chapter five; midnight conversations

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Aileen struggled to jump on the counter, and so when she was finally sitting she was glad. She took a sip of the bottle of water that was holding in her hands, then she giggled to herself.

There she was, alone, sitting on the kitchen in only just her pajamas and panties. And that in the middle of the night, around three o'clock. Everybody was probably sleeping, under the covers, in their bed and she wished she could do exactly that. And that it was much easier to spend the night at somebody else's place.

All of the sudden she heard a strange sound. Following by another, another and it lasted at least four more times for her to calm down and know it was someone walking down the stairs.  She began fumbling and playing with the bottle, hoping whoever it was, it wasn't Luke.

That was for different reasons she didn't want to think about, but knew was bothering her anyway.

"Hey, you," it was Jai – thank God – who walked in and opened the refrigerator to grab the milk. Maybe the thank God was too soon, seeing he was wearing absolutely nothing but a pair of tight boxers. And he was extremely muscly. "What's on your mind?"

"Too much."

"Honesty," he nodded, turning to her with a slight smile before grabbing a glass out of one of the many cabinets. He filled it with milk. "I like that. You just need to be a little more specific."

She only sighed deeply and shrugged her shoulders as he leaned himself against the counter in front of her. He was intensively staring at her and she figured, if she would only do that, he would ask further. Perhaps further than he was planning to, just to get the answer and so he could help her. She saw him as that kind of person. "I'm anxious and I don't know what to do."
"With Luke?"

She glanced up.

"I know. I've heard what he told you and how you reacted."

"Oh, God."

"More like Jesus and God."

"Tell me about it-... Oh, wait. No don't. It was the worst, I already know."

He shook his head, silently chuckling. Of course he was joking and trying to lighting the mood or, "I was hoping to make you smile with stupid shit, but whatever."
It was so kind of him and she wanted to thank him, although she didn't. Instead she got back to him, asking if something was wrong. Not only because she was done talking about herself, but also because she was curious and kind of cared. "...I mean, can't you sleep?"

"Shit with my girlfriend. It's an on and off relationship and it's sometimes frustrating the fuck out of me."

"You need to take care of yourself."

He was confused by the sudden comment or tip. Or something. And walked over to her to see her eyes better. He leaned himself once again against the counter, just now with his side. He sighed when he understood. "And then? I don't want to lose her."

"If she cares, I'm sure it frustrates her as much as it does to you," she shrugged ad giggled. She felt so nervous and he was gazing at her with those brown eyes. And then he had this amazing muscular torso and the way his tattoo sleeve made everything better – or worse. He sipped from his glass of milk. "But don't listen to me, I've no idea what I'm saying-..."

"No, please. Talk."

"Oh, okay," she blushed. "I think you need to think about yourself, what makes you happy. Not just when you're speaking to her, or when you're with her. From the moment you wake up until you're going to sleep. You shouldn't be worried about losing her all the time," she bit her lip. "I think."

"I don't, right?"

"I guess so," she lifted up her knees and rested her back against the board. Her legs were lying beside Jai's  arm. Oops, yeah. Maybe a bit too comfortable. Well, at least he didn't seem to notice or bothered by it. He was obviously thinking about his girlfriend, Ariana. "But once again, don't listen to me. My last boyfriend was in middle school and it lasted a month."

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