Chapter Forty-Three: How To Dance In Perfect Tandem With Your Partner

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Kitana headed the line of indigo gods, Dracons lined up behind them, all baring shields and swords, from the lowest soldier, to the highest commanders. Without speaking, the dracons spread out, without speaking, the gods did too. Ten thousand dracons with werewolves, vampires, and other renegades thrown in. Ten thousand, against eighty thousand. No one said it was impossible odds, no one said that they would all most definitely die. No one said that their luck had finally run out. No one said that the game was over, that even with all their powers working as unison, no one would survive. Within the Forbidden Kingdom, the kingdom that was created by a delisted goddess falling from the sky, line upon line of Ragni Di Morte stood, their pincers lashing excitedly as their front lines started racing forward, as if something had alerted them forward. As if something signaled them to attack. To deliver the first wave. Decre, in the front line along with Vello, Seeka, Kneecora, Qudorzo Pheequa and Quedesha, stood fast, ready. Diana, high up on a cliff with archers all around her, ordered, "Archers." Bows were readied, as well as an aerial legion. An aerial legion of Four thousand. Leaving six thousand to fight on the ground. Wenzi rose, flames licking her body as she flew up into the air with the aerial force. "FIRE." Bellowed Diana. Molten and Snow dracons, along with indigo, let loose arrows. "ARCHERS." Shouted Diana as Ragni Di Morte fell under the wave of arrows. Bowes were cocked, and arrows, flaming arrows, were released. More Ragni Fell under the onslaught, burning and screaming as they were melted. When the hord of spiders reached the halfway mark in the demarcation line, the aerial legion fell on them like a talon through it's prey. More Ragni fell, set ablaze by the dracons, or by Wenzi. "Ease up on the power Wenzi." Commanded Kitana with telepathy. "You may have oceans of flames, but there's no need to toss it about frivolously.' Wenzi didn't reply, instead, throttled back on her power.
"ARCHERS." Shouted Diana as more Ragni Di Morte surged forward, pincers lashing, eight legs kicking up shale and dust. Then, "SHIELD." Shouted Pheequa as arrows flew from the other side of the demarcation line. Arrows of deepest black. "How the fuck." Said Briella. Telekinesis lashed in front of the indigo as dracons bore their shields, the arrows clanging against the metal. More arrows sailed across the line, arrows of fire, as more arrows fell from the sky, arrows of flames, most by Wenzi's hand. "Careful." Thought Kitana. Wenzi again, didn't reply. More arrows flew from the Ragni Di Morte side. "How the fuck are they shooting those things?" Asked Briella. "I know right." Said Jeffry in commiseration. Kitana turned, opening her mouth, but she wasn't sure how to say what she needed to. Wasn't sure how to tell the others what she'd seen in that tent. Even Brooklyn looked wary of speaking the horrors. But Sarah said, "They have hybrids, human spider hybrids." "How is that possible?" Asked Hecate. Then, "Never mind." Kitana raised her arm, Kneecora, Vello, Seeka, Pheequa, Decre, Quedesha and Qudorzo doing the same. Kitana spoke mentally to the others. "Ready." There was a flash of silver. Above, there was a triumphant roar, a roar, that, Kitana recognized. A roar, that, Seeka, and, Vello, Recognized. A lone dracon fell from the sky, flying in from the northeast. A, lone, golden, dracon. "Theia." Murmured Seeka, as her sister landed a few dozen yards away. The arrows that were instantly shot at her missing their target. She rose, shifting back into her half human body, her golden eyes scanning the area, searching, searching, searching. When she realized Huntor and Sydney were still missing, she seemed to sigh in sadness but turned to face Vello. "I hope I haven't missed any fun." Seeka grinned like a hellion. "Not yet." She purred. Theia turned, taking her place between Vello and Seeka, a commander moving aside to let her in. Together, they watched as the Ragni Di Morte neared. Kitana kept her arm raised. Amala shifted into her werewolf form, along with Kamala, their deer skin cloaks remaining around their shoulders. They snarled, and all the werewolves of the army snarled in unison, their shoulders bunching, muscles locking, readying for the spring. "Hold." Thought Kitana as the aerial army fell again, again, again, again. As some dracons didn't rise, as some fell, and never rose again. Never the less, the aerial force kept falling, kept killing Ragni Di Morte. Never the less, they kept fighting, even though more and more Ragni were joining the fight. Even though—"NOW." Shouted Kitana. "HO, HO," shouted Vello. "HO," echoed Seeka. "HO!" Shouted the army as they advanced, as they ran at the Ragni Di Morte. "HO." They all shouted in unison. Amala snarled to her followers. She turned her head, snarling and barking along with Kamala. the army passed on either side of the werewolves, racing forward, roaring their battle cry. Amala snarled, readying for the spring. As one, the sisters charged, leaping over the shale, sending shale flying as they raced after their army. The werewolves raced after them, snarling and snapping, jaws ready.
    Amala snarled as she neared Kitana's side in the racing army. Holly bared her teeth, her golden hair flying about her face. A dracon in it's dragon form raced by, her purple wings slightly extended as she flew over the shale, her eyes on the force ahead. She opened her jaws, and lightning crackled in her throat before expelling forth in a great bolt, frying a small section of the spiders. A dracon leapt into the air, blue fans at the ready as he fell, screaming, on to the hoard of spiders. As he began slashing, the armies collided in a grotesque yet almost lascivious fashion. Deep in the underground chamber Reina had created, Audrey stared at the thing that used to be her mate, laying prone and unconscious on the soil. "Do you want me to stay?" Asked Reina. "I can stay out of sight and scent, if you just need a friend nearby." But Audrey had denied her, denied herself that pleasure. If she was going to do this, she needed to do it on her own, completely, on her own. Huntor would have expected no less from her. Zavala would've wanted no less. Audrey knew what Huntor had felt when she died, knew just how he'd felt. She'd been there hadn't she? Had sensed and scented his terror, his hatred for what she'd done. How she'd defended him, protected him. She knew now what he truly felt, knew now just the kind of agony that had left such deep battle scars over him. "That time when you gain battle scars, just like your best friend." No, she had to do this on her own, completely on her own. Audrey allowed herself a few minutes, a few minutes, to imagine what might have been. What she might have had. Imagined the family she might have created with Zavala. Imagined the children they'd have bore together. Children, they'd have had, with the secret that Kitana knew. With the bond between them. With the bond to imbue their eggs to create the conception. Though she knew next to nothing about birthing a dracon, let alone birthing one as a goddess. Audrey Magdelena Kylie allowed herself those brief minutes, to, imagine, what, might, have, been, and, they, costed, her. There was a hiss, and a shriek, and Audrey dove, on, instinct. Kitana lashed out with a kick, sweeping her fan around to take off the fangs of one spider. The spider crumpled, melting to dust. She flung one blade into the eye of a spider while sweeping out her fan to cripple another. At her side, Holly rampaged in her human body, her golden hair lashing about her face, her claws doing just as much damage as a knife. Kendra, on her other side, confused the Ragni by changing their perspective, by disorienting them and causing them to kill each other, rather than their enemies. Overhead fire rained over the world as Wenzi caused flaming weapons to appear out of nowhere, as the dracons fell upon the Ragni Di morte, their flames driving into the hoard of monsters. An enemy werewolf came lashing out of the hoard, jaws gaping, but before Kitana could slay him, Holly spun with a vicious kick that sent the wolf flying into the fangs of a Ragni Di Morte fighting Seeka.
    A figure stood on the edge of the Forbidden Kingdom canyon. Her scarlet eyes dancing as she watched the hoard of Ragni Di Morte facing off with the Sun Dragon army. Severely impossibly outnumbered. "Eighty thousand, to ten thousand." Said Sahara. Her chains clanged slightly as she took a step toward the edge. Another chain dangled from the middle of her back. Three chains, three chains, one on each shoulder, and one at the center of her spine, all dangling down her back. Sahara stroked one of the scorpions on her shoulders, running a callused finger over it's shell, over it's stinger. "I do believe it's time to show the true winner of this war, our loyalty, and just who's side, we, serve." The scorpion slithered down the chain on her back and scuttled away. She looked down at the fight, and smiling to herself, raised a hand. In the human world, a blonde haired girl woke from a dream, her blue eyes searching in the dilapidated subway tunnel. "Troy." She whispered. Brown eyes lashed open instantly, and the werewolf rose to it's paws. It whined, and as it did, Maria woke from her sleep instantly, along with Alex and Michael. "What is it?" Asked Alex, annoyed. Troy shifted to his human form, and asked, "Asia?" "Something, something." Asia rose, her gaze still tracking the tunnel, searching, searching. "Something." She turned, feeling that tug on her senses, on her soul. A tug, down the tunnel. She began to run, racing down the tunnel, her bow and quiver over her shoulders. "ASIA." Called Troy. But she ignored him had to, the thing kept pulling on her, insistent, needing, something was pulling her, tugging her. "Shit," said Alex. "Shit Troy, just fucking shit." "We gotta go after her." Said Maria. "Yes," said Pandora. "Yes, we do." Asia didn't hear their words though, she just kept running, running, to that thing that called her. On the battlefield, Joy and Luna slayed Ragni by the hundreds, their power lashing out them with puissant labyrinthine dexterity. Joy rose on an etherial wind and lashed diamond shaped stars out to the spiders. Watching with godly emptiness as they melted to mud, then dust. They were deeper in the hoard of spiders, commanded by Kitana to leave their army and go as deep into the spiders as they could, to find the ones who couldn't be killed easily. To find the upgraded Ragni Di Morte. To find those that couldn't be killed by flame or dagger. They flew over the army, dodging silk with ease. Luna rolled through the air, and lashed out with a huge star shaped bolt of pink indigoism the size of a house. The bolt hit a section of spiders who cried out as they were destroyed. Joy twirled, a bolt of purple colored indigoism at her palms. It lashed from her, a house sized ball of purple indigoism that lashed into another section of the army. They didn't speak, but attacked in perfect tandem. Where one paused to draw up power, the other attacked. Where one twirled, the other dove. Where one was being targeted, the other lashed out. The sisters worked as one, slaughtering Ragni Di Morte now by the hundreds.
Amala lashed out with her claws, tearing into the Ragni before her. Kamala snarled and swept out her foreleg, sending a spider scuttling backward before advancing again. A wolf fell, howling in agony as a Ragni Di Morte sank it's fangs into it's shoulder. Then, ripped the poor wolf's head off it's shoulders. Fire blazed downward, and lashed into the spider who'd slain the werewolf. Diving into the army of bulbous abdomens, Joy spun on her heel, lashing out with great bolts of indigoism, slashing through the hoards of spiders before her. A fox of sapphire blue indigoism came racing through the army, trailing after Joy as she fought on the ground, while her sister fought above her. Still fighting in perfect tandem, they continued to slaughter Ragni Di Morte by the hundreds. As the army, their indigo army, continued to push and push against their ranks, continued to try to inch across the demarcation line. Stars still blazed from the comet high high up in the ether. Stars of varying shades, of varying colors. Yet, far far away, the Sun Dragons flew, their gathered power dragging the comet across the Sun's natural path across the sky. They held hands, flying as one across the great sky, stars blazing off the comet they had made. Hooves galloped through the forests as more joined Phoenix and Callianna's army. What was at first only two thousand, was now twenty thousand. Callianna bringing in old favors and debts long overdue. Phoenix calling on his own kin to aid them, to aid the Sun Dragons. Centaurs of all races galloped along with the fawns and satires, along with the dryads as they raced from tree to tree, as their carnivorous counterparts raced over the earth. "I don't understand." Said the girl as the dracons raced over the ground. "You will soon Milady, when you see them again, you will understand everything." The girl shook her head, her green eyes wide with shock and confusion. As the Black Demons raced over the ground.
    The Molten dragons really were a well trained force. They dove as one, rose as one, and dove again. In their midst, Wenzi lashed out with her own army of dragons, of flaming dragons. A flaming dragon swept down, no bigger than a pet dog. It dug into the eye of one Ragni and it shrieked and rampaged around. A dracon picked it off, yet another spider lashed out for it's retreating tail. The spider missed by mere inches and the dracon rejoined the ranks. The dracons fell again, Wenzi falling along side them. As she did, she shot fire from her hands, flames that struck a vast section of the spiders, destroying their phalanxes. She rose, and saw a dracon wrapped in silk, fall to the shale. Four Ragni Di Morte set upon her, shredding her body to bits of meat and bone. Wenzi looked up, looked across the line upon line, upon line, line, after line, after line, after line, after, line, after, line, after, line of spiders. Joy and Luna fought in starlight tandem. A beatific incandescent tandem that made them a beautiful terrible force. Suddenly, a sadness overtook Wenzi, a definite sadness for a partner like that. Not a mate, just a partner to fight with. To be that close with. To be in tandem with like that. Suddenly, Wenzi wished she had someone to be that close with, her two friends were close to her, but Vera and Alexandra were down there, fighting on the ground, unable to fight in the air, not when they were needed on the ground.
    Joy lashed out with an aubergine star, an aubergine star that was the size of a city bus, a star that vaporized Ragni by the dozen. Luna lashed out with an indigo star that destroyed just as many spiders. Arrows flew under Wenzi to sink into the eyes of spiders. Some bounced off their abdomens, yet others fell from the direct hits. Black arrows sailed from within the ranks of the Ragni Di Morte. Some aimed high in the air to hit their army on the ground. Others aimed directly for the aerial army. Wenzi's eyes searched over the wriggling mass of black bulbous bodies. "FIRE." She heard Vello roar. Flaming arrows flew under her. Wenzi searched searched searched, yet couldn't see anything, nothing but the black bulbous bodies. Silk lashed into her as she fell with the dragons. It was like getting punched by a metal fist into the thigh. Her armor repelled most of the punch, but it still hurt a little. A flaming eagle flew in and melted the silk before the spider could reel her in. She rose, wielding her flaming fans. She threw one, spinning through the air. It sliced through six dozen spiders before loosing momentum. She called it back with her telekinesis and dove yet again.
    As Wenzi dove again, she felt cold, cold air licking her bones, her scales. She looked up. The great comet and the stars that were flying from it were hidden, hidden, by clouds. Roiling clouds that looked blood red. Dark thunder clapped within those clouds. Dark thunder that Wenzi knew very well. "Snow thunder." She murmured as it boiled louder. Wenzi looked over her shoulder, butt she couldn't see Sarah through the Ragni and the army fighting below. She lashed out at a spider, and slaughtered several behind it. Drawing a line straight through their army, a line of burning corpses. Salt clung to the air, a puissant stinging scent of salt that Wenzi also knew well. Green lightning lashed within those clouds, deep green lightning. As the aerial army fell once more, Wenzi saw the lightning lash downward and vaporize a hundred spiders in one blast, leaving a gaping wound in the army. A gaping wound that they scrambled to fill.

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