Chapter 6

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Verity dropped on to her bed with a 'plonk' and smiled to herself. Of course, Tyson was planning her first mission, why else would he have ordered the suit. They had stopped 2 robberies and saved a few people who were on the edge of a collapsing building. According to Tyson, the nights were usually a lot more hectic than that, but for some reason, everyone seemed to be sleeping or not interested in burgling tonight. Well, either that or Tyson purposefully avoided the high crime areas for her first mission. Even if that was the case, Verity was very proud of herself. She found herself lost in thought until there was a knock on her door.

"As much as you probably want to sleep in that suit of yours, they go downstairs," Tyson said. "Change quickly so I can show you where to put it." Verity scrambled off the bed and ran a bath. After her 2 minute bath and change, Verity grabbed her suit and headed down the spiral staircase. She found Tyson waiting at the bottom, his suit in hand.

"After missions, you clean up and the suits are cleaned and stored in my "hidey-hole' if you wish to give it a name."

"So technically speaking the suits have a room?"

"Not necessarily their room, more like a secret information and data storage that the suits borrow occasionally." Verity nodded and followed him to the 'secret room'. Said secret room was quite secret, being hidden in the corner and having to tap a specific pattern on the wall to enter it. A door sized part of the wall shifted aside to reveal yet another white-walled and marble floor, but this time with stacks of files on shelves and a machine rather similar to that of a CT scanner.

"This is where the magic happens."


Verity read through the first page of her 15th file and put it down in irritation. So many files, but not anything that wasn't solved. Tyson said that she should find one or two, but her chances of finding then were dwindling in the low 20%. Out of the estimated 5 thousand that he has, none were sorted and all of them were stuffed into untidy piles. Verity pulled out the next few and started checking them for valid information. From all the cases that Tyson had, she assumed that he had been working for roughly 10 to 20 years. Verity read through the next one:

Secret illegal organization

Status: Active, Dormant, Eliminated

Members: 18 - 20 Mainly consists of the leader, deputy, followers and information passer.

Verity sighed as she added it to the pile of discarded files. If Tyson knew that she was using her sleep deprivation to get down here and check the files he would probably strip her of her suit and send her home, but just in case, Verity had managed to swipe a microphone from his stash and placed it outside her door so that she would be able to hear if Tyson walked out of his room.

Verity grabbed another file and opened it. Just before she started reading, something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Another file on the bottom shelf, but this time slightly thicker than the rest and had a green label on the side that read 'active'. Verity closed her current file and threw it on the pile of checked ones. She reached over and grabbed the booklet and opened it. Inside were titles that any other file she had seen. They read:

Secret illegal organization (Experimentation)

Status: Active, Dormant, Eliminated

Members: 50 - 80 (at the least) Consists of a leader (in jail), followers, scientists, security guards.

Actions: Experimentation on humans (Young children)

Outcome: Results are unclear, some children develop power, but most die afterward due to their bodies not being able to contain the power. Other children slowly develop rare diseases and die shortly after.

Methods: Injection of liquids, exposure to radiation.

Survivors: 1

The list carried on, but Verity skipped a few pages and stopped when she saw pictures of children about her age. There were so many that Verity couldn't count all of them. All of them either said Cause of death: Power development or Cause of death: Disease. All except for one. Verity's veins went cold when she saw the most recent documentary.

Verity Milton

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Date taken: 5th August

Date returned: 18th September

Days missing: 44

Cause of death: None

Powers (If developed): Electricity creation and manipulation, telekinesis, possibly strength and natural reflex enhancement

Memory of time spent at the facility: Memory wiped, no info

After effects: Insomnia, Unfocused at times

Verity checked over the report over a few times and compared it to the others. She was the only survivor and the only one who didn't develop any illnesses from the experiment. Well, Insomnia could count, but it isn't life-threatening. If she was the only one to survive, then what's so special about her?


Verity shoved all of the files back into their places in a blind panic and ran to hide behind one of the many shelves stacked with files on them. She had heard footsteps coming down the stairs and got a fright. Apparently, her microphone hadn't worked, and now she didn't have time to run out of the room.

The door opened after someone tapped the pattern on the wall. Tyson slouched into the room, still wearing his nightclothes. He had his phone in one hand and a notebook in the other. He sauntered over to the desk with the computer and sat down, pulling out a digital version of the file that Verity was using just minutes before. He pulled up Verity's file and added three new lines.

Survival progress: No changes in personality or daily routine

First mission: Successful, well-controlled, nearly ready for an introduction to the experimentation works

Purpose in defeat: Use powers to take out safety protocols and defense systems.

Verity's heart skipped a beat. He planned to use her all along?


Thank you, once again!

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