Chapter Twenty-Nine: And The Winner Is, Oh Wait, Lost My Head There

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"I will be the Queen of Wolves." Purred Hiquanna as she pulled away. "I will, and you child of Death, you, will be mine. My right hand blade, my Uccisore Della Morte. My Slayer of Death. Together, we will rule this world. Whether you want to or not, you will fall and I'll be there to take you." Hiquanna advanced slowly as the crowd of werewolves shifted where they sat or stood, realizing their alpha was working with the Dark Queen. Suddenly, there was the sound of running paws. Both Hiquanna and I looked up to see three werewolves in wolf form flying over benches toward the pit, toward, Hiquanna. "TREASON." Bellowed Krede. Hiquanna snarled. But Amala rose, Kamala at her side. "STOP." I shouted. The three wolves froze, jaws gaping, panting as they stared at me. "She's mine." Hiquanna laughed viciously. "Your's BITCH PLEASE, you couldn't take me on, not if it truly mattered, not if we were truly fighting. YOU'RE WEAK, NOTHING BUT WEAK." I breathed, and allowed my power to rise, to rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, and, rise. Hiquanna paused as the sheer depth, the sensation of my power began to expand through the theater. As she realized my power far outweighed her's, that my power was far more superior to her's. That my power over death, which grew exponentially since Huntor found us, was so much more than her own dominance. I breathed again, ad drew my power back into myself. Hiquanna snarled violently, and finally, finally, finally, began to shift fully.
"Now," I thought. "We really fight." She fell forward, her hands shifting into paws. Fur, long and thick, grew along her arms and shoulders. Her claws didn't look any shorter, but grew at least an inch. Finally, shee threw her head back and howled to the sky. A call that made every werewolf tremble. Krede howled an answer. A number of the werewolves responded with howls of their own.
Hiquanna lashed out, her paws thundering over the loose dirt. I flipped backward rolling through the air. I landed a few feet behind where I was, and she snarled viciously. I breathed deeply, and let my power roil through the air, let it grow, as a sword, cleaved straight from death, appeared in my hands. Hiquanna paused, she wasn't the only one. "Weak," she snarled. Snarled, straight through the wolf jaws. She sounded inhuman, as if she truly were a beast who just knew to speak english. I flipped the sword, caught it, then flipped it again. "Not weak," I corrected. "Just resourceful." "Weak," snarled Hiquanna again. "Human and weak." "I'm an indigo-goddess," I said. "Your rules ad laws don't apply to me." All the werewolves in the crowd gasped as the news crossed the theater. "All of us are gods of a sort." "You dam right." Said Audrey primly. "And," I said. "It's time you were taught to respect others above and lower than you." I spun, lashing out with the sword of death.
Hiquanna evaded but slammed into the wall beside her. I whirled around, bringing the sword down on her flank. Hiquanna dodged again. I pressed my advantage, lashing out again, again, again, again, again, again. Hiquanna snarled, lashing out with her claws. I brought my blade down. She pulled the attack, snarling as she glared at me. "Weak human filth." "Clever indigo-goddess." I corrected. "You agreed to this fight, apparently not realizing that you gave me free reign to use any and all powers at my command. I guess you thought I had some werewolf honor or code to not use my powers huh?" "Thought those bitches have taught you something about honor. Guess not." "They taught me more about true honor and pride than you or Ritz ever could." Hiquanna snarled and lashed out again, again, again. Her attacks fell short, as the blade of death lashed out. She dodged as i whirled around and brought the blade down on her tail. She snarled black eyes lashng with rage, and, just a hint of fear. "YOU ALL MIGHT AS WELL RUN." I shouted. "BECAUSE IF SHE WINS, SHE'LL KILL ALL OF YOU." "LIES." Bellowed Hiquanna through her maw. "Is it?" I asked. "You can't afford any discord in your precious territory. You also can't allow me to win. It's either I kill you, or you kill me." I emphasized that with a slash of my blade. Spinning aside, I flipped my sword. The blade faded, and as it did, I spun again, leaping over Hiquanna's jaws and allowing my trademark weapons to appear. I landed, fans of death in my hands. Sarah gasped, rising from her spot. Kendra said, "Finally." Holly murmured, "I wondered if she could do that." Audrey said, "Hmm, Sarah's ice fans, now Kitana's fans of death, what next? Fans of lightning?" Hiquanna snarled, and said, "Even if you kill me, they'll never follow you, they'll never obey you. They'll all tear you apart."
"I don't need them to follow me." I said coolie as I lashed out with one fan, and kicked her jaws. Hiquanna snarled, her fangs agape as she lashed out with her claws. I swung my fan to meet them, and she withdrew. "HUMAN FILTH." She shouted through her maw. "DISGUSTING DEPLORABLE UGLY HUMAN FILTH." "Filth that's goig to kill yu, filth, that's going to kick your ass." I spunn, leaping through the air and spinning toward her, fans outstretched like wings. Hiquanna rolled over to avoid the fans, but couldn't avoid the lash of my feet. Hiquanna threw herself to her feet as I landed atop her. I rolled backward, flipping through the air. As I landed, I flipped my fans upward. They whirled, death reshaping into a new weapon, a weapon that I never used, but one I knew as well as the fans or the blade. I reached up, holding it with my left hand, and reaching for the string with my right. Protective gloves covered my hands, gloves of death. I lifted the weapon to my cheek, as the werewolf crowd gasped in surprise, surprise and fear. I luculently heard Diana murmur, "That's my sister." I knocked an arrow of death in the bow, and aimed the bow directly at Hiquanna. You want weak?" I asked conversationally. "You want filth? You want, human? Well here you go." I fired the arrow. The arrow sailed across the pit and Hiquanna dove out of it's path. I fired another, another, another another, another. Hiquanna was forced to dodge and weave. I remained in my spot, turning to adjust my aim. Hiquanna leapt, her jaws gaping. I fired an arrow directly into her throat. She snapped her jaws closed and tumbled to the ground to avoid the arrow. "ENOUGH OF THIS." Snarled Krede as he advanced on the pit. A wolf snarled. Krede ignored the warning. Lucy skipped to the pit's edge, wiggling her fingers playfully.
    "Come come." Called Lucy. "Come come, and play." Krede snarled, his eyes changing as he slowly began to shift. A werewolf roared and bolted forward. The wolf slammed into Krede, sending him flying away from the pit. I rolled as Hiquanna lashed out, snarling. Krede roared as he rose, his body shifting faster. Lucy remained on the pit's edge, wiggling her fingers. Krede bellowed as he completed his change, and, ignoring the werewolves and the elder, bounded for the pit. Six wolves leapt into his path. Hiquanna bellowed, "LET HIM PASS." The wolves froze where they were, their claws digging into the dirt. Krede leapt over them and into the pit. The elder loked agast as Krede bellowed his fury and lashed out for my back. Hiquanna slammed her arm into my side and sent me flying. I rolled as I landed hard, but Krede loomed over me, his jaws wide, drool driping from his fangs. His black eyes were filled with challenge, with hatred, with victory, with undiluted rage. He brought his jaws down,aiming ffor my breast, as if he intended on ripping my heart straight out of my body and eating it. His jaws neared, his breath hot and repugnant, fanning ovver my bare breasts. He snarled, and, was sent flying, as Lucy, slammed, into, him. Lucy stood over me, beating her ribs as she bellowed her call. She carelessly shoved her hair over her shoulders and crouched over me. I grinned up at her. "Bout time." I purred. "Had to decide if I was really going to play." Lucy purred back. Grinning, I sank into Lucy's shadow and appeared a few feet away from Krede. "Boo." I said dryly. Krede roared and lashed out with his claws. Leaping over him, I brought my own claws down and across his flank. Blood gushed and Krede bellowed in agony. Lashing out again, Krede ripped his claws over the ground again, then bolted toward me. I grabbed him arround the throat and threw him over my shoulder. Hiquanna bellowed as Krede flew and slammed into the wall of the pit, and sttruggled to rise. She faced me, her eyes livid. "YOU'RE DEAD CHILD, ALL OF YoU ARE DEAD." I looked to Lucy. "Is it time to end this?" She shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, we might as well anyway." Hiquanna roared and flew toward Lucy. Lucy held her ground, watching Hiquanna fly over the distance. I raced toward her flank, and lashed out. I landed against the pit wall, ran along it for a few feet, then jumped and slammed into Hiquanna, my claws digging into her throat, rightt into her life blood. Hiquanna's eyes widened as she realized it was a killing blow. We went sprawling, and I watched as my biological mother began to bleed out. "I never truly met Thanatos, but I know one thing aboutt Death, he'd never use me the way you wanted to use me, the way you've used your wolves. This is your pennants, this is your retribution. Let true Death, claim you, and vaporize you into nothingness." I murmured the words so only Hiquanna would hear, so only she knew that this wasn't for me, but for the werewolves, for everyone who she killed or controlled. I watched as her eyes glazed over in death, watched as a fine mist rose over her dead corpse. I raised my bloodied hands, and felt the pull, the pull I had only felt a few times before. The pull, to either save, or destroy.
    Death swirled around my hands like a mist. I let the mist swirl around the mist in front of me, the mist that, as soon as it sensed the death upon it, tried to escape. The mist undulated, swirling upward. I breathed outward, and Death lashed outward, wrapping around Hiquanna's spirit and vaporizing it. Death swirled and melted away, revealing nothing. I lowered my bloodied hands. For a few seconds, silence reigned, silence, as the crowd of werewolves really, really, truly took in who slaughtered Hiquanna, truly took in who won the match. But before the elder could say anything, Krede howled in agony. Throwing his head back, his jaws gaping wide, he howled toward the semi-dark sky. Other wolves followed suit and howled upward. Krede's howl turned into a vicious snarl as he faced me, and leapt. I readied myself, but his body suddenly went flying and into the side of the pit. As he hit the ground, Lucy strolled toward him, faint glittery claws hooked at the ends of her fingers. She raised her claws, and brought them down into Krede's neck. She slashed, once, twice, thrice, again, again, again, again, until his head was completely severed. She looked at me. There was nothing human in her eyes, nothing remotely human in them. I wondered if, for the briefest moment, if something had snapped in her. If I was looking at someone, something, more powerful than Lucy ever was. Lucy had never shown any true godly power. Nothing but the canniness of the forest, the power of her battle cry, the strength of her own body. Yet here, here she had claws, something she never had before. I wondered, if there were fangs in her mouth too, wondered, because in those eyes, in those eyes, was something more. Lucy stared back, and as she did, I lashed out with a whip of death. Krede's spirit, never had a chance. I looked up at the elder, who's face was pale with, dare one say it, terror. "Call it." I said. "You, I, you," he took a deep breath. "VICTORY GOES TO, KITANA AMALA, AND HER SECOND, LUCY." The werewolves howled upward, some rising to their back legs or off the benches. I watched as Lucy strolled over to stand by my side. The thing in her gaze faded as the elder bowed and said, "You've won all, what will your all contain?" "This, these, lands will now belong to Amala, and, Kamala, as her second." I said. Shocked silence, as the two in question stared at me. "Pup," said Kamala. Her voice was raw, as if she couldn't believe her ears. "These lands are your's, as they should've been. Rule them." I turned to Lucy. "Do you agree?" "Yep." She commented. "As if I wanna rule a bunch of Curs and Bitches." Several werewolves snarled in anger at that. Kamala, for once, looked completely at a loss for words. "We, we, we accept." Said Amala. A few tears dripped from her eyes as she made eye contact with me.

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