"Ok now don't forget to move the dates to next week for the meeting with the staff." Amber said as she signed a few papers.
"I'm not damn Amber I am responsible just like you." Raven said.
"Well just make sure you get it done. This is our grand opening and we need everything to be done right. Besides mama and daddy said they will be flying in next weekend. I don't want them to come and things are not together."
"And I get that sis but I got you babes. We got this. We gonna make them proud and show them that we are a force not to be missed with. Feel me?" They both laughed and slapped hands.
"I'm just saying you know how stuck up they are Raven." I know how they are. And starting this law firm without them is the best thing we could have done." Raven said stern.
"I guess. Mama said Anika was coming too. And so is Brenda." Amber said.
"Damn them two boogie asses coming too?"
"Yes they are. All the more why things got to be right." Amber said.
"Ok ok Amber. We will have this under control. Oh by the way, have you talk to Derrick?" Raven asked. "Yes I did and he should be here at 1:30."
"Great have him go to the conference room and we can meet him there and sort things out. I really feel good about him." Amber said.
"And I do as well. I really feel once we open we are gonna be the number one company in the city. No fuck that the state." Raven said confident.
"Ok sis well let's get back to work and in about a hour we can head to the conference room."
"Ok."Raven said and walked to her office.
Ok let me introduce myself. My name is Amber Riley. I am 35 years old. My parents are always on to me about image. And yes I do believe in that too. But I'm tired of being under their wings. Me and my sister Raven started our own law firm and things are looking up for us.
My parents have their own company in Miami. It's called R&R Law Services. They have been in business for 20 years. They wanted us to come under them but they wanted all rights to our company. I said hell no to that. So what we did was write out a plan and did it on our own without their money and without their help.
Now that was not liked by them at all. They hated that. My oldest sister Anika runs the company. She is in caboose with them. My cousin Brenda works there as well. They all about what my parents say. Me and Raven on the other hand work outside the box. So starting this is very important to us. And being successful is what my parents only take.
They don't take failure as a option. There was a knock at my door knocking me out my thoughts.
"Come in." I yelled. It was my secretary Allison. "Hey Allison wassup? What can I do for you?"
"Well I just wanted to let you know I'm headed home for the day. I emailed Derrick Ross to let him know where to go for your meeting.
Was there anything else needed from me?" Allison asked."No babes that's all. Thank you for your hard work. I'm really excited for Friday to get here. Just to see the people face when we finally open will be a dream come true."
"And I can't wait either. Call me if you need me. I got to go pick my daughter up from school." Allison said.
"Ok see you tomorrow."
Allison walked out and closed the door. I sat back in my chair and thought about how things was going. I was so proud of how things are going for us. My cell phone rings knocking me out my thoughts again.
"Hello this is Amber how can I help you?"
"Don't take that tone with me." My mom said as she answered.
"Hello Mother How are you?" I said talking proper.
"I'm well daughter. I just wanted to talk to you to see if this little project of yours and your sister is coming along?" Bonita said.
I rolled my eyes in the air and said "little project mother? What little project?"
"Ah don't be modest Amber. We know this is not something that is gonna last."
"Mother I really can't do this right now with you. You don't support us and I have came to grips with that. But what you are not going to do is come for us. We love our "little project" and will be opening real soon. As a matter of fact Friday." Amber said to her mom.
"I heard what you said but we will see how it goes. Me and your father will be there Thursday night. So have your little house decent enough for me to lay my head."
I looked at my watch and saw it was 1:25. "Well I got to go mother my 1:30 will be here and ready. Talk to you later." Amber said.
I hung the phone up and sighed to myself. My mom does the most I tell you. I got up and fixed my clothes and headed to the conference room. I walked in and Raven was already in there and so was our new worker.
When I looked at him I was floored. He was so fine to me. I walked in and sat in front of him. I cleared my throat and said
"Hello my name is Amber Riley and you are Derrick Ross correct?" He gave me this smile and said
"Yes I am."
"So tell me about yourself." He leaned back in his chair and smiled.
"So I feel there is nothing that you should know but I do my job and do it well. I will bring to this company what it needs and wants. You will see your money not double but quadruple. I'm very observant and respectful. So is there anything else you need to know?" Derrick said as he put this smirk on his face.
Raven and I looked at each other and smiled. We said at the same time "You're Hired!"
Thanks for reading!!!!
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Non-FictionTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...