Baby Trouble

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Valerie's POV

I took little Mikeala out of her crib and rapped the pink and white blanket around her fragile body. She was still sleeping of course. All of our kids are late sleepers. I think they've all learned over their 9 months of being in our lives that Julie, Alex, Camryn, and I will not wake up any earlier then 9:00-10:00. So they've kind of just adjusted to our sleeping schedule.

I cradled Mikeala in my arms and walked into the kitchen. Asher was throwing baby food at Julie as his twin sister, Ashley, laughed loudly.

"Don't think I won't put you up for adoption mister!" Julie threatened. Of course we would never put any of the babies up for adoption, but we still liked to use it as a threat. Asher obviously couldn't tell what his mother was saying and continued to throw orange food at my poor best friend.

"Asher are you being bad for mommy this morning?" I questioned. He gave me a toothless grin as I put Mikeala in her high chair.

"The little booger has been doing this all morning." Julie grumbled. I gave Mikeala her milk in the little bottle and she was content.

"Asher just because you're the only man in the family doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." Camryn added walking into the room and setting her daughter, Alice, into a different high chair. Alex followed behind her tossing little Laci up into the air. They were always doing cute little things like that.

I should probably tell you what our kids look like. Well Mikeala has blue eyes like mine and little pieces of black hair on her head (she's the cutest obviously!). She's not the kind of baby to venture off on her own. I think she's just too lazy to. Asher and Ashley are identical twins that have these greenish brown eyes that kind of look golden. Ashley is always up for a cuddle, and Asher protects us like it's his job (do not call him Ash! Trust me I accidentally did once and Julie ended up crying) They both have very very short curly hairs poking out of their head everywhere. Alice has very little hair, but you can slightly see the red hair. Her eyes are brown. Alice is like our little artist. Tons of her scribbled drawings are hung up on the fridge. And lastly there's Laci. She's the most playful and is always up for adventure unlike her mother. Lace (Laci's nickname) always cheers us up. She has lots of blonde hair for a 8 month old baby. And her eyes are bright blue. She resembles her father, a LOT! It's kind of scary how much they look alike.

"Turn on the radio, will you Alex?" She nodded and turned on the little radio.

"She looks so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear. And I know now that I'm so down." Julie, Alex, Camryn, and I looked at each other and smirked then started singing to the familiar song. Yah we weren't on great terms with 5 Seconds Of Summer, but we still loved their music. Asher stopped throwing food, he even started to do a little dance in his seat.

"You like this song Asher?" Camryn asked the little boy. He made a happy gurgling noise.

"You look so perfect standing there in my american apparel underwear!" The four of us sang. Soon later the song ended and we stopped our rock out session.

"That was She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds Of Summer. Make sure to get tickets to their show this weekend, it's almost sold out folks!" The radio person said. I froze in place. They're coming here...again?! Oi vey.

"Maybe we should go guys. It would be fun!" Alex suggested. I shook my head violently.

"No. What do you think it would look like if their ex girlfriends showed up to their concert with 5 babies that kind of look exactly like them? We can't go. Besides, I don't want Mikeala to have anything to do with her father." I said.

"Yah Val's right. Plus, little Laci would probably wonder off and we'd lose her forever!" Julie exclaimed. We all laughed. I picked Mikeala up in my arms and slow danced with her along the kitchen. She loves to dance like this. Something she gets from her mother.

"You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul. Don't come back for me don't come back at all." I sang quietly into her ear. Her head layed on my chest as I swayed side to side.

"You know who I miss?" Alex asked out of no where.


"Eleanor, Sarah, and Katie." Oh I remember them. They were the girls we met at that celebrities girlfriends interview thing. Yah, I guess I miss them too.

"I wish we could have met Perrie too, she seems like a nice girl." I added, they nodded.

"Well we should probably go get ready for the day." Julie said.

-Julie's POV-

I picked up Asher in my right arm and Ashley in my left arm. Walking through the little play area I finally made it to my room. They lived in here with me, because the apartment is tiny and I like knowing that they're safe in here with me. I set the twins down on my bed and turned on Shake It Off on my phone.

"What do you wanna wear today Ashley?" I asked after I got Asher dressed in his usual jeans and button up shirt. Ashley was a bit of a fashionista so I let her point to the clothes she wants.

She pointed her little hand towards a pink sparkly top. I put that on her along with some white shorts and a headband with a white flower. They didn't really have any teeth to brush, so I just put on their shoes and then dropped them off at Val's room.

After I got myself ready I met everyone in the living room. Alex and Camryn weren't dressed so I assumed they weren't coming to the grocery store with us.

"Should we just take the twins and Mikeala?" I questioned. She nodded and I picked up my two little babies.

-10 Minutes Later-

"Chocolate chip or M&M's?" Val asked holding up the two cookie boxes.

"They're both made out of chocolate you know right?"

"So M&M's then?" I shrugged and she put the box in our cart. Ashley stuck her little hands out towards me, so I picked her up.

"Julie, Val? Is that really you?!" A voice came from behind us. Ashton's voice. Sh*t! We turned around slowly and stared at the four boys coming closer to us.

"Oh my gosh, it's been so long!" Luke exclaimed. I nodded slowly.

"Who are these cuties?" Michael asked pointing towards Ashley, Asher, and Mikeala.

"Oh uh these are our...our friends kids. Yah we're just taking care of them for awhile." Val lied.

"What are their names?"

"This is Mikeala, this is Asher, and this is Ashley." I pointed them out. A look of confusion crossed Ashton's face.

"Can we hold them?" Michael asked. I nodded and handed Ashley into Ashton's out stretched arms. I never thought I'd see her in her father's arms. They looked so cute together it hurt.

"Huh Ashley and Asher. Kind of sounds like Ashton." Ashton mumbled. I'm very glad Lace isn't here right now, because she is literally a miniature Luke.

"Yah. Anyways we better be going." Val said. Ash handed me back Ashley. Her smile faltered slightly. Like she enjoyed being in Ashton's arms more than mine. We rushed out of there as quick as we could after paying. I couldn't even process my thoughts because we were going so fast.

As soon as we got home I slumped down on the couch with Ashley and Val with Mikeala. Camryn and Alex joined us with Laci and Alice.

"Why are you guys sweating?" Alex asked.

"Long story short we saw 5sos at the store and we had to lie about the kids and said that they were our friends and then we rushed out of there as fast as we could.

"Oh my gosh! Wait guys....where's Asher?!" Camryn asked. I paused in place for a minute. I thought he was right here with me, but I don't see him anywhere. Suddenly it hit me.

"Oh my god I left my baby boy with 5 Seconds Of Summer!"

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