Controversial Chorus

121 22 15

Penelope rides troughing waves, making way
through choppy valleys of perilous seas.
This flurrying ocean is paraphrased*
for blinded* bards won't praise Penelopes.

Nor does this Age eagerly recognise
that fire in women should be accepted,
their power is tragically demonised,
monstered, instead of being respected.

But bitterness only disaffirms life
and renders the sufferer powerless,
Penelope values the state of wife,
she chooses valour, not cowardice.

Delayed somewhere is brave Odysseus;
of her bold quest, he is oblivious.

*Wonders are many on earth, and the greatest of these
Is man, who rides the ocean and takes his way
Through the deeps, through wind-swept valleys of perilous seas
That surge and sway. Sophocles Antigone

*Yes, yes, I know, Homer was blind, Sophocles was not but metaphorically speaking... hmmmmmmmm... it works ;)


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