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    Valerie's POV

   I lay on my bed while Mikaela napped in her crib. Finally some time to myself.

   I scrolled through the 5sos hash tag (just because I hate their guts doesn't mean I'm not a fan anymore). Everyone was talking about their performance last night. Apparently they performed a new song called Close As Strangers and their fans are trying to figure out who it's about. After reading a few more posts I finally found a link to the video. My suspicions got the best of me so I clicked on it. The video quality was bad and it was very loud but luckily the girl had put the words at the bottom.

   "We've wanted to show you guys this song for a while but just didn't think it was the right time. This is Close As Strangers." Luke announced. A chorus of screams came which made the audio a bit scratchy for a second. I listened as Michael sang the first part and soon it came to the chorus.

   Are we wasting time talking on a broken line? Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages, it feels like we're as close as strangers. Won't give up even though it hurts so much. Every night I'm losing you in a thousand faces, it feels like we're as close as strangers.
   I felt a tear run down my face as the video came to an end. It was a really good song, I just don't understand why they thought that now was the right time to reveal it. I wiped my tears away and walked to the kitchen. Julie was there with Ashley making silly faces at her.

   "Hey Ashley and Julie." I greeted. Julie smiled then turned back to her child. She started to hum an all too familiar song, Close As Strangers. I pretended to not notice though.

   "Val, have you ever thought of getting a tattoo?" Julie asked.

   "No. Why do you ask?"

   "I just think it would be fun and adventurous." She shrugged.

   "Are you trying to tell me you want to get a tattoo?" I questioned.

   "Yes! You and I should go get tattoos tonight!" Julie exclaimed.

   "I don't know Jules..."

   "We can get Alex and Camryn to watch Mikaela and the twins. Please Val?!" I sighed but after a few seconds I nodded. She squealed and smiled at Ashley who had no idea what we were talking about.

    Julie's POV -that night-

   I stared at mine and Val's new tattoos. Val's had the year 1995 on the ring finger of her right hand (the year she was born). Mine was a simple butterfly on my right wrist. (A/N every Ashton girl should get this). It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would which is good, because Val can't take that much pain.

   "C'mon we need to get home before Mikaela starts having a fit." Val said. We drove back to the apartment singing along to Shake It Off. We were greeted by a straight faced Camryn and Alex when we arrived.

   "We need to talk." Alex said.

   "About what?" I asked.

   "You might want to sit down first.











   "So what is it you want to talk about?" I questioned now sitting at the table with a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

   "Before we tell you, just promise that you'll take what we're saying into consideration." Camryn begged. Val and I nodded.

   "Well...we want to...we want to tell the boys that..they're the fathers." my jaw dropped. Are they crazy?!

   "No absolutely not! Do you even care about our children?!" Val asked.

   "Of course we care about them and that's why we want to tell the boys! It's what's best for Alice, Laci, Asher, Ashley, and Mikaela!" Alex yelled back.

   "Don't you remember what we said when Ashley and Asher were born?! Do you even remember what they did in the first place to make us decide not to tell them?!" I screamed. Yah the there is a reason. A very good reason.

   I smiled a little as I looked at the small bump starting to form on my stomach. It was Ashton's. I'm planning on telling him tomorrow over phone call. We've started to fall apart lately, I never get to see him and sometimes I feel like like he doesn't like me anymore. Suddenly my bedroom door burst open. Val threw a magazine onto my bed, tears were rushing down her face. I picked up the magazine and slowly read it. The 5 Seconds Of Summer guys have found new girlfriends! I gasped and let a tear tall down my cheek. Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Luke were with four other girls. Cuddling, hugging, smiling, holding hands, and...kissing. That should be me.

    End Of Flashback
   "But haven't you ever thought that maybe that magazine was lying?!" Camryn asked.

   "You saw the pictures and the tweets, so you know that's not true. They cheated on us guys! And who's to say they won't do it again?!" Val yelled.

   "But if that song is really about us, then that means they still care!" Alex said. Did they all hear it?!

   "It doesn't change anything!"

   "They will find out you know. If not from us then it will be from their fans or their management. We should be the ones to tell them though. They deserve to know that they have children. I will make sure they find out." Alex threatened and Camryn nodded along.

   "Fine, tell Calum and Luke but NOT Ashton and Michael! You can ruin your own children's lives but not ours."





Close As Strangers- 5 Seconds Of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now