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    Valerie's POV

   I cuddled Mikaela closer. It was very cold for California today, and our apartment practically always matched the temperature outside. So Mikaela (and all of the children) were wearing three to four layers. To make matters worse, the cable wasn't working.

   "Valerie can you take Asher and Ashley? I'm running late for work." Julie asked a toothbrush hanging from her mouth. I nodded as she put Ashley and Asher in the play pen and I put Mikaela there too. A couple minutes later Camryn and Alex came out too.

   "Val pretty please make sure to make Laci fall asleep by 1:00!" Alex shouted as they walked out the door. I agreed when all of the kids were born that they could go to work and I would babysit the kids everyday. I could usually handle them by myself, but it's almost never this cold out. I don't know how I'm going to take care of them and keep myself warm at the same time.

    -30 Minutes Later-

   Mikaela, Alice, Laci, and Asher continued to cry as I tried to settle down Ashley.

   "Will you all just shut up?!" I yelled, that made them cry even louder. Sometimes I seriously think about putting them up for adoption. I would have more time to read fanfics, get more sleep, and maybe even start dating again. But I can't, they can be cute sometimes.

   I can't take care of them by myself. Not today at least. I never thought I'd do this, but I have no other choice.

   "Hey Michael, it's Val. I have a really big favor to ask."

    Michael's POV

   I knocked on the door of their apartment. A minute or two later a tired looking Val opened the door. Their were bags under her eyes and she carried a whining Alice with her. Even now she looked extremely beautiful.

   "Alice!" Calum shouted taking the little girl from Val's arms. She looked shocked when Alice immediately stopped her cries and held onto Cal.

   "If I would have known you could do that I would have called you ages ago! Thanks for coming by the way. I really appreciate it." Val said. The four of us stepped inside the familiar apartment. Baby clothes were scattered around along with dishes, bottles, etc. I could hear babies crying from the living room.

   "Sorry about the mess." She mumbled and guided us to the playpen in the living room.

   "Thanks for having us Val. We were really bored!" I exclaimed. I reached down and picked up a crying Mikaela.

   "Of course! Julie, Alex, and Camryn are at work so it's uh..just me." I smoothed Mikaela's little black hairs back. I haven't noticed it til now, but she kind of looks like me.

   "How long are Carly and her husband on vacation for?" I asked.

   "Carly? Who's Carly?" Val questioned.

   "The kids mom." Luke raised his eyebrows. Valerie's eyes widened.

   "Oh yah Carly! Um I think she's gonna be gone for a week more. Or seven." She mumbled the last part under her breath. 7 weeks?! How could you leave your child with someone else for that long?! If I had a baby boy or girl I would want to be with them every second of the day.

    Ashton's POV A Few Hours Later

   The door swung open as I was making silly faces at Asher and Ashley. Julie, Alex, and Camryn entered looking worn out.

   "Oh hey Val. And 5SOS?! What are you doing here?!" Julie asked.

   "Valerie said she needed help with the kids." Calum explained. Val made a sheepish look.

   "Oh well we're here now so you can uh.. skidaddle." Camryn said.

   "Are you sure there's something you're not telling us?" I questioned.

    Alex's POV

   Oh no there it is. The question again. I can't hold it in anymore. I have to tell them. No Alex you can't! Yes Alex you should, they deserve to know! The two sides of my brain argued back and forth as silence settled in the apartment.

   "Yes! There's something we've been hiding from you!" I blurted out. Carp.




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