Here's DAVID!

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    Julie's POV

   So, I don't know if we've ever told you this but every boy in the orphanage we were at had a crush on Alex. I don't know why...they just did. But there was one boy who stood out in particular. His name was David. David was very mean to EVERYONE, except for Alex that is. He would always pick flowers for her, tie her shoes, etc. He seriously thought that they were going to get married someday. And whenever some other boy tried to go for Alex, he would punch them in the face. I'm not kidding. This kid had some major anger issues. Then, when we moved out of the orphanage, he moved in the apartment above ours. David stalked us for almost a month, but then he just left. We never saw him again. I don't know why I just thought of this story, but now that it's in my head, I can't stop thinking about David. What actually did happen to him? Did he get arrested? Or maybe he moved on and has a family now? He probably just found someone else to stalk.

   "Hey, do you remember David?" I asked Val. She let out a chuckle as she put her phone down.

   "Yeah, that kid was creepy as fûçk!"

    Alex's POV

   Laci reached for the cookies off the shelf as I slowly moved her hand back. Grocery shopping with her never ends well. But hey, at least I haven't left her alone with 5sos yet! Ah, I crack myself up.

   "Alex! Oh my god, it's you!" Someone shouted from behind me. I slowly turned my head towards the person.

   "Oh hey David...." I greeted. He came up to me and smiled his creepy af smile.

   "It's been so long!" No, it's been too short. David had grown a few inches and was towering over me. Also his voice had gotten deeper, if that was even possible.

   "I haven't gotten over us yet, Alex. The break up was hard." He sighed. Um..WHAT?!

   "Us? Breakup?" I questioned.

   "Aww, you're not over it either? I know it's hard babe, but you just have to move on from me." He put his huge hand on my shoulder. Oh god.

   "Uh yeah. It's going to be hard, but I'm sure I'll get over it." I mumbled. Lowering my head I started pushing the cart away. I felt a hand touch my butt. Oh hêll no!

   "Keep your hands to yourself!" I hissed.

   "Oh c'mon Al, let's have a little fun!" David suggested. Oh how I really hated that nickname.

   "How about no?!" I turned to walk away again, but this time he grabbed shoulder.

   "Get off of me!" I yelled. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go.

   "Hey! She said let go!" Someone screamed. Luke jumped out of nowhere and slammed a fist into David's face. He fell to the floor, passed out for awhile. Wow, I didn't know Luke could punch like that. He picked up Laci from the cart, grabbed my hand, and started dragging me out the door to his car. He opened the door for me as I raised my eyebrows.

   "Get in, it's for your own safety." I reluctantly got in as he put Laci on my lap. 

   "Slow down Luke." I demanded as he sped down the road.

   "Like your any better." He said with a harsh laugh. I sniffed the air quickly so he couldn't tell. I was right, beer.

   "Are you drunk, because I swear to god-"

   "I'm not that irresponsible Alex." He looked at me with those blue eyes that luckily weren't blood shot.

   A few minutes later I sat in his and Calum's hotel room. Calum, Ashton, and Michael were out looking at tourist attractions though. Luke wrapped a blanket around my shoulders, but I wasn't cold.

   "Who was that guy?!" He asked. I sighed and stroked Laci's hair back.

   "That was David. He used to have a crush on me when we were younger." I explained. Luke sat down next to me on the bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I didn't bother to move it though, I'm too tired to fight. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep in this past week. My lack of sleep and having to take care of Laci all the time has really got me cranky and tired all the time. He touched the bags under my eyes and frowned.

   "Alex you should get some sleep. You've been working yourself too much. I'll take care of Laci." Luke said.

   "Are you sure?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I handed my baby girl over to him and laid down on the bed with a huff.

   "Thanks Luke." I mumbled as I drifted into a deep sleep.



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