2 years later
"Raven come get Derrick Jr. He is all over the place in here. I got my own child to look after." Amber said to her.
"I'm coming. I had to use the bathroom. He don't let me do nothing. All he do is cry and follow me around like a sick damn puppy."
"That's cause you got him spoiled. Dayshia is already crying. I can't have two of them crying. Hurry up damn." She yelled back.
Raven came to the living room and got her son. He didn't want to go with her cause he was very close to his little cousin. Which happens to be his sister too.
No one knows that they was pregnant from the same man. They just think cause they are sisters they resembles each other so much.
They had a rough two years of their life. They took down their family. All of them was killed except for Keith. They are still looking for him.
Business is going well. All the connects that Keith has are now their connects. When the news got ahold to what they was doing he lost all his connects.
And what better way to celebrate but to have the kids a birthday party. They were born not too many weeks apart. So they did everything together.
They learned how to get along and take care of the kids as a whole. That's all they had left of Derrick. His parents ended up dying a year back. So they only had the kids to remember him by.
It was hard for Amber at first cause she really loved Derrick. Even though he played the sisters he really wanted to be with her and she wanted to be with him.
But now with him being dead it was a mess.She wanted to start back dating but she was scared it wouldn't come out right. She had been talking to someone. Of coarse she told her sister this time who he was so they don't have the same thing to happen.
He was nice to her and took up with her daughter as if she was his. He wanted to go public with their relationship but she was not quite ready for that just yet.
"Amber Micheal just came up." Raven yelled from outside inside the house.
Michael walked in and kissed her lips. He picked up Dayshia up and planted kisses all over her face. She laughed and played with him.
"Hey baby. How you feeling today?" Michael asked her.
"I'm doing. I'm a little tired but I'm good. And you?"
"I'm ok baby. Now that I am off work and here with you and Day." He said kissing her again.
Dayshia laughed and laid her head on Michael chest.
Amber could not believe how easy she was with him. Most of the time she is very mean and don't like to come to people. But since the first day she met him she has loved him. That warmed her heart. Even with Derrick Jr.
He was so in love with him too. Raven came in and out him down.
"Mike you need to stop spoiling him damn. He almost had a heart attack when you walked in."
"I'm sorry. I just love the kids that's all. Send him over. He can have the other leg."
Michael picked him up and put him on his lap. The two kids played together and laughed. Amber got up and started dinner.

Non-FictionTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...