This book was fun to write. It's coming to a close now. I hope you guys enjoyed this book. The Riley Family was a sick family.
—————————————————After Derrick's funeral I felt so bad. I don't know if it was something I ate or what but I just didn't feel so good. I have been drinking a lot of ginger ale and eating crackers to try and settle my stomach. Nothing was working.
I got undressed and laid under the covers. I threw the covers over my head. As soon as I was bout to doze off there was a knock on my door.
"Damn can a bitch get some sleep? Come in." Raven yelled.
Amber walked in and sat on the side of the bed.
"Why are you in the bed?"
"Bitch I don't feel good. I don't know what it is."
"Maybe it's a stomach bug or your nerves with me turning in that tape to the detective to bring down mom and dad." Amber said.
"Hell nah. I can give a rats ass about them. And my nerves aren't bad. I don't know what it is. Usually I can take some crackers down and ginger ale and it works but this time it's not."
"You aren't pregnant are you?"
"What the fuck? I don't think so." Raven said.
"Did you and Derrick use protection?" Amber asked.
Raven sat up in the bed and thought for a second.
"Bitch no we didn't. Did y'all?" She asked.
"No we didn't. And I just found out that I was pregnant." Amber said.
"The fuck! You're pregnant?" Raven asked.
"Yes and it's Derrick baby. That's why I took his death so hard. Now I have his child and he's gone." Amber said.
"I know you fucking lying? You got another pregnancy test?"
"Yeah. I'll be back." Amber said going to her room.
Ah shit. I hope I ain't pregnant. If that is the case our kids are gonna be cousins and siblings. Ain't that some shit.
And how is that shit gonna look to the public eye. Damn I hope this ain't what it is. Amber walked back in and gave her the test.
"Do you want me to step out or stay with you?" Amber asked.
"You ain't going nowhere. Stay with me Shid." Raven said.
She got up and took the test. She closed the bathroom door and set a timer for 15 minutes. She paced the floor back and forth. She was so nervous.
"Sit down Raven. That ain't gonna change the results." Amber said.
"Man I ain't been this nervous since my little scare in high school."
"I remember that. You was scared shitless."
"Damn right. I was only 16 then. Mama would have killed me. Especially with her not liking Robert either."

Non-FictionTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...