Y'all got those reads up fast. I said 820. When I updated the last chapter it was at 835. That number jumped. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. Please continue the cycle. I will update again for this book when the reads hit 920. Enjoy the drama that's about to start.
"Raven? What are you doing here?" Derrick said all nervous."Well you said come back later and that's what I did. You not happy to see me or some shit?"
"No it's not that. It just right now is not a good time."
"And why is it not?" She said crossing her arms across her chest.
"It's just not a good time. Go home. I'll call you tomorrow Aight."
"Nah I ain't going nowhere until you tell me what the hell is going on. And why you so fucking nervous?"
Derrick was trying to think of something to say fast to get her away from here before Amber walked out.
Raven didn't even pay attention that there was another car there until she looked back. She recognized the car immediately.
"Is my sister here? Why is her car here?"
Derrick just looked at her.
"Answer me Derrick." She yelled.
Raven pushed passed him and saw the romantic scene he put up.
"What the fuck is all of this Derrick? And where is Amber?"
"Raven listen to me. I need you to calm down and go home please. I'll explain everything tomorrow."
"Nah. Oh hell nah. Are you fucking my sister?" Raven said loudly.
"Baby let me.."
Raven cut him off.
"Nah fuck that shit. Amber!!!!!"
She yelled through the house. Raven walked down the hall and walked in the bedroom Derrick has previously made love to her in.
When she walked in she couldn't believe her eyes.
"I know you fucking lying!! So this is who you been dating and fucking??? Really Amber?" Raven yelled.
Amber threw her clothes on and jumped out the bed.
"Raven what the hell are you doing here? This is my man house."
"Correction this is my man house. Derrick and I been fucking and going together."
"Wait. What the fuck? This the guy you went to lunch with?" Amber asked.
"You damn right. And you don't have no business being here."
"What the hell you mean? This is who I went to dinner with."
They both looked back at Derrick. He was sweating bullets.
"Wait y'all. Let me explain this." Derrick said as he put his hands up in the surrendering mode.

Literatura faktuTwo sisters that grew up closer than ever moves in together and decides to make moves as a family. Everything goes well within the company until they hire a fine handsome man named Isaiah Walker. Things are gonna get very deep and personal between t...