chapter three; news

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Tomorrow it would be Friday, meaning she would have to prepare herself for everything that was going to happen. The thing was, she had no clue what was going to happen on a sleepover with boys, and two girls. This could be a small get together with music and dancing, or a movie night, or they could basically just play every typical game possible. Truth or dare, seven minutes in Heaven, never have I ever.

But today it was Thursday, and Aileen was saying goodbye to her favorite cat and dog to leave to visit William. He had texted her this morning if she wanted to come over at four o'clock and chat. She had to travel for at least fifteen minutes, but she felt better by coming early than late.

"Oh, Cody. I wish you could come with me," she petted his head, a smile forming around her lips when she heard him purr. He always purred. It was adorable. "But you can't, because that's awkward. I've never even mentioned you-... Wow, I'm sorry." He meowed. "Make sure not to make a mess, okay? Nala, you too," she pointed at her small dog. "I love you both."

So, fifteen minutes later she was ringing the doorbell from where he lived. He opened up and let her in, hugging her before walking towards the kitchen. There a man was sitting at the dinner table, newspaper in his hands as he took a sip of his cup of coffee. He glanced up with a smile.

"This is my dad," he opened the refrigerator, grabbing a two cans of coke and handing her one. He grabbed a bag of chips out of one of the cabinets. "Dad, this is Aileen. The girl I met at the party."

"Alright. The girl at the party," he shook her hand, laughing with his son. Only William's laugh was a bit awkward. Aileen had no clue what they were actually talking about, or what was so funny. And why she was mentioned as the girl from the party. "You can call me Eric."

"Hi. Nice to meet you."

"Okay, well. Bye, dad. See you later." William quickly grabbed her wrist and knew to pull her to the stairs that led to the basement. He had long legs and she almost had to run after him, and well... she was still very confused – and curious – at why he was so uncomfortable all of the sudden. After he introduced her to his father.

The basement looked comfortable, and seemed to be his bedroom. There was a bed in one of the corners, that was covered with a few books and there was a television. In front of the television there was a couch, that was also half covered with books. There were books, lots of books and that was all the room was messy with.

"I wanted to lent you Beautiful Disaster. I know you said you liked reading Young Adult, or you know," he shrugged, sitting down on the couch. She did too and was handed one of the many books. "I found it pretty good."

"Pretty good? That's not like... amazing."

"This is the best out of the few typical teen things I have, alright?" he chuckled, then he grabbed – out of nowhere – a box set of DVD's. The sides of her mouth turned up immediately by noticing the letters on the front. Teen Wolf, her favorite TV series. "I watched everything in two days."

"Two days. Oh my God," she clapped her hands in excitement, and didn't even feel the buzz in her pocket. Just because he watched it, perhaps the two days made it seem like he actually enjoyed watching three whole seasons of a show she couldn't get enough of. "You're amazing. Now we can finally talk about how I ship Stydia it is, and how handsome Dylan O'Brien is-..."

"Who is he? The Stiles dude?"

"Yes, the Stiles dude!"

"And what, Stydia? Stiles and Lydia?" he raised an eyebrow, and smiled. Widely. Probably because he found her so funny, or the sight of her being so excited and happy over such little thing. "Yeah, they're cute. Oh, and I almost cried at the part where Allison died. It was sad."

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