I'm damned if I know what to say, my friend,
for I have never given as you gave.
So difficult for me to comprehend,
I have dabbled while you have tidal-waved.
I've buoyed and broached* but not to your extent -
my shallow sailing's hopelessly tepid.
My comfort although worthless is well meant -
It grieves me to believe you might be wretched.
Your shipwrecked heart has strangely scuttled mine,
it fears you sigh for siren song again.
Beware, my friend, they're cranky* not benign
I swear you'll pay in ways not yet ordained.
Let go of that cruel Circe whom you've clasped
those gorgeous tresses harbour deadly asps..
Broach - When a sailing vessel loses control of its motion and is forced into a sudden sharp turn, often heeling heavily and in smaller vessels sometimes leading to a capsize.
Cranky - Possibly from the Dutch krengd, a crank was an unstable sailing vessel. Due to a faulty design, the imbalance of her cargo, or a lack of ballast, a crank would heel too far to the wind.
PoetryPART 1: Seven poems that explore love. The sated wind doodles mischievously no longer the ravening raptor loosed that scratched sharp claws to my unfettered glee. Now are you temperate, husky, obtuse. PART 2: Follows the tale of a persecuted dragon...