The morning came around very fast. My alarm went off and I got up. I stretched a little and sat up in the bed. I looked at the time and it read 7:00 am. I wasn't ready for today cause my parents are coming and bringing the two stuck up bitches I know.
I got out of bed and walked in the bathroom. I use the restroom and flushed the toilet. I washed my hands and started the shower so my water can be getting warm. I wrapped my hair up and took my clothes off.
As I got in the shower I let the water hit me. I was still sleepy and didn't feel like getting up. After I woke up I took care of my hygiene and got out. I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around me.
I walked in the room and went to my closet to see what I wanted to wear today. As I picked out a outfit I got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I looked sexy as hell.
Raven walked in the room with me to see what I was doing.
"So you ready for this shitty day?"
"Actually I'm as ready as I'm going to be. I'm ready for whatever they gonna throw at me today are you?"
"No I'm not. I'm thinking about leaving and not even being here when they come."
"And why are you doing that?"
"Amber I don't care to be here with these two faced ass people. We don't need nothing from them."
"And I don't either but it's happening and we might as well get prepared for it."
"Yeah whatever Amber."
Raven walked out the room and went to the kitchen. She poured herself some orange juice and sat at the counter table.
"So what time are they gonna be here?"
"They just said early morning. So I guess any time."
"Damn and they bringing their stuck up ass still. This is about to be something interesting."
"And you know it." Amber said grabbing her a bowl and fixing her some cereal.
About a hour passed and the doorbell rings. Amber got up and answered the door. As soon as she opened it she was hit with her parents and her sister and cousin.
"Well hello daughter."Bonita said to them as she walked passed her.
The rest followed behind her. Amber rolled her eyes and let them in. Raven looked up and stood as they came in.
"Well if it isn't little miss stuck up ass." Raven said to Anika.
"Don't come for me and I want come for you."
"And who said that I was not gonna come for you? You act like you so much better than us and you are not."
"I can't help y'all choose to live like hoodlums. And I have class." Anika said.
"Class? You got class? Bitch please. I got more class than you will ever have. Matter of fact you can get your bougie ass out my house. How about that?" Raven said walking off from her.
"Wait a damn minute.
Don't you talk to your sister like that you hear me?" Bonita said."None of you have to be here. I told y'all you couldn't stay here and that's what I meant." Raven said.
"We don't have to leave and this is where we are staying." Keith said to his daughter.
"Wait. This is going way too far. Y'all need to calm down and let's just talk about this." Amber said.
"No it's not going far enough. I meant what I said. Get the fuck out my house." Raven said.
She walked to the door and opened it. She held her hand out the door for them to get out.
"Now all of you. Get out! And I mean right now."
They all walked to the door. They started walking out and Bonita turned around and looked back at them.
"This is not over by a long shot. This is not how you treat your parents let alone your family."
"Right cause y'all are so rude and conceited." Brenda said.
"Talk your shit while you walking out my damn house." Raven said.
They all walked out and Raven slammed the door. She walked back to the sofa and sat down.
"Was all of that necessary Raven?"
"Yes it was necessary and more should of been done."
"All you had to do was talk nicely."
"Talk nicely? Man please. This is why they run over you Amber. Stop being so passive. I ain't about that shit anymore. We don't spend no money from them and they ain't helping us either."
"I know that sis but come on. Now that's gonna be over our head too."
"Who cares about that shit. I don't. And you need to get like that too. Grow a backbone. We are grown. And you need to start acting like it."
"Wow so you saying I'm soft?"
"I ain't saying shit. But what I will tell you is that you need to grow the fuck up."
Raven got up and walked to her room and slammed the door. Amber stood there and looked at her walk away from her.
I can't believe all of this just happened. Like this was not suppose to go like this at all. Now we got our parents mad and our grand opening is Friday. I don't need nor want no negative vibes.
I called my mom to see if they got somewhere to go. The phone rung a few times before she answered.
"What is it that you want Amber?"
"Mother don't act like that. I was just calling to see if y'all found somewhere to go and y'all settled."
"And why should you care you put us out your house and now you
Want to act like you care? Please. I don't want to hear your sob story.""Wow so you gonna take that out on me?"
"Goodbye Amber. I'll deal with this on another note."
Bonita hung the phone up in her face.
"Wow this is about to be bad. I see it already."
Her mom is a mess!!!!
Was Raven wrong???
Was Amber wrong???
Comment and vote!!!

Non-FictionTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...