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Steve looked up at Robin and asked, "How did you realize you liked girls?"

Robin was about to speak when they were interrupted by a Keith, store manager. Steve and Robin didn't have a chance to talk. "We'll talk later, okay?"Robin whispered as she got back to work. 

It was time to go home and Steve was giving a ride to Robin. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. "Not yet" Steve sighed. 

"I know how you feel. It's not easy to talk about it. But Steve, when I told you about me, I thought you'd hate me, I thought you'd turn your back at me but you didn't. You didn't judge me. You were by my side and made me laugh. As if nothing had happened. As if me being... lesbian was a normal thing. I want to be by your side, Steve. I want to help you find out who you really are. We've being through a lot, you've been through a lot and I want to see you happy, truly happy."Robin finished her speech when Steve stopped his car in front of her house.

"Thank you, Robin. That means a lot to me" Steve said and smiled at Robin. Robin gave him a hug and got out of the car "bye dingus."

Its's been four days after Steve's party. He hasn't seen Billy since and he hasn't had 'the talk' with Robin, either. 
Steve was deep in thoughts these few days. Could he like Billy? Billy wasn't bad looking. No, he surely wasn't. He was the most beautiful, handsome guy Steve had ever seen. Billy was unique and different from other guys. That might sound cliche but there was no guy like Billy. At least, not in Hawkins. Steve was frustrated, he was into girls, but he also liked Billy. 

Steve had invited kids over for a movie and pizza.Dustin came early to help Steve arrange everything. Then came Will and El, Mike and Lucas. 

"Are you sure Max is coming?" Steve asked as he was looking out of the window, waiting for Max. "Yes, she said she'd come" El said. Few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Steve got up and when he opened the door he saw Max with a skateboard in her hands. "Sorry am I late?" Max asked. "It's alright, come in" Steve let her in. 

"Did you skate all the way over here?" Lucas asked, being worried boyfriend. "Yeah" Max said and sat on the couch to catch her breath. "Is everything okay at home? Why didn't Billy give you a ride?" Steve asked. He had been hoping he'd be able to see Billy. 

"He got a new job. He did promise to give me a ride but-" Max looked down "-I guess he forgot or something" 

"It's not even a week he's been discharged from the hospital and he's already working?" Steve asked. "Why do you care , Steve?" Max glared at him. "Yeah Steve, why do you care? Billy is Billy, does whatever he wants" Lucas rolled his eyes and plopped down on the couch. "Okay why won't we start watching a movie?" Dustin scoffed. 

After spending three hours with kids, it was time to go home. Jonathan offered a ride to Max but she declined, said Billy would be coming to pick her up. Dustin was the last one to leave. "Are you sure Billy will come to pick you up?" Steve asked Max and Max shook her head "I just wanted to talk to you."

"Talk to me? about what?"

"Is there anything going on between you and my brother?" Max asked. Steve was shocked, 'What could cause Max to think that?' he asked to himself. "What do you mean?" Steve spoke. "How long?" Max asked, looking everywhere but Steve. "What do you mean?" Steve chuckled. "How long have you being in love with him?" Max asked with a stern voice, looking at Steve in the eyes. 

Steve opened his mouth to speak, but no words were coming out of his mouth. "Don't lie to me, Steve. I've seen Billy's drawings. When he was in a coma you'd always ask about him, when Billy came at Byers' he couldn't keep his eyes off you as you were talking to Robin and now you're asking about him, again." Max said. Billy's drawings? Billy looking at Steve? Steve couldn't function what Max was saying to him. 

"Are you two dating?" Max repeated again. Steve shook his head. Steve was afraid, not of Max but of his feelings towards Billy. This wouldn't end up well, he had to stop thinking about Billy. He had to stop whatever he was feeling. "That is not true Max, none of it." Steve said. Max shook her head and grabbed her skateboard. "I'll take you home"Steve said but Max didn't listen and left.

That day, when Max saw Billy's journal and his drawings of Steve, she realized. Steve wasn't just a rival for him, but more. And Billy was showing it in his sick, twisted way. Billy's not kind of person to settle down with someone. He never dated girls more than a week, used them for his needs and never talked to them again. For max, it didn't mater that Billy was nicer, now. Living with Neil would twist his mind, again. And Max was scared that the Billy would go back to what he was.

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