Chapter Eight: Now I Realize Just Why We Never Saw Kneecora Shift Before

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    "Would we be those people?" Leia asked as we entered our own tent for the night. "What are you talking about?" Leia gave me a sly grin. "Irritate our flyer? You know, piss him/her off." "You probably, I'd just be too heavy." Leia laughed. "You're thick babe, little hefty in the ass, but not really." "Yeah ok, you pick me up and cart me around on your back all day see how heavy I am then." She snorted. "I don't think so." She reached to unbutton my jeans. "Geez girl what are you, a damned rabbit?" Snickering, Leia lifted her head. "I can be horny if I wish, besides, I do love your hips, every inch of you actually." Since she looked back down at my hips, I rolled my eyes over her head. She pulled my jeans down my thighs and her eyes darkened seeing the dark blue panties I wore. "Jesus, I swear." She ran her fingers over the thin fabric. "I wonder if I'll ever get over seeing you Sarah." "I know I got over you." I thought. Then I shivered, shivered because, it was true, and a thought I never thought, haha, I'd make.
    She reached for my panties with her mouth. I shoved her away. "What?" She asked, slightly put out. "Not your mouth, what are you an animal." "Well." She gave me that sly grin again, leaning back on her knees. "I could be." I snorted. But inside, I was bored and uninterested. "I'm tired." I lied yawning hugely. "And I don't wanna be stripped with teeth. I'd rather hands." "And I thought you were the kinky one in this relationship." I was too damned nervous to say, "There really is no relationship. There never was and I have no fucking idea why I allowed myself to believe there was one. But as I looked down at her, those green eyes alight with lust and glee, I realized that the love I wanted, no, the love I needed there, needed to be there to feel safe, to feel needed and wanted and cared for, wasn't. And, it may never be. I shook my head again as the icy lance hit home. "I'm tired." I wiggled out of my jeans and into bed. "What about your practicing with Sydney? How'd it go?" But I pretended I was sleeping, Leia sighed, and crawled in beside me.
When I woke, Someone was rubbing my shoulder. I moaned and rolled borrowing my face into the pillow. A male chuckle, vaguely familiar. I rolled, lifting my head. My eyes widened as I recognized Huntor's, dressed in that dragon scale garb he fell in love with in the Snow Kingdom, here, actually. I remembered where I was, what we were here for, fighting, for. "Huntor." I squeaked. I looked passed him. Leia was just leaving, and by the tent opening, Sydney, woah, holy shit. Her long inky black hair was out, which wasn't anything new, but the clothes she was wearing was. Rose-gold, her shirt and pants glistened just like Huntor's, her crown looked freshly polished. I looked at Huntor's crown, it too, looked freshly polished. I looked back at Sydney. Her dragon scale shirt was pure undiluted gold, as if ripped right out of the dawn and imbued into dragon scales. The shirt left her forearms bare, all the way up to her elbows, just like Huntor's. Then again, nothing about Sydney was delicate, nor Huntor, but the clothes they wore said volumes. A deception, just like when we first met the Snow Queen. Only this time, Sydney would give the image of a mate who seemed delicate, a little on the feminine side. But in truth, she was anything but female, except in body.
    I didn't even see any of the weapons I knew Huntor usually bore on his person. No sapphire sword, no staff, not even those fin-like daggers he loved. "I'm glad someone sees through our deception so easily." He noted. "That would technically be a bad thing Love." Said Sydney dryly. I sat up, and felt pleasure spool in my belly as the blanket lowered, showing my breasts through my yellow shirt. I still bore the panties thankfully, but still. Sometimes, I wished Huntor could see, well, he could, now, now that he was blessed from the Higher Beings. But he wouldn't react, not in the way I wanted. Sure enough, he didn't comment on my near nakedness, instead, he gestured to the other side of the bed, to where Leia slept. I looked over, and forgot about my little horniness myself. "I think this will interest you Sarah." My mouth fell open. A phalanx, a battalion could've marched in and blasted me with flames and I wouldn't have reacted. Folded neatly, was a silver-white shirt, and pants, with my boots tucked under them on the floor. "Huntor." I whispered. He gave me that wolfish grin, the one we all found dangerous, and sexy. "It's high time my gods had a new dress-code, new protection too, since we aren't fighting normal spiders." I just stared at the clothes. "Does—does—does everyone—"Only the gods." Which meant Kitana, myself, Audrey, and, and, and, "Oh Huntor." I threw myself out the bed and into his arms. I suddenly realized just why Sydney was there. Just to make sure I didn't go overboard. Just to make sure I didn't end up kissing him again, or more. He set me down and I ignored the need that glowed in me. Instead, I grabbed the shirt and tugged it on. It slid over my skin like silk, oh oops, bad pun. But it did, soft and smooth, yet strong as steel, stronger. I tugged my hair over the shirt. "Bout time I had this shit cut hmm." I said, fingering the hair that fell just to my thighs.
    I went for the pants, and they slid over my legs, and hips just as the shirt. I stared down at myself. "They, they, they,." I stopped, noticing how, just how modest they made me look. Underneath, you couldn't see the woman I was growing into. "Huntor." "You aren't her whore." He said, so gently, tears stroked my eyes just as gently. "She's long since dead, and it's time you've created a new you. Become someone you want to be, someone you want to be remembered as." I nodded and eyed Sydney again. Maybe she wasn't here for aggressive ballast. Maybe she was here because she not only agreed with Huntor, but wanted to show me that she cared about me, about how I was feeling. I slid my feet into the small boots, and squealed. "My feet got bigger, THEY GOT BIGGER." Sydney laughed. A deep, heartfelt sound that made every inch of my body, of my soul glow with pleasure. "YES YES YES YES YES." I jumped up and up on each yes. "Four and a half, four and a half, I'm a four and a half now, YESSS." Again, that deep heartfelt belly laugh from Sydney. "Ahhh Huntor, she's adorable." "I would know." He replied dryly, though a broad smile was evident on his face. "Come on you." He said, sliding an arm around my shoulders and taking Sydney's hand. "There's one more thing you need."
    Standing in place, staring at the thing he held in the broken down forges, I could only, would only stare. My indigo crown, freshly polished, freshly cleaned, nothing but brand new. "Let me." I said, taking it reverently. I slid it over my forehead and hooked it behind my ears. "Perfect." Sydney said, her own crown glistening in the light of the lights high high above. All around us, dracons broke down the camp as efficiently as ants at a picnic. As we turned and started walking back toward the front of the camp, the lights overhead started to glow brighter, in the reaction of dawn coming. The golden orb in their center glowed with vibrance. The eight lights danced around it in dizzying patterns. As we walked, I saw that dracons were in their dragon forms, and others were strapping supplies on to their backs. "And I thought Zavala was huge." I noted as I saw several even larger than she was. Huntor laughed softly. "Yeah, most are bigger, especially since Zeej is technically still a young one, very young compared to most of them. They have at least two centuries on her. Hell, her and Draco are young." Several of the dragons shifted their wings, readying for a long flight. He lead me up to the front to where the dragons I knew stood. Then he shocked me once again by pointing to Seeka. "You ride her back, Syd and I will ride Zeej's back." "Holy shit." I murmured as I approached her back. Seeka looked down at me and opened her jaws, her tongue lolling out drunkenly. I laughed at the feral dragon grin. Just because I could, I let my own tongue loll out. Seeka bowed, bowed deeply to me. I looked around and saw all the dracons bowing, to me, to Huntor, Sydney, to Kitana and Hecate, to Briella, in bronze scales, to Kupoa and Lucy, Lucy in a thin tiny shift, Kupoa in a pair of forest green pants and nothing else. Then, Decre appeared, landing in front of us, Kneecora right by him. They bowed, and turned to the rising dragons.
    "Snow Kingdom." He said, his powerful voice carrying over everyone. "I've lead you into battle with a dauntless hand. Trained you down to the core and never discounted the heart you came with. You became one dragon, one mind, one body, no matter the differences you have, no matter how far apart you are from each other. For nine centuries, I've lead you into battles, and because of that dauntless hand, we've won every one of them. But today marks the start of a new era in the indigo world, in indigo history. Today, we fight as one dragon with the Molten Kingdom. Today, Snow and Molten dracons fight side by side, a feet that has never been achieved since the first Snow Queen and Molten Lord overthrew the dragons that used them as toys." He spoke now to the Molten dracons. "I haven't lead you, haven't trained you, but I know Vello's and Theia's reputation, know their tenacity, their strength, and believe that we can work together. Tempers will run torrid, lives will be lost, I understand that. Many of us will not return from this. But every life, lost, or save, is a life that matters. We fight against warrior spiders, spiders who know battle, who are harder to kill. We fight against traders who have gone over to Arachne's side. Wherever the final battle takes place, everyone here knows and needs to know, that we fight as one being, one beast, one, dragon. ONE DRAGON." He roared it, and Seeka threw her head back and roared. Vello rose on his back legs and roared, blasting fire. Seeka mirrored him and fire lit the sky as all the Molten dracons blasted the air with fire. Huntor and Sydney shook the ground. But now I was looking, I saw an eccentric colored dracon inching her way toward Huntor and Sydney. Her scales were so purple they were near black, though the lights made her glow. She roared and threw her head back, but fire didn't jet from her jaws. Pure purple lightning zapped out in streaking lines, zapping higher, higher, higher, way above the limits of the flames, and hit the clouds high above. Thunder boiled and the whole sky lashed with purple lightning. But more, the dracon was small, and I mean small, smaller than Zavala. Nine feet long, eight maybe, from snout to tail.As the lightning lashed the sky, Decre and Kneecora began to shift.
    I suddenly realized just why I never saw the former Queen shift before, not Qudorzo, or Pheequa, or Quedesha, or, Decre. Their bodies elongated, more, more, more, more, more, more. As the lightning kept lashing, Decre and Kneecora landed on all fours, and threw their own heads back, roaring with primal terrifying power. Decre was fifty, sixty feet easy. His scales almost just as dark as Draco's, his black eyes filled with dragon power. But kneecora, Kneecora, she was a ninety foot long dragon of sky blue, the deepest sky blue. Her wings unfurled, long wide wings that spoke volumes, literally. I was certain both of them could fly for days, weeks, just glide over the world. A nudge against my arm. Seeka was nudging me. She wasn't the only one either. All of us, even Huntor and Sydney were transfixed by Decre and Kneecora. "Talk about a dramatic entrance." Huntor murmured reverently. Zavala nudged his arm and he started helping Sydney on to her back. He slid on behind her. Seeka lowered herself and I clambered on to her back. Now I looked, all the indigo-gods Huntor named had dragon scale clothes, even Arachne. Her's was pitch black, and her crown glistened in the dancing lights. Kitana's was purple, and matched her eyes perfectly, or, purpectly. Decre pointed his head to the South, and everyone followed suit. Then, he opened his wings, and started loping forward, picking up speed. Seeka fell into step along side Zavala, Vello to her left, Theia to Zavala's right. I looked ot the left, where Kitana, Holly and Kendra road Vello's back. Holly was grinning like a fool, seated between Kitana in front, and Kendra in back. I leaned forward, finding that the chinks in Seeka's armor worked as perfect saddle and stirrups. I grabbed and held on as she sped up. Then, I stopped, and stared. Every dracon, both Snow and Molten, ran in perfect synchronization. Every thump of their huge taloned paws was like thunder, all at once. Then, they flapped their wings, again, in perfect unison, and we all rose off the ground in a thunderclap of sound, in a storm of dracon power.

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