Chapter Two: I'd Rather Eat Lava Than Let You In Me

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    "Well now, that was really fun." I said as we walked through the dormant Snow Kingdom. Kneecora, Mom, Jesus ain't that a kick in my fat ass? She walked along side us, her turquoise eyes distant, clearly she was still behind us, still with Veevuqui and the others. Huntor and I walked ahead of her, while Zavala flew overhead, keeping an eagle eye on things. Is it an eagle eye when it's a dragon in question? I rested my head against Huntor's shoulder and he absently stroked my hair. Ahhh, another someone who isn't all the way with us, but when was, or is, Huntor ever truly with us? And, well, after the years that I've been around him, grant it there weren't many, but after the time aforesaid, I knew just how to get his attention. So saying, as Kneecora continued to think, as Zavala continued to fly overhead, I grabbed Huntor's hand and placed it over my left beast. That got his reaction quickly. As my nipple reacted automatically, Huntor gasped and yanked his hand away. "Perve." He chastised absently. "You love me for it." I said churlishly. He rolleed his eye, but went back to staring into space as we walked. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Who says something is wrong?" Asked Huntor in return. "Please." I said. "First off, you have that look in your eye. Like you're overthinking something miles down the road. If you were truly paying attention, you'd have chewed my ear off for making you fondle my breasts." "It wasn't fondling." He said, still absent. I sighed and said in a whisper, "If our so called mother wasn't right behind us, I woudl grind against you just to make you talk." "I can act like I went blind and deaf if that helps any." Kneecora murmured from behind us, sounding even more distant than Huntor.
    "No." Huntor said at the same time as i said, "Yes." Though I was only being halfhearted. Huntor ran a finger through his hair. "So, what is it?" I asked shoving my butt against his hip slightly. Hee playfully shoved me aside. "Geez Sarah, get yourself in check." "What can I say, I miss Huntor touching me, but that's beside the point. What, the, hell, is, wrong?" I pushed out every word, as if they were their own threat. Huntor sighed. "It's nothing I neither can't handle nor figure out." I snorted. "Did I say you couldn't." "No but—"No butts but my own." A reluctant smile crossed his face. "It is very attractive but—"Attractive." I blurted. "Huntor what has gotten into you? I know you have a mate. I have a girlfriend, but geez calm down, we're being playful and you know that. You loved my ass, I know you did, you loved that and my breasts. Again, it's all beside the point. What has you thinking so fucking hard?" "You know, I hate it when you say fuck." He commented. "I know, hence why I do it." He took my hand and we walked for a time in silence. "I," he paused, looking like he was struggling through hte next few words. "I miss having you around Sarah." "Seriously?" "Well, there's that, there's the fact we have this major apocalypse to stop before it happens. The fact we have to run cross country and gather warriors far and wide, big and small to fight. I'm just apprehensive, every friend I've lost has been brought back and I fear it's for this purpose." "Ahhhh." I thought. "Here's what haunts my dearest friend." "See here." He spread his hands. When the Symbol first rose, many of the indigo I tried to save died either getting here, or before they could. It was considered epic if someone made it to the Symbol and could train. But the real death, the first true death that hurt was Amala. When she died, was murdered. I thought it was it, and she was gone. Then She was revived and I hoped like hell no one else would die. Then Aquilla died protecting the Symbol." "The river indigo." I murmured. "Yes. Then many others died along the way, but, but, but her death, Audrey's death, was what broke me. It was what turned me into the true thing I always was, an IndoDragon." "I remember." I did remember. The vicious battle through the grounds of his old school.
    He, Reina, and myself working together as one. It was the first time I truly tested the strength and deft hands of my power. The first time I truly worked on separating every train of thought and turning it into a shape, a creature of ice or snow or wind. The roll of snow thunder, the screaming of the keepers as my penguins slaughtered them. The crackle of the polar bears as they stomped about akin to the sounds of shifting glaciers, the thunder as huge chunks of ice fell into the vicious dormant maw of the Alaskan ocean. "Yet even Audrey was brought back." He continued, bringing me out of my revery. "She was made not just anew, but as another dracon. At a time where we not only made friends with dracons, but are dracons ourselves. Kitana and Briella find Lucy and Kupoa, Horace and Isis. They are in a real sense, Tarzan and the first female human from thousands of years ago. Horace, who I'm told, when he first arrived, couldn't shift out of his wings completely, but now he can shift from a full falcon, to a partial falcon with the head of one, the wings of one, and the body of a warrior. And into a complete human. Same deal with Isis. Vera and Alexandra, who were already powerful indigo now have even more power, power they never knew they had. Holly shapeshifter into a complete gargoyle at the most crucial time when she would be needed. Leia is half human, half barracuda, a barracuda of all things, again, at the most crucial time she is needed."
    I didn't interrupt, there was no point. Not when I could clearly, luculently, see the picture Huntor was painting. Huntor raised my hand to his face, breathing me in, as if after all this time, he took all of our presences for granted. As if he didn't truly realize that until now, and intended on breathing every moment. "Kitana is the daughter of Death, yet has perhaps more power than he does. Her mother is not just an alpha of one of the most terrifying and powerful territories, but hunted Kitana down. Seeka, Vello, and Theia, three powerful dracons, heirs to the Molten throne, found me, actively searched for me. An archaic deadly kingdom with the most powerful indigo in the world. Then, I'm called to the Snow Kingdom, another powerful archaic place with powerful indigo. Weni, who was always a fire bringer, able to control it, Sydney, who is not just another dracon, but was a rarity, and can create volcanos. A tortured soul, destroyed from the inside out, made to host the Dark Queen, yet again, at the crucial point, is saved. Arachne, there are so many pieces on the board, and every has their own story." "So?" I finally asked.
    "My point is, this isn't just going to be a war, won't just be battles across the continent. Lives will be lost. I mean that, I'm terrified I'm going to loose my friends, for good this time. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it." "We're gods now." I said. "Butt we aren't meant to be, aren't meant to stay gods. That much I can tell. Daitengu is right. He's a god, you can tell, can feel it. He wears it comfortably like a second skin. I love all of you, and couldn't imagine loosing any of you, especially for a second time." I stopped him, holding his blue gaze. Kneecora caught up to us, and, with one worried look at Huntor, she continued. I waited till her strong ears were out of range. I pressed my mouth to his, biting his botttom lip for good measure. He was so surprised that he acted without thinking. His hands reached around me and grabbed my ass, the ass he used to love so much. He squeezed, three good hard squeezes, then pushed me away. "Sarah." He snapped, trying to figure out just how to chastise me. "Huntor." I snapped back. "I, fucking, love you too, but you know that if we die, that we die doing the very thing we swore to do. Defending our family, defending each other, fighting for a better world. I won't have you carry the weight, not this time, not like this. And if you think for one second that you're going to fall on your sword, literally, or throw yourself in front fo one like Audrey did, then I'm going to tell you that I will personally make Kitana bring you back so I can kill you yet again for your selfish stupidity."
    Huntor gave a reluctant smile. "I love you too, all of you, hence why I'm so afraid to loose all or any of you." I nuzzled his face gently, "Huntor, I'm sure you can even say that none of us will go willingly. Yes, there is always the possibility of death, there always is. But with all of us working together, every god you've assembled, with powers from deep under the ground, and high up in the sky. We should all, or most, be able to come out fo this alive." I kissed him again, soft, gentle, kind, a friend to a friend, sister to a brother even closer than blood. I pulled away and his eye was dark, not with lust, no, there would never be lust again between us, but it was possessive all the same. Hungry, for justice and for the love of protecting and defending others. Huntor and I never loved, never could, and though the lust between us was long since gone, there was and would always be something akin to that lust between us. I squeezed both his hands and said, "All of us together, all of us fighting, there's never been a gathering like that. Not since you started the indigo, not since the first indigo arrived in the seventies." His eyes widened, as if a light went off in his head. "The first indigo." He murmured. Then shook his head. "Come on, we need ot get back to camp." I wanted to ask, but he was already tugging me along. It looked like our little heart to heart was over, at least, for the moment.
We got back to camp in a timely manner, and once we had, Sydney came out of the guarded area, her face filled with worry. Huntor rolled his eye as she wrapped herself around him. "I missed you Love." "Syd, we were in contact the entire time." "Doesn't mean I didn't miss you." I felt a little kick in the ass, a little guilt kick. Of course she was in contact with her mate the whole time, and of course, she'd seen what happened. Then again, it wasn't like that was anything though. Sure enough, she pulled away and rested her hands on his face, her green gaze intent on his blue eye. Giving Sydney a front seat to what went down in the great castle. As they communicated, Zavala landed a few fet away and rustled her wings importantly. Then, letting them drag on the ground, she made her way into camp. She hadn't gone ten yards when Audrey came out, her sightless blue eyes filled with love as she hugged Zavala. They kissed deeply, and I saw Audrey claw Zavala's wings, saw clearly, Zavala grasp the girl's ass. Suddenly, I felt the loneliness hard. It stabbed me deep in my heart. I wanted someone like that, someone who'd worry about me, even if they knew I'd be fine. When they finally pulled away, Sydney kissed him once, then gave me a mildly terrifying warning look. I raised my hands, taking a step back. But she said nothing, instead walking into camp. "Oh, and Huntor," She said, turning toward him. "We have a problem, well, a few of them." "What is it?" I asked. "Reina." She said with that mild look of irritation, one that she must have learned from Huntor.
As we walked into the camp, we passed several training Molten dracons, most of them shirtless, unless you counted the women, though they practically had nothing to cover their prfect breasts. But of course, most of the males watched me pass by, their eyes filling with lust. One huge male came toward me, his dark red wings folded neatly, his black eyes tracking each rise and fall of my breasts. "Hello Khione." He rumbled, his voice like rolling thunder. Sydney turned, but Huntor's face hardened. "Oh, are you talking to me?" I asked churlishly. "I wonder, if you'd like to come and, assist me in a workout." I snorted. His body was covered in rivers of sweat, which, some females might have thought attractive, I thought it was just disgusting. "I'd rather swallow lava." I chirped. "That can be arranged." Murmured Sydney. The molten dracon looked offended. "I have a girlfriend, and you're too huge for me, I like having control, and you look like the type who would never let a female have control." Huntor laughed as the dracon turned red, and muscled off. We continued deeper into camp, and found our sane indigos. Joy and Luna were training in an arena. Vera and Alexandra were talking over a map with Jazlyn and a few others. Hecate, Camille, and Jefrey were loudly talking, and I saw Huntor make a wide circle around them. I didn't blame him, Camille was a handful and then some to handle, toss in Jeffrey and Hecate and they were destructive. Huntor and I followed Sydney into a huge command tent and saw one of the major problems. Reina was sitting in the head chair at the big table, her green eyes, the eyes her and Sydney shared, were frozen and cold as they looked over the great map of the Indigo continent.
    "Rey." Huntor said coolie. Her gaze snapped to his face. "You're in the wrong seat." "Am I?" Asked Reina coldly. "Gee, I never noticed." Instead of rising, she propped her feet on the table and leaned back in her chair, in his chair. Several emotions crossed Sydney's face before she schooled it into iced rage. "I'd suggest." Said Sydney. "That you move, right now." "You can suggest that." Said Reina. "But it doesn't mean I'm gonna do it." The ground rumbled slightly, a small tremor, something no one outside would've noticed. But in here, there was no mistaking who caused the tremor. Sydney's power, now akin to Huntor's, tasted like true gold and burning rock. She tasted of deep under the ground, of hidden molten iron and killing obsidian. Reina gave Syddney a harsh smile. "Wanna go a round then girl, wanna go a round here, now?" Sydney took several steps around the table, and stopped over Reina's head. She looked up at her, and I couldn't tell which was going to act first. But then, Zavala and Audrey entered, Zavala's arm around Audrey's waist.

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