Chapter Forty: Call Of The Dawn Of The Dragons

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    They burst into the world. One gold, one sapphire, one born of the earth, one born of the sea. They spun together in an endless dance, a dance akin to the lights they had created. The lights that had exploded out of them. Sydney's eyes glowed a burning gold in the darkness, in the light of their power, of their new power. Huntor's eye, a single eye, in the center of his forehead, glowed deepest brightest sapphire. They continued to spin together in an endless dance. Huntor's arms wrapped around her waist. They kissed, kissed, as the power accumulated, as it multiplied exponentially through them. As the new life that grew inside Sydney danced along it's parents. They reached the ether high high high above where the clouds would normally be on Earth. Their power roared, lashing outward like blazing stars. Roiling through the air as lashing flames. Sending off sparks as great as buildings on Earth. They came apart, and spun through the air, their hair lashing about them beatifically, as they flashed incandescently. As their power grew, grew, and grew, and grew, and grew, and, grew. They came together, entangled in each other's embrace. Their power grew, power they inherited from the first Sun Dragon.
    On Earth, people stared up at the sky, stared, as lights lashed beatifically. As if meteors were showering the planet from space. Meteors, that were a herald of what was to come. Though the indigo knew. Those who were on Earth, both in the Symbol and out of it, knew what was coming. Knew the meteors that were showering the planet were precursors to the tumult that would arrive. All across the globe, more and more people looked toward the sky, all seeing the same phenomenon. Across the planet, newscasters hurried to their stations. All trying to get the latest on the event. But one newscaster knew. Knew, when she looked outside, and witnessed it, saw the lashing lights like flames. Knew what was happening. She hurried to her secured indigo phone, and shot a message off. "All gods hear prayers, even the indigo ones." Knowing the truth, and taking it to heart, she hurried to get dressed, and get online, to tell the story, the true undiluted story, of the indigo, she, trusted. Of the indigo, who were turned into gods, and who were fighting the fight, to bring the sun back. "This just in." That was the general start, of every newscaster worth their dime, worth their buck. "This just in," "This just in," "This just in," "This just in," "This just in,""This just in," "This, just, in."
    Sahara stood outside one of the many secret tunnels that lead into the Dark Queen's underground world. A secret tunnel she'd created. Created, just to keep herself invisible as she moved throughout her world. To stay out of sight, as she watched them. Sahara had a mission of her own. A mission, that she needed to get back to. But she stood there, invisible, watching the great carve in the indigo world. Watching the barren landscape. Her scorpions were scattered about. Some in encampments. Some hunting, some being sent off as bate to the indigo. Yet she stood there. A desert princess, far far away from her home. A desert princess who was to live to be a queen, who would live to be a queen. Who'd inherit miles upon miles of open lands, open, dead, lands. Sahara shook her head. Her and the Dark Queen were similar beings. Yet Sahara wasn't planning to go to such vast and deadly lengths to achieve what she wanted, what, she was born into. As she turned, somethign told her to look up, her sixth sense, something. As she did, lights lashed brightly. At first, it was a quick lash, no more than a flick of the eyelash. Yet as she watched, more lights lashed high up, higher than the ether. She frowned, unable to fathom what she was clearly seeing. "What?" She asked, staring up at the sky. Skittering legs crawled up her arm, and she raised the scorpion to her cheek. It whispered in her ear, and she nodded. She set it carefully down, and stared up at the sky. "So, it's time." She looked down as the scorpion glowed, glowed as it's body flashed with it's signature light, and fled off. Looking up one more time, Sahara smiled grimly. "Let the war, truly, begin."
    Huntor and Sydney continued their dance across the sky. Their entangling, their separating, their rotation, as they eased closer, closer, closer. Slowly reaching their zenith. Like the great God Apollo, like the Titan Hilios for which they were named, like the God Ra, like the sun gods before them, they crawled across the sky, their dance continuing, as they neared their zenith, as they neared their noon. Huntor spun, flinging his mate across the sky, she spun with puissant ease, languid passion, and came back crashing into her mate with puissant ferocity. Light lashed powerfully at the crash, and exploded off them in great blazing stars. Stars that flew across the indigo world, falling on to Earth as great puissant meteors that did not harm, or destroy. But herald the great puissant event. Blazing stars that were a puissant precursor, to the incandescent event yet to come. Sydney threw Huntor and he spun, sapphire power licking off him like ribbons, like sun rays. As he sailed back and lashed back into her, his light merged with her's in a great cataclysmic burst. A cataclysmic burst that flashed a burning golden red. They continued to spun about the planet, their powers lashing puissantly again, again, again, fueling what they knew would come.
    No words were necessary. No "I love yous." No, "I want to spend my life with yous." "No, "I'm your mate, you're mine." They weren't necessary, because they could feel it, feel it in their bond. In the mating bond that burned like a sun. That fueled their lives. The bond that fueled the new babe that grew in Sydney's belly. Imbuing the babe with a puissant immortality both parents never planned. As Sydney threw Huntor across the sky, he rolled through the air languidly. His braids lashing about him, sapphire indigoism lashing off him in strands. He lashed back and slammed into her, light exploded off them, as the power grew, and grew, and grew, and, grew. Kneecora glanced toward the sky, glanced, as the last of the spiders were dispatched. She threw her head back and roared. Other dracons took notice, and bellowed to the sky. To the thing that they knew was coming. Kneecora rose to her back legs, roaring her war cry, her battle cry. Kitana saw it too, saw the lights that streaked the sky, the lights that flew passed, sailing over the Forbidden Kingdom and beyond, heralding what was to come. "Well shit," murmured Kamala, stepping to one side, as Amala stepped to the other. "They did it, they actually did it." Both sisters spoke in unison. Something I never heard them do before. "Well, they're at least starting, truly starting." I corrected them. "They found the crown." They said in unison. "And, are really doing it." More lights lashed passed, brighter then before, as more lights of different shades passed overhead. "We need to get out there." Kitana said. "What?" Asked both of them together. "Ok, you've gotta stop that." Kitana said. "Huh?" Then they seemed to realize it. Shaking their heads and smiling, they faced me. "We need to get out there."she said, gesticulating to the Forbidden Kingdom. "There is no fucking way Arachne will let that go down. She'll give us all she has now. There'll be no playing, no little camps for us to invade, no, she'll give us her all."
The huge camp, miles long, was organized bedlam. Dracons in both partial and full dragon form, rushed almost pell-mell about, packing, grabbing already sharpened weapons. Indigo slid on their glasses, letting them immure their faces, letting their crowns activate their suits. Camille, Jeffry, Lorna. Joy and Luna, Hecate Leia, Vera Alexandra. Two girls came out of a tent, their instruments strapped to their backs. Violin and Cello, their blind faces determined as they moved to stand by a dragon. Wenzi walked through the disassembling camp, her body alive with fire as it stirred, roiling to the surface. As Wenzi walked, her mask in place, flames danced off her. Her mask glistened over her indigo crown. Joy and Luna held hands, their faces immured, yet their powers glistening over them all the same. Deep down in their souls, they bashed again and again at the cage, climbing and climbing that cliff to reach that power, that power they knew would change them, so long as they reached it.
As the camp disassembled, the gods and their counterparts neared the edge of Forbidden territory. Together, they stared out, at the dark kingdom, at the sky, where their leaders grew more and more powerful, powerful enough to do the thing that would bring the sun back. Expanding behind them, dracons, werewolves, and other indigo stepped, to aid the gods in battling the dark and bringing back the sunlight. As Kitana, Amala and Kamala stood, just a few yards away from the edge, they watched, readying themselves. Kitana took a deep breath, and turned, turned to face the thousands of warriors behind her. She opened her mouth, preparing the thing she knew she had to say. "Indigo," her voice carried. Carried over the many many heads, into the many ears, into the brains and hearts of the many warriors. "This is the end for us, for all of us, but it is also the beginning for us." She took a deep breath. "This war, a war that has been fought for centuries, a war, that no one knew but the Molten dracons, a war, in which everyone will live, and die. This war, is going to come to an end, to, a true, final, end." The dracons roared. Kitana's words became louder, her voice never cracking, her tone staying strong, deep, puissant. "We may die," she bellowed. "But we will never be forgotten." The dracons and werewolves roared. "When this war is over, they will write novels about us. They will sing songs about our fall, our triumphs. They will trumpet our victories. They will sing and stomp about us, loud enough to deafen us in the after life we go to." Camille and Jeffry screamed along side the rest of the army.
"When we die," shouted Kitana. "The wolves will howl our names to the moon, when we die, dragons will roar our names to the sun and sky. When we destroy the Dark Queen, when we destroy Arachne, we, will, bring, balance, once, more." The army roared, Lucy and Kupoa crying their call. Across the lands behind them, the call was answered, answered, by more wolves, more wolves who pounded the soil to get to them, who raced along through the slowly lightening sky. Wolves, who were joined by satires and fawns, by nymphs and all manner of indigo creatures. Glowing sparkles rose from a forest, thousands upon thousands of Tinkers, all of myriad shades and colors. All spoiling for the fight, the war. They screamed in answer to Lucy and Kupoa, they screamed, and flew off, flying toward the Forbidden Kingdom, racing to be a part of the great war, the greatest war in indigo history. As they flew, more and more tinkers flew up to join them. All of different shades, all of different colors, thousands upon thousands until they became a million tinkers. All flying to join the war. Carnivorous plants bent and twisted in the Dodonian lands, as their occupants, their hosts left their safety, and raced off. Commanded by the Dark Phoenix, who stood ahead of his own army, his mate at his side, her clear blue eyes hardened by battle, as his purple eyes were hardened by age. They held hands, as more and more carnivorous dryads left their homes, and joined them. Phoenix looked toward Callianna, their gazes locked for a moment, purple into blue. Her golden fleece glowed around her shoulders, as his black fleece drank in her light, her love, her affection. He raised his sword, and shouted, "CHARGE." Behind them, the people of Dodona roared and raced off. Raced off to join the great war.
Down below the soil, racing through secret tunnels their ancestors created. The Gagaians raced along, their powers carving through the world. Thousands upon thousands of them, using the earth in the way only they could. Racing, sliding, sledding through the undergroud roads. Through their underground railroads. Far away, in a forgotten kingdom. In a forgotten place, dracons stirred. Dracons, of different shades, dracons of a forgotten race. Dracons, who answered the rise of their queen. Their queen, who was reborn. Reborn, into her rightful body. Two walked, her limp form between them, as she lay, unconscious, but her heart restored, her body restored. They glanced up at the sky, at the lights that raced West, in the same path as the sun. Telling the Earthen Dracons, where the final war was taking place. "The Forbidden Kingdom." Said one, her deeply accented voice full and powerful as she took the limp body's weight. "Round up the dracons, spread the word, the Dark Queen, is going to fall." The two male dracons sped off, the ground paving a path for them. "Come my queen." Said the female dracon as she carried the body. "We owe the reborn dragons a debt we could never repay, but, that's not to say we won't try." Already knowing what to do, she turned, and hurried off. On a distant cliff, overlooking a vast inland sea, dracons stood, their pure white wings glistening as the lights traveled further and further west. Dracons, who, like the Earthen Dracons, were forgotten by time. Who were meant to be forgotten. Dracons, who's power was perhaps as deadly as the Snow and Molten Dracons, dracons, who's power was just as deadly as the Earthen.
"It is time." Said one male. "Time we come out of hiding. Time we rise to join our brethren in the greatest war. Time we play our part." The dracons, the Selene Dracons, the, Moon, Dracons, opened their wings, line upon line of wings, all of different shades, from purest white, to deepest gray. Line upon line of Moon Dracons. As one, they rose into the air, a host of twenty thousand Selene Dracons. As one, they took to the air, and, as one, flew southeast, to the Forbidden Kingdom. Where they knew, war, was. Across the main indigo island, as big as Pangea once was on Earth, dracons of the twelve different races came out of hiding, arming themselves to join the great war. The Selene Dracons flew in unison, their wingbeats sounding like roiling thunder. In a distant forest, a king of scales and venom, rose from his throne, his green eyes glowing as he hissed, answering the call to arms. Turning he faced his Lieutenant. "Gather the men. It's time for war." "Yes Milord." The serpent humanoid shifted into a snake and slithered away. The serpent king stared off, at the lights that grew brighter and brighter with every beat of his heart. "Finally." He said. "LET'S GO, AND FINISH THIS WAR." Shouted Kitana. "LET'S GO, AND MAKE HISTORY. LET'S GO, AND HOIST OUR COLOURS, JOIN OUR NATIONS, ONE PEOPLE, ONE INDIGO, ONE DRAGON, ONE WEREWOLF." They screamed, roaring at her, roaring at the sky. "LET'S DIE AS ONE, WHEN WE DIE, WEWILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN." "ONE DRAGON." Bellowed Kitana. "ONE DRAGON." They Roared back. "ONE WEREWOLF." "ONE WEREWOLF." "ONE DRYAD, ONE NYMPH, ONE INDIGO." They roared the words back. Kitana turned, facing the Forbidden Kingdom. Vello stepped to her side. Kendra already sat atop him. She scaled his flank, sitting in front of her. In the back of her mind, she worried for Audrey, hoped she found Zavala. Knew she would. As the gods mounted their dragons, Kitana raised her arm, Leia mirrored her. The gods and their indigo raised their arms. Leia screamed, green lightning shot down from the sky, thunder crashing along side it. The dracons rose, the army on their backs. Those who couldn't fly, riding those who could.
Down in the Keep, the Dark Queen was livid. "NOW." She shouted to her spiders. They scrambled into their lines, fleeing up the tunnels to the surface. Arachne raged, her boyish face alive with ire. With a puissant furor that terrified even her demons, even the monsters she created. "SAHARA." She bellowed, her boyish voice, his voice cracking. "SAHARA SAHARA, SAHARA, SAHARA." But, there, was, no, response. Deep down, deep down in that rotten soul of the Dark Queen. Glee glowed. The Sun Dragons had done it, done the deed and slayed their crown, gained their power. Now she need only face them, face them, destroy them, steal their power. She'd need only do that, and she'd achieve her most puissant form, she could finally shed this mortal flesh and assume her true body. "Soon," snarled Arachne. "Soon." As her spiders fled her wrath, fled her rage, fled what they feared, she stared around, her boyish face livid, rage and joy mixing together in a boiling soup of emotion. Glee and terror poured along side them, deepening the flavor of emotion. The Dark Queen's hands shook as she lifted a cup to her mouth, as she sniffed, as she tasted, as she remembered the way she needed to take. As she tried to keep that mortal flesh on her bones. Like an ill-fitting costume, her mortal flesh shook, as she tried to keep a hold of it. As she tried to keep it, herself, together. But the rage, the rage at the gods, at her spiders, at the Sun Dragons. As she tried to reassure herself every step was taken, as she tried to reassure herself they never outwitted her, never outsmarted her. As she heard the call of the dawn of the dragons. She called her spiders, called her spiders, to war.

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