One by one the Neiredes shed tails,
board ship gossiping, settling gracefully.
Who will sleep where seems the only travail
for passionate nymphs ablaze with esprit.
Clearly expecting thrilling adventure,
plotting to increase opportunities,
scheming of ways to avoid indenture,
dreaming of love in exotic cities.
Praise Goddess they also know sail from mast,
for having been liberal with their charms,
their nautical knowledge is unsurpassed
being schooled as sweethearts in sailors' arms.
As one winsome nymph offers heaped trencher
the captain prays for a painless venture.
Thơ caPART 1: Seven poems that explore love. The sated wind doodles mischievously no longer the ravening raptor loosed that scratched sharp claws to my unfettered glee. Now are you temperate, husky, obtuse. PART 2: Follows the tale of a persecuted dragon...