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Billy woke up on the couch, Steve sleeping on his chest. He smiled as the memories from last night flooded his mind. They didn't go too far, they were just making out and grinding on each other, did I already mention that they were shirtless?

 Billy felt happier than ever, he had been dreaming about this for a long time. He had been ignoring the feeling all along, but now that he had taken a first step he regretted not doing it before, when he was in high school. Remembering what happened at the Byers, kissing Steve would've been better than punching him in the face. 

Steve hummed something in his sleep, while Billy was playing with his hair. "What'd you say?" Billy asked softly. "Yep, you're awake" Steve mumbled and looked up at Billy with a slight smile. They were looking at each other in the eyes, before Steve's eyes fell on the scar on Billy's chest. 

"I -uh... I have to get dressed" Billy got nervous, hoping Steve would get off him. Instead Steve traced his fingers on the scar and kissed it. "You're handsome" Steve told Billy. Billy sighed, not feeling handsome at all. "You really are, Billy" Steve said and pecked his lips. 

"What did I do to deserve you" Billy mumbled in the kiss. "You did lots of things, Billy... Lots of great things." Billy shook his head "I've never done anything great."

"Billy you stood up to that giant octopus-looking shit, saving all of us. You think that's nothing? Joyce was too late to close that gate and if you hadn't done what you did all of us would've been dead."Steve said with his eyebrows furrowed and Billy was just looking at him with a smile, admiring him. "So..Now you're my boyfriend?" Billy asked and Steve's eyes widened. Billy saw how he blushed and he chuckled "Steve, last night you were grinding on me like a crazy and now you're all so shy?" 

"It's different in the morning" Steve scoffed. "And I can't imagine how shy you'll get after making love to each other" Billy teased. "So you love me?" Steve smirked and cocked an eyebrow. 

"Get your ass up, you're killing my leg, Harrington" Billy said and Steve stood up. "I have to go to work" Billy said and sat up on the couch. "Come here when you're done... don't go home" Steve said and threw Billy a shirt. " I need to get some clothes then" Billy said and stood up. 

"Don't go to that place again. I'll tell Max so she can grab your stuff. "Steve said and Billy nodded his head and kissed Steve. 

Steve was at work and had finished telling everything to Robin. "Oh my god you guys are so cute" Robin squealed. "What's going on in your private life?" Steve winked and chuckled. "Well, for your information, there is someone" Robin winked back. "Really?" Steve's eyes widened and Robin nodded her head. 
"Tell me about her" This time it was Steve that squealed. 

"Well, remember Haley? She was at your party, she's Nancy's new friend" Robin said.  "Yeah that girl, I remember her" Steve grinned. "Well, we've been talking each other and she said she was confused about her sexuality. She says she doesn't want to rush into things and hurt me."

"That's so nice of her to care about you" Steve gave her a toothy smile. 

It was late afternoon and like always kids payed a visit to Steve and Robin. While boys were talking to Robin and Steve, Steve notices El and Max were watching at him, whispering stuff to each other and giggling. "What?" Steve raised his eyebrow at them and they burst into more giggles. 

"Max could i talk to you for a minute?" Steve asked and Max nodded. Both of them walked outside for some privacy. 

"Last night, Billy stayed at mine" Steve said. "I know" Max quickly said and regretted, she didn't really want Steve and Billy to find out that El and her 'spied' on them, even though they only wanted to check up on Billy.  "I mean.. I assumed" She said and bit her lip. 

"Billy's going to stay with me" Steve said and looked up at the sky "It's safer to be with me know..." Max nodded her head. "I was wondering if you could grab his stuff and drop by at mine later? I'll give you a ride back home" Steve said. 

"Yeah sure" Max smiled at him.

"Max, what are you doing here?" Steve turned to the old man who walked up to them. Steve realized Max got tensed and he realized it was him... 'that bastard' Steve thought but decided to play nice and not cause any troubles to Max. 

"Hello, you must be Mr.Hargrove" Steve held his hand out for a handshake "I'm... El's brother " Steve faked a smile at him. The old man shook his hand, but stared at Steve suspiciously. El came out of the shop and stood next to Max. "I bought what I wanted, let's go" El told to Max. "Okay.. I- I'll be leaving.." Max told to Neil and the old man nodded his head. "Don't be late, sister" Steve called out. " I won't be" El chuckled and walked away with Max. When Steve turned around Neil was already walking away. 

"Where did Max and El go?" Mike asked as the boys left the shop, Steve pointed to the girls and Mike called out to wait for him as other followed him. 

"Fucking asshole" Steve muttered. "Who was that?" Robin asked. "Billy's father" Steve sighed "He's not good news"

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