Chapter Forty-Five: Didn't Set Only Have One Child? Who Is This?

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    Thunder boiled, lightning lashing within the depths of the clouds. Green lightning lashed out, a talon through prey. Clawing the Ragni apart, the lightning slashed it's way through the army. Sound bent, and for the briefest moment, the battle went quiet, not because everyone froze, but because someone was bending sound itself. Alexandra stood, a quarter mile deep in the enemy, her hands before her, her masked face terrifying as she bent sound to her will. As she waved her hands, and, sound, exploded. The eardrums of the enemy werewolves exploded, as did the eardrums of the enemy vampires. Driven deaf they stumbled in the air, unable to gather their balance. The battle turned, turned, as the vampires in the air swooped as one, and regrouped, several hundred yards away from the aerial army. The Ragni paused, seeing this, as the enemy werewolves did the same. As one, the Ragni force retreated, scattering backward in unison like a machine. Crawling over the dead and dying, they fled away from the indigo army. Vera spotted Alexandra and made her way over, struggling through the ocean of death that surrounded them, a waist high mass of blood and gore. A mass of flesh and bone, of disintegrating corpses. Dragging herself through it all, like pushing through wet repugnant mud with chunks of dirt in it. "Are you alright?" Asked Alexandra. "I, I think so." Said Vera. Turning, they struggled their way back to their side of the canyon. The clouds still roiled, thunder still boiling within their depths. A dracon swooped overhead, and Alexandra said, "Hey," using her power over sound to make her voice carry. The dracon lowered, and they clambered on to her back. Another dracon swooped by, baring the weight of Kitana and Kendra. Wenzi swooped in, her red hair flying behind her in a braid. "How are you both?" She asked. "We're ok." Said Vera. Wenzi flew along side their dracon as they flew over the ocean of flesh and blood, of bones and savagery.
    "Wait," called Diana as the sound returned, and, a few minutes later, the vampires pulled back. "Is it over?" Asked an archer. Diana didn't reply, not as the ragni too, as one, pulled back. "I don't think so, no." Said Diana. "No, whatever Alexandra did shocked them, shocked them enough to regroup, and figure something out." She lowered her bow completely, then hooked it on to her back. "You shot well, we made a difference, and that's the important thing." She wasn't talking to the seasoned dracons, the seasoned dracon warriors. No, she was talking to the others, to Jeffry, to Camille, to Hecate and Lorna, to Cello and Violin. Diana could see the doubt on their faces, the doubt that they couldn't mask. "Come, let's greet our friends." She said, turning inland, to their camp, as the dracons flew overhead. Camille shifted into a great bird, and Jeffry and Lorna sat on her back. Hecate faded into mist. Diana shifted into a hummingbird as more dracons flew in, some staying as lookouts. As she landed to meet with the others, she looked around, shifting back to her human form. Flames still danced off Wenzi, Joy and Luna's eyes still twinkled, starlight still rippling off them in sparks. Dracons posted themselves near to the demarcation line, staring out at the enemy force that writhed about together. The ocean of death lay, still and foreboding, a mockery of the great sea, a mockery, filled with the deaths of all they'd lost already. Spotting Kitana, Diana made her way over toward her. Thunder rumbled softly, lightning however still clawed it's depths, green sharp lightning. As they walked together, Diana searched her sister for any wounds. Kitana did the same, staring deeply into Diana before nodding. "I wasn't in the thick of it though." "No, but there could be deeper ones." She said, touching her face. Diana blinked, seeing the humanity in her sisters gaze, seeing it return, and seeing the godliness coil deep within her. Together, they walked into the war tent, and spotted Vello, Seeka, Theia, and the three Snow dracon siblings, Qudorzo Pheequa and Quedesha. Brooklyn walked in, her gaze trailing around the room, before settling on the map laid out on a table. When everyone was in the tent, all eyes turned toward Alexandra. "Well aimed trick girl." Said Kamala, her gaze showing pride. "I didn't think I could do it to be honest. I didn't think I'd be that powerful, that strong, to be able to aim at at the enemy and not my friends." "I'm proud of you." Said Vera, touching her arm. "Well, you were, and you gave us what we needed." Said Decre, his gaze turning toward the tent doors. "We're vastly outnumbered out there. We need all the surprises we can muster, all the surprises we can have. And, something tells me, that we won't see our Sun Gods until the Dark Queen makes an appearance." "They're coming," Said Sarah, her voice coming out distant and dreamy. "I can feel them, feel them crawling as fast as the comet will allow, they're coming." Leia nodded. "I can feel them too, the strength of the comet, of their power, of who they are, they have to burn the chains the Dark Queen placed on the world, and that'll take time." "Time we're steadily running out of." Said Seeka.
    Sarah opened her mouth, ire alive in her face. "No one's doubting them Sarah." Said Holly. "It's just we're vastly outnumbered, as Decre said. We're stupendously outnumbered, and even with gods to fight with us, we can't hope to make a significant dent in their forces by the time they get here." Sarah grumbled as did Camille. "We need more allies." Said Theia. "If we're going to hold off this army enough, we need need need more indigo to fight with us." "Well, I hope my children can help with that." Said a raspy voice. Suddenly, everyone had their weapons ready. Kitana stepped in front of Holly. Holly snorted and stepped to her side. Chains rattled, and from nowhere, as if she was stepping out from behind an invisible curtain, a woman stepped into view. The most striking thing, was the crown atop her head. A crown in the shape of a scorpion. Kitana snarled viciously as did the other werewolves, yet it was Camille who acted first. "SCORPION QUEEN." She shouted, flinging an indigo spinner. The woman held up a hand and the spinner bounced off a shield of sand that appeared out of nowhere. Sarah stepped forward, her eyes going glacial as they stared into the woman, the, goddess's red eyes. "You." She nodded. "Me." "You are the queen of those monsters, of those demons." "I am." Said the goddess. "You do realize you are surrounded, right?" Said Jeffry, his indigo gun cocked. "Surrounded with nowhere to go, nowhere to hide." "Strange, seeing as you weren't aware of my presence, until now." Realizing this, Jeffry slightly lowered the weapon yet raised it again. "What is your reason for being here?" Asked Kitana. "It's clearly not to declare war, if that were the case, you'd be over there on the opposite side, speaking to them. So, why are you here?" "Because I've played the other side enough, and am ready to declare my legions to the true victors of this war." "Give us one good reason why we shouldn't have you slaughtered where you stand." She tilted her head. "I thought I just gave you one." "How do we know that?" Asked Holly. "Your creatures damn near killed our friend, have killed several dracons, and I'd bet on your orders." "On the orders of Arachne." "Who you let give orders." She tilted her head in acknowledgement. "Fair enough, yes, I allowed her to order my scorpions to slaughter your kin girl. Yes, I am aware of your phobia to them, and I apologize for that. Apologize for the fact they scare you right down to the bone, however, the Dark Queen and I have different end goals." "Is that so?" Asked Kitana harshly. Brooklyn stepped a little closer, her eyes glowing green. "And what, happen to be your reasons?" "I don't wanna see the worlds end. I don't want the worlds to forever be cloaked in darkness." "And, again, what is it you want?" "A place among the indigo." SilenceReigned after her words.
    "Excuse me?" Asked Leia. "You, want a place? Don't you have one already?" "Clearly not." Said the goddess. "I mean have a place to walk among you without fear, without hatred, without my kin being hunted or driven away." She stepped forward, her eyes betraying her enough to show exactly what Brooklyn was seeing. "I want my kin to be able to walk among you, to be accepted by indigo society, to be able to move among you and live among you in mutual harmony." She turned to Seeka. "You already allowed yourselves to be seen by humanity, so has the Dark Queen. They know their nightmares and dreams exist. My creatures are no such thing, they are who they are, and can't help that, all they want, all I want, is to be accepted by my fellow gods." "Who are you?" Asked Amala. "Sahara, goddess of the desert and scorpions, child of Set." "Never heard of you, and I studied the Egyptians." Said Camille. "I'm not really noticed, hence why." Said Sahara. "Listen, if I was an enemy, I'd already have slaughtered all of you, I'd already have my scorpions swarm your camp. You need us, as you stated already." Kitana snarled, but Brooklyn said, "She's telling the truth, has been this whole time." Kitana rounded on her. "Don't you think I know that, we know that. We do need her forces, we need as many as we can get." Kitana took a deep breath, and turned back to the desert queen. "How many?" "Twenty thousand." Sarah shook her head. "Not enough. Nowhere near enough." "We know." Said Kendra dryly. "But it's twenty more than we already had." Finished Kitana. Sarah shuttered. "Great, just fucking great." "I apologize that my—-"Save it." Snapped Sarah her eyes going glacial again.

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