chapter four; the confession

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Aileen could see, by the expression on the girl's face, that she was nervous. Their arms were locked, bags in their free hands as they walked to the front door. No wonder, she was too. Maybe a bit more than Kristina was. She was already kissing, and having make out sessions with her lover while Luke and she were only just texting and sometimes a little touchy with one another. Now she was already concerned at how she would have to greet him.

It was all still so new to her.

Kristina ringed the bell and before they could even turn to each other and reassure that everything was going to be fine, Daniel opened up the door. She bet he chose to do it himself, so the others wouldn't and he could hug the redhead first. She walked passed them, towards the living room where the guys were chilling on the couch.

"They're adorable!" she moved her hand to the two lovebirds, but there was no time to squeal and mention why so. Luke stood up, made her way to her and pulled her into a hug. And no, it wasn't one of those quick, friendly hugs. The way William and her hugged each other yesterday. This hug was warm, and it lasted longer than ten seconds. This was one of those hugs that made her feel safe and hope she could stay in his arms forever. 

"I think you're more adorable."

A giggle left her mouth, glancing up into his brown eyes. It had to be a funny sight, considering he was taller than her. That didn't bother her though. All she could think of now was how close their faces were, and how she could feel his minty breath against her skin. Or how his hands was still holding her close by her hips, his thumps drawing circles on her stomach.

He was so beautiful.  

"Let me get you a... coke?" suddenly he let her go, brushing strands of hair out of her face to pull them behind her ear. She nodded in agreement and watched him leave, a little in trance perhaps. It had everything to do with how he held her, how he handsome he looked in white and how sweet he was being. He was so sweet.

A cough was heard, coming from the direction of the other twin. He was settled on the couch, in the same white shirt – that was just a lot tighter around his upper body – and a pair of sweatpants. His hair was a mess, compared to Luke's. And he was constantly running a hand through it try to make it suitable. But the point was, the whole messy thing suited him. It looked good.


"You there?"

"Are you?" she bit her lip, trying to keep herself from smirking widely for the witty comeback. All he did was roll his eyes and pat on spot next to him. First she was skeptical, sitting down and staring at him as if any second he could take his revenge.


"Nothing." Luke handed her  glass of orange juice and seated himself beside her. His arm was – like last time – over the back of the couch, only today she could feel his bare skin touching the bare skin of her shoulders. And there were goose bumps all over her body and she hoped he didn't notice. "So, what're we gonna do? Where's Tina?"

"With Daniel."

"What's she doing with Daniel?" she raised an eyebrow at Beau.

"Having sex."

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that, so I won't imagine that in my head-..."

The guys started to laugh, making her cheeks heat up immediately. No shit they were laughing at her, she would've done the exact same. But it wasn't helping with how nervous she was, and how she probably the only one whose hands were shaking just by the thought of having to sleep over at somebody else's place. No offence to this amazing, big house.

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