chapter nineteen; the asshole and his main bitch

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It was Thursday, meaning it normally would be the day the girls would be at the boys. But instead of sitting in their living room, watching television and having conversations about unimportant stuff, they were at Kristina's. She was roaming through her closet, searching for the right outfit to wear tonight while Aileen was painting her nails on the bed, all because they wanted to have a get together with all their friends.

Jai had texted her this morning in class - yes, she had told him he was an asshole and this would be the only time she would reply back. He had sent her a 'haha. you're still my sun' and if he thought that helped her forgive him, then yes. But she wasn't even mad in the first place - and asked them to come to the beach. It had to be a bonfire kind of thing, what she had read about in typical fan fictions and the boy and girl would walking hand in and be kissing underneath the sunset. And whatever people would do at bonfires in real life, she had no clue.

"I want to have sex with him."

"You want what?" Aileen glanced up, seeing her best friend holding a dress. It was grass green, a color that she thought always suited her red hair well. Kristina didn't seem shy, actually confident at her confession about Daniel. "When?"

"I don't know. Soon," she threw the clothing on the bed, grabbing a jacket and a black pair of sandals to go with. Then she turned back around, continuing her search for clothes. Now only for the blonde. "It's like... even he's there and holding me, I feel like need to be closer to him and it's frustrating me sometimes, you know. It's weird, knowing that is in impossible."

"That's when you know you wanna have sex with somebody?" she tried blowing on her fingernails for them to dry faster. "Isn't that the feeling that you love somebody? It sounds familiar and all, I know. But you wanna be sure-..."

"Can you not?"

"Okay, okay," she giggled. "I'm only trying to have this conversation with you, while really I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm being a good friend here, okay? You should be glad I'm trying."

Kristina nodded, because she understood and handed her a dark blue dress. It was like she wanted to change the subject, asking her about what color her nails were - which she answered "red" on -, but she didn't. She only was interested. "I just don't want to think about if I love him. Sex? Alright, because boys like sex. Saying I love you and without knowing he does too? No, definitely not."

"I mean, it's scary, but you gotta be honest with him." This all reminded her of Jai's and her first conversation, that late hour in the kitchen when he couldn't sleep, because he had shit with his girlfriend - now ex. Thank God - and she was telling him to take care of himself and be happy. Now she was basically telling her best friend to let Daniel know she loved him, because maybe he did love her too. "What if he does and you're both afraid to tell one another and you break up? That would be the saddest thing ever and did you know, being captain of the Kristaniel ship, it will ruin me if that happened?

"Captain of the Kristaniel ship? Are you kidding me?" she chuckled. "I'm being serious here."

"I'm just trying to make you smile and I kind of did, so..." she clapped her hands, giggling. "Yay!"

A dramatic sigh left her mouth as she went to grab one of Aileen's old flats she had ever left at her house - graduation prom night - and she gave them to her. "Go change, so we can start doing our hair and makeup."

"I bet Daniel wouldn't mind you being bossy with him," before Kristina could do anything to get her back, she put up her hands in front of her as she held the dress. "Nope, nope. I'm listening to you and doing as you say. Aren't you proud?"

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