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Billy got out of the house and saw Max with a huge grin standing at his blue Camaro. It took Billy few minutes until he realized that his car wasn't damaged as he remembered. "My car.." He pointed at his car. Max laughed "It has few scratches but other than that it's repaired and it works" "Did you fix it?" Billy asked. "Yeah, with help of my friends" Max said and Billy hugged her. "You're amazing, Max."

Billy decided to ride his car around Hawkins for a while. He wanted to talk to Max about his drawings but didn't know how to bring it up. He didn't even know why he had drawn Steve, they weren't friends, and Steve hated him, Billy thought. "While I was gone..Neil didn't do anything to you and your mom, right?" Billy asked. "No, mostly he was out of the town." Max said. Finally Billy pulled over in front of Byers' house, where the whole gang was meeting. "I think you should come too" Max said. "Are you sure?" Billy asked and Max nodded with a smile. Both of them got out of the car. Max knocked on the door few times and Will opened it. "Oh my god" Will took a few steps back and stared at Billy. "Will?" Max called out. "Who's there?" Jonathan came to the door and his smile faded when he saw Billy. "He- he woke up?" Jonathan pointed his finger at Billy. "Yes! everything's fine! he's fine!"Max scoffed. "Come inside" Will moved so Billy and Max could enter. 

"GUYS!" Max ran to where Eleven, Mike, Dustin  and Lucas were. "Billy woke up" She said with a smile. Nancy, Robin and Steve looked at him in shock. Robin quickly jumped of her seat and yelled "Last time I remember, this guys tried to kill all of us!" Billy glared at her "and last time I remember you and your boyfriend hit me with a car" "I'm not her-"Steve shook his head when Billy interrupted him "I just came here to apologize for everything, and I mean it"Billy said and turned around to leave when Eleven called him "Billy?" Billy turned to look at her. "You can stay, with us" Eleven said "Please?" Billy looked at others "Yeah, you could stay" Nancy smiled at him. 

All of them were sitting in front of the TV and watching some movie about zombies. Billy wasn't paying attention to it, he was looking at Steve and Robin whispering things at each other and laughing. Billy felt the rage rising up, he wanted to taunt Steve like before. "Hey Billy" Nancy tapped Billy gently on the shoulder "we adults are going outside, come if you want" Billy got up and followed them. He sat down on the sofa alongside Robin, he really didn't want to sit next to her but that was the only free seat, Steve was sitting on her other side and Jonathan and Nancy were sitting on the chairs. 

The sun was setting and it was getting windy. The police car pulled over and Hopper and Joyce got out of the car. "Why won't you ever, ever believe me?! That guy was very suspicious!"Joyce was yelling at Hopper. "You can't just assume someone is a thief and put them behind bars! We need evidence!" Hopper yelled back at her. Joyce made her way to the house and greeted to Nancy, Steve, Robin and- "Billy?" "Hi Mrs.Byers"Billy smiled at her. "I'm so glad you're fine" Joyce hugged him. "Oh hey kids" Hopper said and furrowed his eyebrows at Billy. "Oh so you're that asshole Billy who saved my daughter?"Hopper said. "Hopper!"Joyce scolded. "Yeah I guess i'm that asshole Billy" Billy chuckled and Hopper hugged him. Billy flinched as bigger man's arms wrapped around him. "You saved my daughter" I tried to kill her first but..whatever, Billy thought. Joyce and Hopper went inside, leaving the kids alone.

"Oh, I've never introduced myself properly and I'm sorry for my earlier burst. I'm Robin" Robin held her hand out for handshake. Billy and Robin shook hands "billy". 

Billy was told about other demogorgon they  were fighting when he was in a coma, how they all thought Hopper had died on fourth of July, but he was actually held as a prisoner by Russians. 

Billy noticed it was getting dark and he stood up immediately, looking for Max to tell her they were leaving. "Please, just for a few minutes!" Max whined. "No! we're going NOW."Billy raised his voice. 'Fine.. bye guys" Max rolled her eyes. 

Billy's hands were shaking as he started the car. "Are you okay?" Max asked. "Yeah, everything's fine" Billy said, they were on their way home. "Did any of the guys tell you something that angered you?" Max asked. "No!" Billy yelled at her. He wanted a cigarette. He passed by a store, but he was scared to stop the car and get out of it. He was scared of the dark.. He was scared of driving in the dark. He was scared that Mind Flayer would be back and take over him again. He slowed down  and stopped the car. "I'm scared Max" Billy said as his eyes were getting watery. "Hey, it's gone, okay? It's never going to harm you."Max reassured him. 

When they walked into the house Neil asked "Where have you being?" "We just went to hang out" Billy said. "You've just been discharged from hospital and you start running around the town?! "Neil yelled. "We just walked around the mall for Halloween stuff" Max lied. Neil eyed at her, then looked back at Billy and walked away.


Thank you guys for reading! (even if it's like two people reading this) 

Please, don't be ghost readers and vote&comment, because that makes me more motivated to write. I enjoy writing this story and I have lot of ideas but if no one's reading it that means i'm writing this for myself. I'd really appreciate if you vote on the story ❤️💕

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