Chapter Forty-One: We May Be Star-Born, But They Are Sun-Born

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They stood, two armies standing against each other. Two combatants, two forces, ready to defend what they believed. Spiders stood, pincers waving, eyes glistening in the lights of the blazing stars that the Sun Dragons created, the stars that lashed by overhead. Dragons from both Snow and Molten stood against the spiders. The gods scattered in the front lines. Other indigo along with them. High on a cliff edge, archers were stationed, Diana at their front. As the Ragni Di Morte army grew, and grew, and grew, and, grew. "Shit." Murmured Briella. The Ragni Di Morte army spanned nearly the entire section of the great canyon. Nearly spanned it wall to wall. Left to right, right to left. Within Joy and Luna, they climbed as fast as they could, trying their hardest to reach the top of that cliff, where they new their power was. Yet, as Luna began to slip, as she began to slide down the cliff face. Joy threw out a mental hand, and snatched her sister's fingers. Luna looked up, and, within their shared minds, within that bond only twins could have, Luna saw the determination and grit in Joy's eyes, in their shared eyes. "We aren't failing them." She snarled, and yanked on Luna's arm. Luna touched the rock, trying to find a perch. Joy kept her gaze on Luna as she found her footing, and, together, they climbed the cliff. And, this time, the cliff did not crumble. Where they stepped together, they found grip. Where they pulled, no rock fell with them. They climbed further and further up the cliff face, as the Ragni Di Morte army grew and grew and grew on the canyon floor. Thousands upon thousands of Ragni Di Morte, ten thousand, twenty thousand. The number grew and grew as more of the spiders clambered out of holes in the canyon walls. As they clambered out of holes in the Forbidden Kingdom. "Thirty thousand." Murmured Kneecora. Lucy and Kupoa stood, their arms slightly extended in front of them. Lucy's fingers glittered with telekinetic claws. Her mouth gaped, revealing those fangs.
"Forty thousand." Said Pheeka. Briella snarled, her eyes glowing, they were hard, yet deep down, terror crawled. Jeffry stared, his face alive with fear at the sheer mass of spiders before him. Lorna reached out, grasping his hands, squeezing them in comfort. Qudorzo and Decre stared, their weapons at the ready. "Forty-five." Said Seeka dryly. "We know how to count." Snarled a soldier. "Just keeping you well informed." She said slyly. Cello and Violin stood a few rows away from the front line of the archer's cliff, their eyes closed, hands clasped. Alexandra stood on one side of Wenzi, Vera on the other. Both girls stared at the growing army of spiders, and wondered the same thing. "How?" "Fifty-five." Said Kneecora. "Will they attack as soon as they're all congregated?" Asked Holly. "No," said Amala. Kneecora agreed. "What is the purpose of fear if you don't let it fester like an open wound. If you don't let it bleed and poison your prey." "Ok," said Briella. "We didn't need that image before battle." Kneecora looked apologetic. "Forgive me girl. I meant no harm." Briella shook her head. "I know. We don't have Huntor to sugar sweeten it." "He never did that." Snapped Camille. "He did though, in a way that came off honest." "No, Best Friend would never—"Enough." Said Kitana. "Look guys, now isn't the time to argue over how gentle or not he might have been. He's not here now, but," she gestured to the sky. "It's time, they're going to bring back the sun, it's our duty to do our part and fight for them." Camille grumbled, but Kitana ignored her. "Yes, to answer your question my pup, they will most likely not attack us right away. They'll wait, wanting us to stand here and wonder and let fear, as Kneecora said, fester." "Well their doing a good job of the fear thing." Said Jeffry quietly. "Sixty-five thousand."
Within their minds, Joy and Luna, together, as they had before, as within their home when they escaped, as when they created the pendants, as when they had created the spinners, the orbs, both of them reached the top of their cliffs, together. They both, stood, staring up at the starry light before them. Together, they reached up, and grasped the light. As the Ragni Di Morte number kept growing, and growing. Something else kept growing, and growing. At first, no one knew where the beast was rising from. At first, no one knew. Above them, the sky grew brighter and brighter, as the blazing stars flitted by. Far away, yet closing in all the same, Huntor and Sydney continued their dance. Continued, with the help of two more pieces who just became queens in their own right. Two pieces, who became gods. They cried out together, as power lit within them, and exploded out of them. Within the army of the indigo, the power, the behemoth grew and grew, and, grew, and, grew, and, grew. Above, the stars flitted on and on, and, on. Ahead, the spiders continued to grow and grow in mass. Kitana's head snapped to the left. "By the gods." She whispered. "What?" Asked Camille. "Look." "I'm blind you Cunt-Waffle." Said Camille. "Then feel. Duhh." Snapped Kamala. Camille groused, but felt the air, and, froze, as did the other gods. "By the gods." Said Kitana again. "They did it, by the fucking gods they actually did it." As the spiders number grew and grew, only a few of the twenty thousand that was the indigo army, paid attention. Only a few, because both above and in their own ranks, all attention latched. "Holy shit." Murmured Sarah. Joy and Luna were glowing. Not as in looking healthy, but actually glowing. Scarlet light was alive around Joy's body, as Sapphire light was around Luna's.
Luna and Joy began to float off the ground, began to rise, as their power grew, as the behemoth within them grew and grew. "Shit." Said Leia. "How much power did they unleash?" "Seventy-five thousand." Said Decre, yet no one heeded him. Luna and Joy rose, higher, higher, higher, as their power, that indigoism grew more and more. Soon even the Ragni Di Morte, three hundred yards away, stared in shock as the twins, rose, and rose, and with every ten feet, their power grew. Suddenly, there power lashed, lashed incandescently. Once, twice, thrice. Lash, lash, lash, lash. "Eighty thousand." Said Decre, but even his counting was distracted, distracted, by what he was witnessing. Higher and higher the twins rose, lash lash lash went their power. The Ragni stood still, no more pincers waving, no, not as they too watched, watched, as the two girls, rose higher and higher, until they were nothing but two incandescent stars within a sea of stars. A sea of blazing stars that kept lashing. Finally, their power exploded out of them, exploded, as another power erupted. As another power erupted, and rushed by like a great puissant wind. A wind that carried the scent of sunlight. Of fresh dawn. And, as the two combatants, completely forgot their adversaries, and stared upward, they all caught it at the same time.
    As Callianna and Phoenix raced to the Forbidden Kingdom, they stumbled, a huge wind shoving them from behind, and along with that wind, was the scent of fresh flowers, of new grass, of foliage, of sunlight. Callianna screamed a laugh, screamed, as light, golden and red, lashed above, immuring the area around them in an incandescent glow like flames. As the Selene Dracons flew ever south, a wind nearly knocked them off course. Nearly sent them spiraling out of control. Then, the blast nearly blinded them, as golden red flames chard the sky. As a huge gigantic flaming ball of power erupted from the middle of the world, from the center of the sky, from it's ether, as another power blasted up and back, over their heads and toward that great ball of flames, two powers, one scarlet, one sapphire. From around the indigo mainland and beyond, all eyes looked toward the sky, where a great comet appeared, where the greatest comet exploded into existence in the ether. A comet of twisting red and golds, of burning oranges and lashing yellows. Of deepest scarlets and lightest sapphires. A great comet that promised to return the dawn. The millions of Tinkers that flew onward were almost thrown off target as the wind shoved into them. Then, they cried out, a unified scream of tiny voices. One flew to the outside of the group, and several others carried a great horn that dwarfed the little toy-like Tinkers. As they lifted the horn's mouthpiece, the first Tinker took a great breath, and blew into the big horn, causing a rumbling thunderous call to echo across the lands. On Earth, as Rosa Gardener gesticulated excitedly toward the sky, a great wind shoved at her hair, done in a long braid, and nearly sent her camera flying. And as it did, as the camera tilted upward, she was the only one across the world, who got the full coverage, of the greatest event. From space, so it seemed, a great golden red ball could be seen, flying in on Earth. And as it made contact, blasting it's way through, the chains that held the sun under, that held it out of sight, began to melt, as the comet, as the Sun Dragon's Comet, burned it's way through them. "This, this, HOLY SHIT THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE." Shouted Rosa as she stared above at the sky. "ARE YOU GETTING THIS ARE YOU GETTING THIS?" The comet glowed, bright enough to be seen across the globe, across the world. Rosa hopped excitedly, her voice carrying through the mic on her collar.
    "This just in, this, literally just in, the Sun Dragons have done it. They have started bringing back the sun. What just hit Earth has to be a result of them. This is just the start of what'll bring our world back to rights. It just has to be." Her face alive, Rosa kept going. Kept going, as stories across the world began to aline. Some newscasters fainted at the sight of the truth they beheld. That the sun would return, and the earth put back how she once was. Across the world, stories alined and fragmented as everyone tried to catch up with the latest. In the Indigo Symbol, all indigo cheered, threw their arms up and cheered, for their friends, for their friends and families fighting to bring back the sun. Facing each other in the comet they had made, the comet which would melt the chains on the sun, Huntor and Sydney kissed incandescently, puissantly, as the essence of Joy and Luna merged with their own. As the comet floated, roiling through the air. They fell from it, fell, as the gods they were, twisting and entangling, before they flew south, flew, to face the Dark Queen. As the Earthen Dracons raced, their power over the ground sending them sailing like the ground was the ocean. On one dracon's back, as it sailed over the land. The female worked on the body, her brown eyes alight with hope as she prayed, as she touched the girl's face, as she stroked it, as she hoped. A wind shoved the dracon army, some stumbled, some lost their traction on their power and were helped up by others. As the sky exploded, the girl's eyes snapped open, and she coughed powerfully. Coughed and spluttered. As the flaming roiling comet appeared in the ether, in the great sky, turning it a burning red, the once child of venom, once child of agony and fear, of hatred and terror, breathed, and sat up, her green eyes, eyes like Sydney's, staring around. Her horned head lifted, and she spread her black wings, her, pitch, black, wings. "My Queen." Said the female bowing as much as she could on the pounding dragon. "My, Queen." The girl looked around, as the dracons, collectively, roared.
    Dragging her hand through her hair, Briella stood with the others in a tent, the Ragni Di Morte stood across what she now knew would be the battlefield. They waited their, their sudden lack of movement scaring her more than the noises they made. "They're just, standing there, silent, not moving, doing absolutely nothing." Sarah looked outside, at the flaming comet that was, and still was, hovering in the sky, burning it's way through the world. Hovering, and setting everything in a red golden blaze. Briella looked to Joy and Luna, who stood, their hands clasped still, their masks off, their faces relaxed and calm. "Is there such a thing as a star god?" Holly had asked. "Such or not such, they both are." Answered Camille. Then, because she was her, Camille had snapped, "When do I get to be a god?!" No one had answered her. Yet as Briella stared at Luna and Joy, she took in their faces, the sheer power still roiling in their eyes. The power that remained near the surface. Vello walked into the tent, a long scroll in his arms. "The battle plan." He stated, setting it across the table. Unfurling it, he gesticulated toward it. "We are vastly outnumbered, tremendously short on fighters for such a massive attack. However, with the presences of gods, we just may have an advantage over the Ragni Di Morte." Vello opened his mouth, but wings sounded outside the tent. Two dracons came into the tent, their faces pale and shocked. "It's, it's, it's, it's—"Spit it out soldier." Said Vello. "Dragons." Said the Molten dracon. "Dracons, on the horizon. "How many?" "They, they aren't, they are, it's two, but, but, they—"Audrey," said Briella, as Leia said, "Zavala."

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