" I asked wildly. "Why hasn't he taught you?" "He's tried." And now her eyes glistened with predatory lust. "But we always get, distracted." "Ah, right." I honestly had no statement what so ever that could justify anything, so I just shuffled my feet a little, contemplating my hefty breasts and tiny feet. "I guess we could try." She gave me a wolfish grin, Huntor's wolfish grin. I wasn't sure what to think, when her grin made me even more afraid than Huntor's grin.
    "The hydro power, or water, is like silk." Audrey stated as her, Sydney, and I stood around a roiling river. "You have the capability to direct and stop the silk, however, you also can control it. You can solidify it, turn it into a glass-like substance, shape weapons out of it. You could, as Sarah has, turn an entire ocean into ice, or still glass." "Well, more or less." I murmured. The idea of Sydney turning an entire ocean into glass was somehow more terrifying than me doing it. "Leet you hands trail through the water, let it sing in your mind, listen to what the water tells you, feel the water against your skin, open your mind to the power." Sydney slid her hands into the roiling water, and closed those vivid green eyes.

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