chapter seven; sweater weather

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Ringing the doorbell, Aileen looked around her and waited until somebody would open up. It was cold outside for a change – which she liked. There was wind, sometimes a little rain like in the morning and that meant she could finally wear her favorite and most comfortable clothes; sweaters, long skinny jeans, leggings and large hoodies, or anything that was loose and covered her whole body. It was perfect.

Jai was the one opening the front door and she was surprised, yet so uncomfortable by how he looked. His dark brown hair was a mess, there was a slight stubble over his chin, upper lip and neck as if he hadn't shaved in days and bags were found underneath his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes that seemed so blank, that she was unsure if he was even there with her. He was in his own little world.




"Is Luke home?"


Another silence.

"Are you alright?"

"Huh? Yeah."

After the third silence, she took a deep breath and played with her side braid. Thinking. Jai lied to her and she could see by how quickly he had spoken. She wanted him to tell her what was wrong, so she could hopefully help in her own weird way, with maybe one of her of stupid tips or cheer him up with stories about her cat he didn't even know existed. But then again, she was here for Luke, to surprise him and he wasn't here, so she should call him. The decision was easy. "Do you want me to come in?"

"I don't know."

"That's fine," she gave him a half smile,  reassuring smile, and when she walked in, he gave up. He simply gave up and let her put her hand in between his shoulder blades and guide him upstairs, to his room. "Why don't you go take a shower? I'll be right here, waiting."

He nodded and locked himself up in the bathroom. A minute later she heard water streaming, meaning the shower was turned on and he had stepped in.

It was all so strange, so new for her to see a boy so vulnerable. She hadn't grown up in a household with any boys or men. It was just her mom, her sister and herself. They had their moments and she knew how to take care of them if needed, but... this was strange. Especially since all of these guys were so full of life and always smiling around her. Even Jai.

She wondered how she had to handle this, to try to help him. Maybe he didn't want to talk, maybe he didn't want to be cheered up. Maybe he only wanted to be left alone with his thoughts, but still have a little company.

Where the hell was Luke anyway? They were brothers for God's sake.

It lasted half an hour before Jai came walking back into the room. A towel was wrapped around his hips. That was all  he had covering his naked body. But he didn't seem to be bothered by it, opening his closet to pick out some clothes;  a sweatpants and shirt, along a pair of underwear. He went back, dressed himself and then sat down, while putting on a beanie.

"How do you feel?"

He turned to glance next to him, where she was sitting. He shrugged. "I don't  know."

"It'll get better," Aileen dared to grab his hand, tanging their fingers and squeezing it gently. He groaned in annoyance. Not at that, but at what she was saying. "Ssh. I wasn't done. It'll get better, you'll get better. We just have to figure out how."


"Hmhm. Together. I'm here for you."

"You're here for Luke," he corrected her, eyes boring into hers which only made her feel self-conscious. She did her best for him, without knowing what was exactly going on and she had him almost raise his voice at her. Perhaps this was his way of coping with his feelings, his emotions. "You just happened to stumble upon me and became worried, because I clearly look like shit. And you are one of the sweetest people I know."

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