Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Dark Queen's Darker Thoughts

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She stood over the earthen trench that carved it's way through the rock. It sliced through the pure stone and erth, and into the labyrinthine network of the Forbidden Kingdom. It had been millennia since she'd returned here. Thousands of years since she set foot on these rocks. Rocks that might have meant something, thousands of years ago. Shale slid over the edge of the trench in front of her as she slid her male foot along it's edge, disturbing the shale. Every shade of brown, from palest badge to darkest soil. She ran her foot over the shale again, watched as they shifted, as some fell into the craggy trench before her. She looked upward, to the rolling semi-darkness of the sky. Smiling through her male face, she stared at that roiling darkness, darkness she had ensured. Darkness, that, with her power, she'd created. Darkness that, with her strength, imurred and empowered her spiders. Darkness, that fed them, making them more puissant, filling them with malice, with venom, with undiluted wrath.
Her male gaze rose to stare unblinkingly at the great lights far far north, twinkling like the moon on Earth. Her smile faltered slightly, and pure rage lit her boyish features. Rage, that two, young, barely hatched dragons outwitted her, outsmarted her, outmaneuvered her. She hadn't foreseen that her rise could, or would, recreate the Ilio Drakous. Hadn't foreseen that there would be two, not one. Hadn't foreseen that even in their deaths, Huntor and Sydney, would still win the battle. She had taken care of several loose lines. Dargonue had met his end, Kneecora had met her's, Amanda, her long faithful servant, the closest thing that the Dark Queen would ever come to know, as anything but a pet, she had met her timely destruction. Amanda had grown uncontrollable over the centuries, her deaths and resurrections destroying her mind. She soon became what her indigo power once was. Blood and gore filling her as lecherously as desire would. The Dark Queen knew that when Dargonue would send her to find Huntor, knew, that her death, and destruction, would come soon. And once Huntor had slaughtered her, it was time for her final resurrection, her final rise. Yes, it was time for her death, and her true spirit to be destroyed. Amanda's essence was no more. Dargonue's essence was no more. Kneecora's essence, was, no, more. Even with her miscalculation, over the dragons, she still had that last card to play. Allow Kneecora to live, and let Huntor slay her and the death girl to slaughter her spirit. They may have won a few battles, but it would be the Dark Queen, who won the war. She'd destroy those lights in the north, destroy them, and return both worlds to darkness. Then, she'd take on the Higher Beings, and destroy them for delisting her, demoting her, turning her into this shadow of a creature.
She'd destroy them, but, one, step, at, a, time. She stared through the boy's eyes, stared, at the great trenches that crossed the lands, at the Forbidden Kingdom. Forbidden, because of reasons no one knew, no one, but her. She knew what happened here, knew exactly what happened here, and, what, would, happen here. Through the boy's face, she stared distantly at the trenches. War, great war, thousands of years ago had destroyed this place, destroyed it, and she'd lost, lost, in a huge way. She'd fallen from the great castle. Delisted, demoted, degraded, insulted. Her powers stripped, her memories stolen, her gates closed. She trembled, rage roiling through her. The useless mortal flesh shook as her true form wanted to take form. As she wanted to unleash her true body. Unleash it, and roar, roar to the sky, bellow in rage, ire, furor, bellow as she once had when she rose. When she burst from the mountain, and bellowed her rise. Shed her worthless mortal flesh. The flesh of the male she'd created, twin to the female, the female who betrayed her. The female, she, was, denied. Rage boiled in her as she remembered. Weak, weak weak weak. She created her, fueled her with her essence, her memories, her consciousness. She made her, and yet her own denied her.
It was the same as the other, as Sydney. She'd allowed Dargonue to create the IndoDragon. To create her, and break her. She was the Dark Queen's own visage. What the Dark Queen once was. And yet, and, yet, and, yet, yet, yet, yet, she, was, denied. Denied, because of Huntor. The Dark Queen realized this, realized that she had put the two most powerful creatures together, and instead of killing each other, as what should've happened, they ended up mating, and making each other all the more puissant. She remembered how she'd poisoned Sydney's mind, feeding on her fear, her terror, her pain and agony. It had awoken the Dark Queen, it had embodied her. Her consciousness had awoken more and more. She'd locked the girl away in her own mind, locked her away, as her own consciousness began to meld with her's. As she began to control her, see through her green eyes. As she began to taste food and drink again, as she began to live, to truly live again. Yet again, she was overthrown. Her essence destroyed by Sydney. But she'd had a backup plan, had a solution. Another, solution. The two sleeping indigo she had created. It had been a gamble, a hard card to play, she had to use a lot of her own consciousness to create them, and it had sent her back under for a number of decades, decades, that turned into centuries. However, she had awoken, and rose, yet with only one alternate form, not the two she was once promise, that she was once gifted with. Now she couldn't go among the humans, now she had to wait, wait until she had the might of this world before she returned to Earth.
She wanted her blood. To feast on Sydney's flesh, to taste it, to shred it from her body, to slurp her blood, to eat her muscle, to break her bones. She wanted to rend her to pieces. She wanted to hear those screams again. To fuel on them again. To taste her fear, to drink it all in once more. And she would, oh, she would. But she knew she had to wait, she needed her patience. She needed, to, wait. She'd waited a long, long, long, long, long time for several players to be taken off the board for her. Khione had met her end. Kimopoleia had met her end. And so, both Sydney, and Huntor, would meet their end. She, just, needed, her, patience. The Dark Queen once more looked below. Soon, these trenches, these great canyons would be filled with blood and gore. Soon, this land would be her land, soon, she truly curse the higher beings, curse the indigo world, and Earth. She'd destroy everything, everything, as they had destroyed her. Armies, armies would battle, would battle, though it would be pointless. Her armies far surpassed anything Huntor could've accumulated. Whereas he had only weeks, she had centuries. Centuries to build her army. And, most of her's were already created. Her true Ragni Di Morte were already created, just sleeping as she was. Already created, bred for battle, their exoskeleton harder than the ones she unleashed before. These, ready for slaughter.
She had awoken them when she realized that the drakous were alive once more. Had ensured she would need them, along with the other monsters she accumulated. Whereas they had twenty thousand, she had fifty thousand. Ragni Di Morte, vampires, werewolves, devils, special hybrids. And, that wasn't to mention that she had her chambers recreated here. Had her seat of power recreated here. Another gamble, another risk, but she knew that in time, she'd become powerful enough, Puissant enough, to take on Earth, and, by extension, the Higher Beings. She'd take back her throne, by force, and bee rid of their's. She stared down at the canyon again, at the sightless bottom. "They will fall." Said the Dark Queen, her high voice spooling from the boy's lips like sweet nectar, if the nectar was from the most venemous flower. If that flower was bred in every cell to kill. "Soon, they will all fall, and I will rise once more here. Once more, this will be my Kingdom. Where my Ragni will run free." The Dark Queen was well aware that Huntor's army was small, small and useless. His friend Amala's army was small, useless, frivolous, against her's. His little band of gods wouldn't and couldn't stand against the sheer mass of her spiders, her heavily, armored, spiders. Yesss, yesss, she was well aware that her spiders were well prepared for this. Well aware, that she was ready, and they, her enemies, were, not.
Arachne stared over the craggy edge, her male eyes staring at the bottom. Below, her Ragni were there, working on the canyon, working to lay the traps necessary to finish off Huntor's precious army before they even hit her new lands. The new territory, new, kingdom, she'd call her own. The Forbidden Kingdom, would be, forbidden. When she spilled Drakous blood, then the entire indigo world would finally fear and recognize her. When they fell, the world would fall. The she could return, and lay carnage to Earth. Those human fools not accepting the indigo. She knew they'd turn their backs to Huntor's precious Symbol, the Higher Beings did it to her. Why shouldn't the humans do the same? Why shouldn't they reject what they do not understand? The indigo were monsters to them, "Thanks to Dargonue." That really went according to plan. The humans feared and abhorred the indigo, the thing that could very possibly save them. Feared, and in turn, abhorred, exactly, as, she'd, intended. With Dargonue's intervention, with his corruption, with everything he did, the humans not only wanted to slaughter the indigo, but destroy everything about them. Now, when she entered their world for the final strike, she'd destroy the humans all across their precious world. Every human slaughtered, slayed by her spiders. And, then, she'd stand over their bodies. She'd stand over every death, and raise her pincers. By then oh, by then, she'd shed this mortal flesh, and dawn her true skin, and drink in her power, ready, to face the Higher Beings. "So, they will all die by my hands." In her young male body, she'd walked along the ledge, the deadly drop looming below. One slip, one slight miscalculation, and she'd drop, and without her instincts, without her powers, her death would be long and vicious. But she had no intention of dying, no intention on falling, on falling, once, more. She looked ahead now, where those contraptions waited, her vampires ready to control them. "Yes, they will have no idea of the power we will bring, the power, I, will bring." The Dark Queen moved further along the canyon edge. A huge labyrinthine web spanned below her vantage point. The Ragni finished the web, almost invisible to anyone else. The Dark Queen smiled viciously, baring herr boy teeth. A vampire swooped overhead, his bat wings flapping loudly. He landed a few feet away from the Dark Queen, and folded his wings. "Report." He bowed low, then spoke. "Majesty, they approach from the North as predicted. The Dark Queen nodded. "As predicted," the vampire continued. "The Snow and Molten Kingdoms have merged, they fly in unison." "How many?" "Five thousand." "Intriguing." The Dark Queen's voice could never be mistaken for intrigued. Malice and feral cooing purred through that word. Pure undiluted wrath, lust, and venom filled her voice. "Have the vampires fed?" "As ordered, none of the vampires have fed, from any dialect." "Good," purred the Dark Queen. "I want everyone at their, strongest." The vampire shivered, trembling under the dripping venom in the boy's voice. He just couldn't help himself. He followed the Dark Queen's rule, followed her rule to the very end. But he couldn't deny that her ways were just a bit too anarchy-like for him. For everyone. Those who dared to speak, knew that the Dark Queen was filled with venomous vengeance. Knew, that she was tipping over a very thin edge, and that she was taking them all with her. It all didn't matter to him, ok, it kind of did. He wanted to feed freely, without restraint, and the Dark Queen would ensure that his kind could. That they'd feed and feed, feed, feed, feed, feed, and, feed. That there'd be forever darkness and they wouldn't have to dig graves to sleep during the day. Well, for those who were of that dialect. Some didn't have to sleep during the day, however glowed in the daylight, eluding what they were.
The vampire bowed deeply, ad opened his wings to fly off. "With your consent Majesty." The Dark Queen waved her boy hand. The vampire flew off. "Soon," he purred. "Soon soon soon soon, soon." Ice filled his blood, those male veins, those male bones that housed the female entity. Two Ragni Di Morte moved pass, and the Dark Queen said, "Freeze." They did, stopping dead in their tracks. "I'd like to know the state of my weapons." Both spiders bowed deeply. "We are still on the search for the two blades." Said one in a beautiful male voice. "The swords will be archaic." Said the other. "Will they?" Purred the Dark Queen. "Yes." Said both spiders. "Good." They shifted slightly. "The final battle will be upon us soon. And we, will, be, ready. We, will, overpower them all." Hunger undulated, uncoiled through everything word, through the air between the Dark Queen and her two spiders.

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