Y'all got those reads up fast. I said 550. When I updated the last chapter it was at 534. That number jumped. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. Please continue the cycle. I will update again for this book when the reads hit 600. Enjoy the drama that's about to start.—————————————————
"I know damn well that's not who she is talking to. I just know it's not." Raven said to herself out loud as she paced her bedroom floor.
"I can't take this I got to see what's going on with Amber."
Raven walked out her room and knocked on Amber door. There was no response at first. So she knocked again.
"Yeah? Just a minute I'm putting on my night clothes." Amber yelled out.
"Girl I done send your ass naked before. Open this damn door. We need to talk."
Amber walked to the door with her bra and panties on and opens the door. She walked back to her bed and finished getting ready for bed.
"What's so important that you got to be knocking on my door like the damn police Raven?"
"Don't take that tone with me Amber. Now it's high time that you tell me who this nigga is that you are dating."
"Raven. I don't want to discuss this with you. Matter of fact I'm not discussing this with you. Now I'm going to bed."
"No the hell you not. We are talking about this."
"Like I said no I'm not. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning. Now get out my room."
Raven huffed and walked out the room slamming the door. I can't believe her. She is not telling me what this guy name is. I want to know.
I walked back in my room and sat on the side of the bed. I picked up my phone and called Derrick.
"Hello." He said in that deep sexy ass voice.
"What you doing?"
"Laying across the bed thinking about you."
"Really now? Well I can still come over I mean if you want to pick up where we left off."
"I can dig it. Come on over."
"Ok give me about 20 minutes and I'll be there."
"Aight. Call me when you here."
I got up and put on me some clothes. I slid my shoes on and walked out the room. I turned the alarm off and set it for it. I walked to the car and crunk up.
I headed out the yard and drove down the road. Putting his address in my GPS, I turned on me some music as I rode to his house.
After I found the house I cut off and took a deep breath. I opened the door and put the alarm on. I walked to the door and called Derrick.
"Hey I'm outside your door."
"Aight here I come."

Non-FictionTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...