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He couldn't get the monsters out of his head. Every time he'd close his eyes to sleep, he'd see them. And the worst part was that he was that monster who tried to destroy everything. Billy remembered everything, of course, how could he forget? What he had done to these kids was unforgivable, but they forgave him. They took him in, let him sit with them. Woman, whose son he had almost killed, hugged him. The man, whose daughter he had tried to kill, wanted to kill, hugged him and instead of punching him, he thanked him for saving his daughter. All of these people seemed to forgive Billy, but he couldn't forgive himself. He couldn't forgive himself of how asshole he was to Max. He had hurt her many times but she was being very nice to him.

The clock read 4:50 a m. Billy was standing in front of his mirror, shirtless. He had long scars on his body,where the wounds had been stitched. They seemed to stay on his skin forever. He traced his fingers on the scar on his chest. Doctors said he got very lucky because of how deadly the chest wound was, but was I? Billy thought.

He stood in front of the mirror for a very long time. Not admiring his shape or face like before, but hating on himself. He used to love unbuttoned shirts, revealing his chest or being naked but now he hated his body. Billy grabbed a scissors and started to cut his curls. His mullet was something he was very proud of. Girls liked it, boys were jealous of him and he liked that. Now his goldilocks were gone, so was his confidence. 

After taking a long shower Billy got dressed in black jeans and grey sweater. He took a look at his new look in the mirror and got out of the room when Susan called everyone for breakfast. "It's first time I see you not looking like a faggot, I guess spending time at hospital had good impact on you" Neil said as Billy took a seat beside Max, who gasped at Billy's new look. Billy didn't say anything. "Since you're back, taking Max at school is your responsibility. Keep an eye on her" Neil said again. When Billy didn't say anything he raised his voice "Do you understand?!" "Yes, sir" Billy said, glaring at his father. He didn't eat much, he was waiting for Max to finish and get the fuck out of this house. "You're an adult now"Neil spoke and Billy looked at him. "You need to get a job, I won't ask you to buy food or spend your money on us, but since Max is YOUR responsibility, you'll make sure she won't ask her mother for money. Understood?"  "Yes, Sir" Billy sighed. "I couldn't hear" Neil smirked. "Yes, Sir" Billy spoke louder this time. "I've finished, let's go Billy" Max stood up and grabbed her backpack. 

"Nancy, Jonathan, Steve and Robin are good people" Max said as Billy was driving her to school. He didn't say anything. "You should befriend them" Max said, looking at Billy. "What time do I need to pick you up?" Billy asked, ignoring what Max had said. "Don't. I'm hanging out with El and others" Max sighed and looked out of the window. Soon Billy pulled over in front of the school and Max got out. 

Billy parked his car and went into the store to buy cigarettes. Little did he knew he'd find Steve and Robin working there. "Hey there" Robin greeted on high-pitched voice. "um.." Billy was about to speak when Steve came from the back, giggling. "oh hey Harg -I mean Billy" He chuckled."Hey Harrington"Billy mocked him and then turned to Robin. "One pack of cigarettes, please." Billy said taking out wallet from his pocket. "Are you even allowed to smoke?" Steve asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "Why wouldn't I?"Billy said and handed money to Robin. "Which brand?" Robin asked. "Camel" 

Out of nowhere Steve spoke "I-uh I'm having this uh-party tonight at 9. you know where I live, right?" "You're inviting me to the party, pretty boy?" Billy teased and Steve chuckled. They were staring at each other, with a slight smile when Robin interrupted them "Nice haircut, Hargrove" "Thank you" Billy winked at her as he bid his goodbye and left. 

"So party huh?" Robin raised her eyebrow at Steve. "What? I was being nice" Steve said and Robin chuckled. "sure you were, pretty boy" "Drop it"Steve rolled his eyes. "I don't know that Billy-boy well and I can't assume things, but he seems pretty gay to me" Robin said, looking at Steve. "Stop assuming everyone is gay" Steve rolled his eyes. "Dude, that guy from earlier what was his name uh-" "Dave" "yeah Dave! He was so flirting with you. AND i think Billy's into you" "OH hell no. Billy's NOT gay. and I think he's into you" Steve said. "Sorry not interested in dicks" Robin said and both of them burst out laughing. "Actually that's true, since I like girls and ya know Billy's a dick" She grinned. "He's not dick. he's nice" Steve said even though he didn't believe in that himself.

You guys don't know the amount of happiness I felt when I read the comments. thanks for supporting, it means really LOT.
The picture above is how Billy's hair looks as short. I hope you guys liked this chapter.


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