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    Luke's POV (oooohhhhh)
   Are we wasting time talking on a broken line. Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages, it feels like were as close as strangers. I sang the lyrics quietly. This song was probably my favorite, maybe because it makes me think of Alex when I sing it.

   "Luke. Me and Michael are going out for some air. Wanna come?" Ashton asked.

   "Nah, I think I'm gonna work on some songs with Cal." he nodded and continued walking. Minutes later Calum walked into the room with tears coming out of his eyes. There was a piece of paper in his hand. It was crumpled and smudged.

   "I dropped my pencil in the trash in the dressing room, so I went to look for it and found this." Calum handed me the crumpled paper. It was a beautiful drawing of what looked like a man holding a child in the dark. Family was written across the top. I don't get why Calum is crying.

   "You're crying because of this?" I questioned. He wiped some of the tears from his cheeks.

   "I'm crying because Camryn drew this. Her signature is in the corner but she must have tried to erase it. That baby is Alice and that man is her father. They're a family Luke, but we were supposed to be a family!" Cal cried. I patted him on the shoulder in a an effort to comfort him. I get what he's going through though. Alex and I were supposed to have a happy family together. We were supposed to grow old together and watch our kids have kids. I'd try to cook for her, and when that ends in failure I would order pizza.

   "Hey man I get it. Hey, didn't they say that it was a one night stand?" I asked. He nodded wiping away more tears.

   "Then this is your chance Cal! You could win her back! You could have little Alice as your daughter." I suggested. A smile lit up her face but it slowly left.

   "I don't deserve Alice or Camryn. She still hated us for some reason. I just wished she knew how much I love her."


Close As Strangers- 5 Seconds Of SummerWhere stories live. Discover now