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Hey guys I want to apologize for not uploading in a year! Tbh there is no reason I just idk I made Tumblr account and I moved on AO3. Then I made Steve rp account and I didn't have much time- or didn't make time for this story i guess.
I'm sorry for that.
Also I couldn't even reread this story, it is so cringey aahh.


Before Steve went home he made a quick trip to the bakery and bought donuts and then red marlboros for Billy.

Steve parked his car and got out of the car. He put the cigarettes in his pockets and grabbed the donut box. He made sure to lock the car and got inside the house. Steve saw Billy with Max and El sitting on the couch, munching on pizza and watching TV. There was a trash ban beside the couch that Steve assumed was Billy's stuff that max had gotten for him.

"Hey guys" Steve greets to them and flashes a huge grin to Billy. El waves at Steve while Billy returns the smile. Steve puts the box on the table.

"what's that?" El asks.

" Donuts, You've never had them?" steve says, opening the box and giving one chocolate donut to El. Donuts were enough for four of them.

El shakes her head and takes a small bite.

"so?" Max asks

"it's amazing" El grins.

After four of them eating donuts, Billy sprawled on the couch, Steve on the floor and El and amax sharing a loveseat, Steve says, " Anyways when am i supposed to drop you girls home?"

"we're staying the night. that's okay right?" Max asks

" of course it's okay" steve says and continues watching the TV, Billy's hand secretly intertwined with his.

"Does he know you're here?" Billy asks at Max.

Max clears her throat before she speaks, " I said i'd be staying the night at El's. But Hopper and Joyce knows we're here"

They spend the rest of the night playing the board games and then Steve lead the girls in a guest bedroom.

"finally, I'm gonna sleep in Harrington's bed" Billy grins as he walks in Steve's bedroom.

"We need a shower though " Steve says as he takes of his shirt,

" no, you need. I showered today after I got back from my work" Billy says.

" Okay, I'll be out in a minute snd then we'll talk" Steve says and goes to the bathroom.

Billy gulps. What was there to talk about? Steve hasn't even kissed him today, what if he didn't want to be with Billy?

Billy was worrying his lip between his teeth when Steve comes out of the bathroom twenty minutes later. He had a white towel wrapped around his hips. Steve smiles at Billy and goes to his dresser, takes the clean briefs and puts them on. Then he climbs in the bed with Billy, who had already changed into boxers and a t-shirt.

"did you get bored today?" Steve asks, wrapping his arm around Billy's body.

"Not really." Billy spoke, " girls came shortly after I came here from work"

" yeah.. about that.. I don't want you to work" steve looks at Billy km the eyes.
Billy raises his eyebrow, " what do you mean you don't want me to work?"

" You were just discharged from the hospital. I don't want you to get tired or overwork "

Billy chuckles and then shakes his head, " Steve i'm not an invalid. I can take care of myself"

" I know babe" Steve says. Billy almost jumped out of his skin when Steve called him babe.

" But I want you to take better care of yourself. " Steve says.

" I can't just quit, Steve" Billy says

" yeah then.. maybe work less days?" Steve shrugs, " I just.. your father isn't here anymore. You don't have to so whatever he told you, okay?"

" Steve i'm not working because my dad told me to" Billy sits up on the bed.

"then why are yo-"

" -I need money to get the fuck out of this town" Billy yells. " I just...all this shit with monsters Steve... I can't. I can't forget it and what of they come back?"

"they won't "

" what if they do!" Billy whispers, a tear streaming down his right cheek. " what if they do, Steve? What if you guys can't kill it again? what happens then, Steve?"

Steve stays quiet, he wasn't ready for this conversation. They won, the monsters wouldn't be coming back. But they have won before too, they have closed the gate before too. What if it never ends.
Steve's thought about this before. always, when he was alone in this big empty house. When he sat by the pool, which reminded him of Barb, who died in his pool.

Billy gets out of the bed snd grabs the pillow.
" where are you going?" Steve asks but Billy doesn't say anything. He leaves the room. Leaves Steve in the room that overlooked the pool.


So.. I don't know if people are still gonna read this fic?? but here's the update and the next update won't take this long, I promise!
Also I might be into smth?? I have some ideas 😏

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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