chapter two; text messages

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Hours went by and they were still talking, laughing and having fun. She bet they had gone past every subject they could think of, until Kristina decided it was time to show up and ask if she was interested into going to Daniel's house to continue to hang out there. Apparently she had had enough of the party, and the drunken people and so Aileen agreed, but not without saying goodbye to William.

"I'll be at the car, then," the redhead told her, skipping back to Daniel, who immediately wrapped his arm around her waist. There were four other boys, including Luke and James who walked after them. She figured she would get to know the other two boys later tonight - or early this morning, considering it was already half past eleven.

"Let's exchange numbers," Aileen tugged her phone out of her jeans pocket and handed it to the black haired guy. He did the same, so she could also put her number in his phone and then they hugged.

"I'll text you if I get bored. It's always great to talk to someone like you."

"Well, aren't you a sweetheart," she rolled her eyes, a smirk forming around her mouth. The compliments coming from his mouth didn't make her blush anymore like they did first - she saw him as a friend now. That made everything a lot better and easier to speak to him. "But yeah, it was great talking to you. I'll see you around sometime."


She waved, and then walked away from him to make her way to the front of the house, where Kristina's car was standing. Just, Kristina herself wasn't. Only Luke was standing there, leaning against the car and laughed when he saw the look on her face.

"I apologize for the love between my best friend and your best friend. They couldn't seem to let go and I had to offer myself to give you a ride."

"Oh, I thank you so dearly. You want me to kiss your feet?" she giggled as he opened the door for her to step in. He stepped in beside her, in front of the steering wheel.

They drove away and while he drove, eyes focused on the road, he talked. She only gazed at him, getting comfortable on the passenger seat, with her one leg hanging over the other. He actually gave her a serious answer on the joke she made, and it was so hilarious. "Only if your lips are soft, then I can guarantee you not only I'll be thankful, but my feet will be too."

"Wow. So, you know your feet love soft lips?"

He nodded.

"That's what I'm searching for in a man. I just-..." she sighed dramatically fake, shaking her head. "Men who know their feet. I'm speechless. Wow. I'm so happy I finally found somebody who can fulfill my expectations in men. You're everything I'm looking for, Luke."

He burst out laughing.

It didn't last long or they were at the house, but that apparently was because they were having lots of fun. In those thirty minutes they would sing along with the stupid radio music, or talk about random things or just laugh for no reason. He was spontaneous and loud, the good kind of loud. That kind of loud that makes you comfortable in a hyper way and be crazy. And she didn't have those moments a lot.

Once he opened the door with a key, he let her go in first. She waited for him, because obviously she didn't know where the hell she had to go. The house was big, it was almost a mansion and she believed there was a way of getting lost in here. He touched her back - her lower back to be exact, something that made her cheeks instantly heat up - and guided her where the noise came from. It was the living room.


"Oh, hey," she shyly waved, then used the same hand to brush a piece of hair behind her ear. The other guys greeted back, while Luke pushed her on the couch next to James. He went to the open kitchen to grab something to drink for her.

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