I got the job at the law firm I wanted. I'm so proud of myself. I knew keeping myself focused I would finally get the job of my dreams. And to top that off those girls are too fine. That got ass for days.
As I walked to my bedroom my cell phone rings. I picked it up and looked at the number. I didn't recognize that cell so I answered. "Hello this is Derrick Ross how can I help you?"
"Hey this is Amber how are you today?"
"I'm doing good. I didn't recognize this number. Do I need to save this to my contacts?"
"Most definitely. Please do so. But the reason for my call is I wanted to give you a heads up."
"About what? Did I do something wrong?"
"No no. Nothing like that. It's just my parents. They came earlier than expected and they are a handful. They are very bougie and is looking for wrong on mine and my sisters end. So just be on your A game for me."
"Oh baby that want be a problem for me. Cause one thing about me, I'm one of the most professional men you will ever find."
The line got quiet for a second. I thought she had hung up. I looked at the phone to see if it disconnected. It was still on.
"Hello are you there?" Derrick asked confused to what happened.
"I'm here. I'm sorry I got lost for a second there. What was you saying?"
"Oh, it's ok. I was just saying that you don't have to worry baby I got you covered and you will make a damn good impression to them. Trust me."
Amber got quiet again. The tone that Derrick was taking with her was turning her all the way on. She didn't know how to handle him at all. She thought about how fine he was and then his sexy ass voice on top of it. He had her wet as a wet rag in her panties.
"Amber are you there baby girl? You quiet on me again."
"Umm yes I'm here it's just that...we'll never mind." She said as she cleared her throat.
"Well what? Come on. You can tell me. That's what I love about a person. Be totally honest with me. Rather it hurts my feelings or not. Talk to me. What's on your mind? I'm all ears."
Amber took a deep voice and cleared her throat again. Before she spoke she took another deep breath and exhaled.
"Well it's just your voice is so damn sexy. It was throwing me off a little. On top of that you are one fine ass man."
Derrick laughed. He smiled from ear to ear as Amber talked.
"Well I'm most definitely flattered at your thoughts. I appreciate that a lot."
"I'm sorry if I offended you by saying that. I don't know what came over me. Usually I don't do things like that."
"Trust me it's fine. I'm actually flattered. Well to make you feel better you are fine as hell to me as well."
Amber mouth fell open and she most definitely got quiet again. She started fanning herself trying to bring down her feelings.
"Omg are you serious? Or are you just saying that to make me feel comfortable?"
"No I mean what I say. You are beautiful and actually I would love to take you out to dinner."
"You what? I didn't quite hear that last thing you said."
Derrick laughs and said "I know you heard me but I will say it again for confirmation. Will you like to go to dinner with me tonight?"
"I-I don't know what to say."
Derrick laughed seductively and said "well just say yes. That will be enough for me."
Amber smiled and said "could you hold on for just a second?"
"Sure I can do that for you." Derrick said smiling.
Amber put him on mute and started jumping up and down in her room and fell back on her bed.
"Alright Amber calm down calm down. You got this. Just say yes." Amber said to herself.
After she calmed down and got herself back together she clears her throat again, catch her breath and take the phone off mute.
"Ok I'm back. And to answer your question, yes I would love to go out with you."
"Great well I'll call you around 6ish and give you all the details. And if you don't mind I can pick you up for dinner. I mean if you are comfortable."
"Can I just meet you there this first time. I don't want to put anyone in my business like that."
"Ok that's fine. We'll see you later on then."
"Yes you will. And by the way should I dress formal or semi formal?"
"Dress formal for me. I know this place I want to take you to that is very formal and nice." Derrick said to Amber.
"Ok well I look forward to seeing you later then. Take care and see you tonight."
"Indeed. Tonight." Derrick said as he hung the phone up.
Derrick sat on the side of his bed and smirked. "Hmm well let's show this woman what you really made of Derrick." He said to himself.
Biting down on his lip, he got up and jumped in the shower. He took care of his hygiene and shaved his face afterwards. He brushed his hair and got dressed. He put on his cologne.
He walked back to the room and saw that it was 5:50.
"Good that gives me time to call Amber and give her the directions to the place." He said to himself.
Instead he texted her the address and the name of the place.
Meet me at La'Mores
5608 Melrose Pl. Can't wait to see you there.Derrick grabbed his keys and cell and put the alarm on. He locked up and headed to the truck. He got in and drove to the restaurant.
"This is about to be something nice." Derrick said.
Wow they going out!!!!
What will happen between them????
Comment and vote!!!!!

Non-FictionTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...