Little White Lies

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   Alex's POV
   "Yes! There's something we've been hiding from you!" I blurted out. Carp.

    Julie's POV

   Alex! What the heck?!

   "I knew it! What's your little secret?" Luke asked. Camryn, Alex, and Val looked at me expectantly. Why do I always have to be the one to come up with things on the spot?!

   "Yah Alex, what is our little secret again?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

   "Our secret, who said anything about secrets?! There's no secrets here!" Alex exclaimed. Ugh she's such a terrible liar.

   "Just tell us already! We won't be mad!" Ashton whisper yelled. Ashley was starting to fall asleep in his arms. I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples.

   "We may want the children to be asleep for this."


   After 25 minutes including an acoustic version of Amnesia played on Val's guitar and lots of humming, we finally got all the babies to sleep. Now we all sat in the living room again stating awkwardly around. I made sure to close the doors to our rooms so we wouldn't wake the kids.

   "Listen girls, whatever this secret is you can tell us. We won't get mad I promise." Calum said. I shifted my eyes from Camryn's then to Val's then back to Camryn's. There is no way we're going to let Alex tell this story, she could end up saying things we didn't want them to know.

   "Well there is no Carly. Asher, Ashley, Mikaela, Alice, and Laci.....they're ours." Val mumbled.

   "WHAT?! HOW?! WHEN?!" They all shouted. I put a finger to my lips, I didn't need this and 5 crying babies to take care of.

   "After you left to go back on tour. It was just a one night stand, I was too drunk to remember." I said. Lies, lies, lies.

   "We would have told you earlier, but we were afraid you'd react like this." We all went silence. I stared at the ground occasionally peaking up at Luke, Calum, and Michael. I didn't want to see Ashton's face.

   "So you don't know who the fathers are?" Luke asked.


   "I'm...I'm sorry. It must be tough." He whispered.

   "Don't be sorry. It was our own fault. We love them though." I nodded.

   "Well we should be going boys. We'll try not to bother you anymore." Michael mumbled. We waved slightly as they exited our apartment.

   "Alex! What was that about?!" I yelled.

   "Sorry it just kind of came out!" Alex put her head in her face.

   "It's okay. Just try to be more careful next time." Val sighed.

   "I promise."







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