Chapter 8

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Electro sent a beam of electricity, hitting the van and causing it to roll. The money came flying out the back and 2 of the robbers tried to run. Lightstalker blocked them off and ended up having a fistfight that ended with the robbers lying on the ground, out cold. While Lightstalker was busy, Electro had time to take out the driver and call the police. Once they heard the wail of sirens in the distance, Electro grabbed onto Lightstalker's hand and they flew up to the top of the apartment building. Once they were at the top, Electro let out a whoop of excitement.

"Where to next?" she demanded, adrenaline still pulsing through her.

"I've told you, that is the last one for tonight," Lightstalker said firmly to her.

"Please?" she wined, aching for another fight.

"No." Electro hung her head in defeat and grabbed Lightstalker's hand so that he could teleport them back to the house. The sun was peaking below the horizon, sending brilliant colors onto the sky for the sunset. They were on the lawn, making their way into the house. Tyson opened the front door and made his way to his room to change.

Verity was out of her suit in a flash and had it put in the room where they stored their suits. She was now in the kitchen, making herself some noodles before she went to bed. One they were finished, Verity sat down at the dining table and started eating. Once she was finished, she tidied up and went to her room to get to bed. She got upstairs and went to brush her teeth. Once she was finished, she put her stuff down and headed back into her room. The lights were off. Verity looked around in confusion. They were on a minute ago. She released some electricity into the lights and saw a figure standing by her window with their back to her.

"Please don't," the person said as Verity opened her mouth to call Tyson. Instead, she asked,

"Who are you?"

"I honestly thought that you would be a tiny bit smarter than that," he said, turning around with a smirk plastered onto his face. He wore a green hoodie and his eyes were so blue that they looked made of ice.

"The trickster?" Verity gasped.


"What do you want from me?"

"Well, it's not so much what I want from you, but more what you can do for me."

"Isn't that technically the same thing," Verity was slightly confused, and lit her hands with electricity. "If you don't get to the point, I'll call Lightstalker."

"No need to call that old oaf, I've already dealt with him before. And what I want sweetheart, is you with me fighting in the streets of the city, because I don't have your powers. Like you, I can control electricity, but I can't create it. You can. You also have telekinesis. For all I know, you could be hiding so many more powers that I don't know about."

"How did you find all this in the first place?"

"Your buddy Tyson? He's not as smart as he seems. How do you think I got the info?" Verity thought for a second, and then it clicked.

"You hack Tyson?"

"Well, how else would I get the info?" Verity shrugged and busied herself with a notebook.

"If you really want to see the true colors of our city, meet me at the central café two blocks from the central school at 6:00 pm, kay?" and with that, he jumped out the window.

"Sure..." Verity sighed and got into bed. She closed her eyes and waited for sleep to come. But once again, her restless sleep returned.


Alvin waited patiently inside the coffee shop, sipping his 3rd cup of coffee. He'd been there for roughly an hour, and it was only 5:56. He sat in a secluded corner that was very much ignored by most people. He looked around once again and was ever so pleased to see a skittish young Verity briskly walking to the coffee shop. She entered the shop and her blue eyes rested on a comfortably slouched Alvin. She made her way over to him and sat down at the table.

"Nice of you to show up," he joked.

"Just splendid," Verity said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Now get to the point," Alvin smirked and wriggled in his seat a little.

"Well, as a first, let's start with how Tyson is a fraud. He wants to use you to gain popularity, but me, I only want to save people but destroy things in the process."

"So then how do you explain the school?"

"You see, there was a kid who had a gun, so I stopped the school shooting, but had fun in the process." Verity's mind was shattered at that very moment. How many new super people is she going to meet before she just poofed out of existence?

"Okay, so if the city is not what I think it is, then prove it." Alvin grinned and slapped a 20 dollar bill on the table.

"Let's go then." Alvin grabbed Verity's hand and pulled her out of the shop with him. "Did you bring your suit?" Verity nodded, and Alvin kept leading the way.

"I didn't get your name."

"It's Alvin."


"Okay, now seeing as you're new around here, everyone's going to probably bombard you with questions, but ignore them. And from now on, the public is a no-no. They don't get to know about us." Verity nodded once again. She was fully dressed in her suit and Alvin in his. They stood atop a building on the outskirts of town. "Come on!" Verity followed him as he hopped from balcony to balcony on the building. They got about halfway down the building when Alvin stopped her. "Look," he said, pointing to the streets below them. They were crowded with people all talking and having fun.

"This is amazing," Verity whispered. Alvin smiled.

"Welcome to Paradise."


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