Chapter 12:b

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Main beings with power. There are four in total. Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. They are the most powerful beings, and if they are accompanied by a sub-elemental of their class their power increases. Elemental-Powers cannot be corrupted. They can create and control their element, but when they use a lot of their power, they need at least 3 days to 3 months to replenish their power. When an Elemental-Power dies, the most powerful sub-elemental will gain the previous Elemental-Power's power and will take on the title.


The Sub-Elementals have some of the Elemental-Powers power, but they will never have enough power to be a worthy opponent. There are 3 classes:

High Powered:

These are the most powerful Sub-Elementals. They are generally the ones who take on the title of Elemental-Power when they die. These can have 50-70% of the Elemental-Power's power. They can have more than one element to create/control, but they can't control the full element. Sometimes they can't create the element, but can fully control it. Other times they can create anything, but can't 100% control what they create. These are generally the sons/daughters of the Elemental-Powers. they can also control at least one power unrelated to the elements.

Mid Powered:

These are the middle of the ranks. they can't control a lot of an element, but they usually can control something that the element is related to. For example, a Mid Powered fire Sub-Elemental could control heat temperature, but not fire itself. Mid-Powered Sub-Elementals never get the title of Elemental-Power, unless there is no High Powered Sub-Elemental of their element. Mid powered Sub-Elementals can have powers unrelated to the elements, but it's slightly uncommon.

Low Powered:

These have the least powerful form of power. They cannot do a lot with their power and have never been known to take the Elemental-Power title. They are nearly human, and can't have non elemental related powers.

Non-Elemental Powers:

These are beings with a lot to very little power who can do things unrelated to elements. For example, a common power would telekinesis, the power of moving things with your mind. They can be limited within their powers as to what they can do, but sometimes they can have enough power to rival an Elemental-Power, though it is very rare. For example, a person with telekinesis can be limited to moving living things only, or be limited to moving things within a specific weight.

Corrupted Powers:

Corrupted powers are Sub-Elementals or Non-Elementals who have wrongly developed powers. Instead of being contained or controlled, their powers are dark and instead of doing what is intended, they do the opposite or just destroy what they can. If the Sub-Elemental or Non-Elemental gains control over their powers, the power in contained, and the darkness then need something else to corrupt, so it eats away at their soul. Once the soul is more than half destroyed, the wielder of the powers becomes cold and evil, and destroys and harms everything that it can, and they eventually die. There are no known cases where they have survived the darkness.


These are the children of the powers, who never develop their power. They are practically humans.


This was the pamphlet that Tamara gave Verity. It is better explained in here than in the previous chapter. Thanks for reading!

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