chapter fifteen; we have a winner

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Ringing the bell of Sandra's apartment with a wide smile upon her face, she waited until somebody would open up. Even though the weather bothered her a lot, she was still very excited to see her sister again and to hang out with her. The sun was shining bright again and it was slowly getting closer to summer. Yes, she would have a long break from school. Yes, she could do anything she wanted without having to go to school and do homework in between. Yes, it was all so amazing and she was happy. But the heat? No.

Chris opened up the front door – the tall, muscular boyfriend – and the first thing he did, when he saw Aileen standing there, was hug her and lift her up from the ground. She started to laugh, patting his shoulder blade. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you. You've got no idea."

"What happened?"

"San is being herself again," he put her down, groaning as he closed the front door. "If the sun is shining through the windows she apparently wants to clean the whole house, because you get to see all the dust and it annoys her."

"Yeah, that's her."

"Not that it's a bad thing," he mumbled and sat down at the table. She was still standing, looking around and trying to hear if there was any noise as a sign where her sister was. Chris was only typing in things on his laptop – that was the only noise she heard.

She shook her head. "No, it's not a bad thing. Not at all. It's only that you better help or just leave her alone if she has those moments."

"See, that's why I'm glad you're here. You know her as well as I know her," he glanced up, gesturing for her come to him and then he nodded at the screen. She did, standing next to him to see what he was doing. A smile instantly formed around her lips. Yesterday she had told her sister about what she had heard at school – they needed to find a place for an internship this last semester – and apparently Chris had found one. It was at a high school. The high school he worked at as a History teacher. "We have things in common. Things like this. If you give them a call – I already mentioned you would. Surprise, surprise – and then you can get an interview with the principle and the guidance counselor."

"Oh my God. That is perfect."

"I indeed am perfect."

Aileen laughed, nodding her head in agreement. Her sister, though, thought differently and didn't want to flatter his ego. It was one her many ways to tease her boyfriend and it was hilarious. Especially to see Chris' face and knowing that the things she said were true.

"He thinks he's perfect, while he actually still doesn't know how to make up the bed and doesn't know where to put his laundry," she walked into the room, rolling her eyes. Then she hugged Aileen, quickly. They just didn't hug. "How's Luke going?"

"Luke's a friend now."


"Yeah, it's a long story-..." she stopped, grabbing her phone to save the phone number from the high school that was still shown on the laptop screen. She continued talking after that, sitting down on the couch. "Long story short, though. A few days ago we talked and said that we kind of are better off as friends. Before that they was lots of drama and now his twin brother and I are... you know, things are happening."

"So, you like Jai now? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I am sure," she giggled, a blush beginning to creep on her cheeks when she did so. Sandra sat down on the other couch. Chris was still at the kitchen table, running a hand through his blonde hair – that fall down to his shoulders -  as he listened along. "I'm kind of still worrying about the Ariana thing. He broke up with her and he still hasn't given me the answer on the question I asked him if he still loved her."

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