Chapter 7

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Alvin smirked as he disappeared from the alley to the middle of the school with a 'poof'. He clapped his hands twice, turning the fire alarm on. The children and teenagers shuffled through the halls, some slow and some rushing. He tightened his army green hood over his head, making it dip an inch or so lower. once all the children were out the school, he set his plan to work. He first aimed to destroy things made of paper to get his fire started, hence why he started heading for the library. He took out his lighter and set fire to one of the books. He used the already born flame and enlarged it so that it consumed the whole area. All the books and wooden shelves caught alight, creating a massive bonfire. He headed to the normal classrooms next and set off a few tiny explosions. once he had covered everything except the science area, he appeared in the sky to admire his work. He hovered for a moment, giant bird wings sprouted from his back suddenly. He grinned and set off the most harmful explosion yet. The science area. He felt a slight breeze in the air and summoned it to rage in a circle around him. Once he was satisfied with the force he thrust his hands out towards the building, the wind causing the fire to go in the direction of the science area. There was a moment of stillness when the whole ground shook with the deafening 'BOOM!' of the explosion. He started free falling through the air, only to disappear, the only evidence left was the tiny beetle flying in the opposite direction.


He planned to use her all along?


Tyson added the last line to the document and pulled out another. He planned on doing more research on the trickster, Alvin Decker. One of his most recent missions included tracking him down and either recruiting him or turning him over to the police. Of course, though, Tyson hadn't done much research concerning the trickster because of Verity, but now it was his second main focus, his first being the experimental group. Tyson typed in some new information that he found about the trickster and put it in. He planned on taking Verity to help him capture Alvin, but he would need to convince her of the importance first. Alvin had last been seen when he narrowly escaped capture when he blew up a school in the central city. He was slippery, because he never spoke, never revealed himself, and was entirely unpredictable. The school had reported that no one got hurt because somehow the fire alarm sounded just moments before he destroyed it. In that case, meaning that the trickster didn't hurt people, he just liked blowing up buildings for fun. So far the abilities that Tyson had discovered were made up of being able to create illusions, manipulate certain parts of the elements, animal DNA mixtures, and shapeshifting or teleportation, possibly both. Alvin was overpowered and he needed to be either trained or contained.

Verity shifted uncomfortably in her corner behind the shelves, the time ticking by torturously slow. Tyson had been in the room for well over 30 minutes, and Verity's legs were starting to cramp. She wormed about uncomfortably and knocked a book off the shelf by accident. She froze, her veins chilling with fear. Once again, she felt the tingling feeling that she felt when she first used her telekinesis, but this time in her whole body. Tyson looked at the bookshelf suddenly and came over to inspect it. Verity pushed herself further into the corner in hopes of not being spotted. Tyson looked at the bookshelves carefully, his gaze shifting straight over her. Verity stared in confusion and looked down at her hands, only to find that they were gone! Verity stood up slowly and tiptoed across the room. Tyson was still inspecting the bookshelf, having no knowledge of the girl behind him. Verity quietly slipped out the room and went up the stairs as quietly as she could. She snuck into her room and climbed into the bed as quickly as she could. Her heart was pounding from her fear, and her hands were still invisible when she checked. Verity's heart slowly calmed down, and she went to the bathroom for a sip of water. When she turned the lights on, she saw herself in the mirror, making her jump slightly. Verity checked her hands again, and they were there. Verity smiled and drank her water, then climbed into bed. She closed her eyes, and for the first time in a while, her sleep was undisturbed and peaceful.


Once again, thanks for reading!

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