Chapter 11

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Halfway through dinner on Verity's fourth day, the loud bells from her initiation started blaring out once again. Everyone in the dining hall got up and briskly made their way to the dome, making small talk as they went. Verity followed, and of course not knowing where to go, she made her way to Tamara's office. She got there just as Tamara closed the door to her office. She smiled and beckoned Verity to follow.

"Alvin has found another soldier for us," she said. "We're going to see a contest. Much like yours." Verity nodded and followed Tamara onto her small platform which she made the announcements from. Verity stood a few steps behind her and saw as Alvin, much like the last time, ran into the arena. A tall, dirty blonde boy that looked around 16 followed him. He was shocked at the crowd and held a slight look of fear on his face. Once again, Tamara stepped forward with her small speech.

"We gather in the arena once again for another initiation. We welcome our new competitor, Mercury!" Like they did for Verity, the crowd stayed mainly silent, but erupted into cheers as Tamara said, "Up against the reigning champion, Raven!"

The fight began, Mercury making the first move. He disappeared and reappeared at the other end of the arena. Teleportation? He was in front of Alvin now, and with precise aim, knocked him to the side with a punch. Alvin reacted quickly and was up in a flash. He watched where Mercury stepped and landed some hefty blows on him. Mercury was knocked onto the ground, and a sharp piece of metal caught his leg, creating a gash that looked about 6 inches long from where Verity was standing. The crowd all sucked in a breath, waiting for what would happen next. Mercury hoisted himself up into a sitting position and touched his hand to his leg. His hand glowed a bright green, and when he pulled away, the whole gash was gone! He stood up once again to face Alvin, who was pacing a few meters away. Verity let out a whoop of encouragement, and the crowd followed her lead, all of them shouting for Mercury.


Loki got up, his leg tingling from the healing process. He turned to face Raven, and the girl that he saw earlier standing behind the commentator yelled in encouragement. After she started, the crowd joined. Loki smiled, and using his power, he sped over to Raven and winded him by knocking him in the stomach with his elbow. Raven sucked in a deep breath, and with a sharp 'zap', was not in the same place anymore. Instead, where he was standing was a brilliant white tiger. It let out a ferocious roar and jumped atop of Loki. Loki squirmed, using his powers to slip free of his grasp. The world was still in slow motion when he heard the alarm start. He immediately stopped in his tracks, when he was about to knock the tiger out. The tiger went 'zap', very much like the previous time, and in its place was Raven. The loud alarms were still going off, and Loki looked around the arena. In the air was a man with a golden and white suit, probably an expensive one at that. He looked angry and ready for battle. His voice cut straight through the little silence that there was.

"Hand over Electro, or face the consequences."


Tyson waited in the shadows, fully dressed in his suit. He had waited for the defenses at the entrance to drop before making his move to get into the city. He had flown slightly behind the crowds, slightly confused. Farther in the front was the trickster himself, and he seemed to be running from another boy. Tyson waited until everyone had gone in, then made his way in on the one side. As he found a spot to sit, he watched the scene in front of him unfold. There was a who walked up to the top a platform to speak, and directly behind her was none other than the person he was looking for, Verity. The woman announced the two people who would be fighting, and then the fight began. Tyson stared at the battle in front of him, confused and angry. All of his research of people like him took him ages, and he had never found out that there were other people with powers. But now it was just sitting there, in his reach. He watched as the battle unfolded, and just as the 'Mercury' buy was about to end the fight with a final blow, a hand grabbed his arm tightly and alarms started going off. Tyson shoved the person off of him and flew to the middle of the arena. Verity's joyful expression turned stone cold when she saw me.

"Hand over Electro, or face the consequences," Tyson ordered, his voice ringing out over the whispering crowd.

"Lightstalker," the woman next to Verity said icily. "You should not have come here." Tyson slowly floated forwards towards the platform.

"As I said, I'm not here for you. Only the girl." Verity's posture was confident and steady, but the look in her eyes betrayed her.

"Why did you come for me?" Verity asked.

"I'm here to take you home, to the real world," Tyson reasoned, hoping that she would understand the urgency of the situation. "The people need us, Verity. These don't. Come back." Verity stood still, and Tyson could tell that she was considering her options.

"If she wanted to stay with you why did she leave then?" Another clear voice rand out, this time from the floor of the stadium. Tyson turned around and looked down upon the boy.

"And who are you?" Tyson asked.

"Loki," the boy said, his voice wavering slightly.

"Stay out of this kid. You aren't part of it."

"So?" Verity's voice rang out once again. "He has the freedom of speech here, and you're not even part of the city, so you can't do anything about it." Tyson sighed and tried again.

"Verity, you must see the reason. They have taken you away from your family, and now you'll never see them again. But If you come with me, you can." This hit Verity, realizing how it could benefit her. But at the same time she knew that if her mom accidentally found out about her powers, she would be handed over to the government. Verity shook her head angrily.

"No, I'm staying. You know that now, so leave." Tyson narrowed his eyes slightly at this.

"Fine," he snapped. "Only after I talk to the leader of the city. Tamara stepped farther out onto the platform.

"Very well, but after our chat, you must leave."


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