chapter six; bad memes and tattoos

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"You have a point-..." she wasn't afraid to caress his cheek for a moment, although the feeling of the stubbles rubbing against her fingers made her forget what she wanted to say. She giggled. "When have you last shaved?"

"What? You don't like facial hair?"

"Would you shave if I said no?"

Clearly he wasn't prepared for any of this, considering he laughed nervously and glanced at her once before focusing his eyes back on the television. It was only a joke, but it was kind of adorable to see him struggle like she would on a daily basis when she was around him. Most of the time he was so confident, yet times like these... "Am I supposed to?"

"I don't know. If my opinion matters to you."



"Yeah, it does to me."

She decided not to question about it why it did, instead she shook her head unbelievably and touched the hairs on his upper lip. "It's a kind of funny feeling, isn't it? You should grow it out, not too much though. That's weird."

"I should keep that in mind. Now, stop touching my face. It tickles."

"Well, that should I definitely keep in mind," she kissed his nose, standing up from the couch. It made him reach for her hand, as if he wasn't ready to let her go yet. Even though it was only just to go to the toilet. She giggled, letting herself fall back to kiss him once again, but this time on the lips. "I'll be right back. I promise."

"Okay, then. I'll give you ten minutes."

"Ten minutes?" His hands traveled down her back, stopping above her butt. It made her cheeks flush  a bright red color. "What if it lasted longer than that? Don't tell me you're going to throw me in the pool again."

"Don't fucking tempt me."

Considering it could happen and she knew he wasn't afraid do it for a second time, Aileen stood up and made her way to the stairs as fast as she could. She heard him laugh, but that wasn't the only thing she heard. Jai's bedroom door was open, soft music coming from his laptop.

"Hey," she was almost afraid to knock on the door and disturb him, but she did anyway. He glanced up with a sly smile, gesturing for her to come in.

"Hey, you," he patted on the bed beside him. For her to sit and she did, awkwardly staring at him while he stared back. He must've been thinking that she was here to talk or anything else Luke related. The thing was, she wasn't. She only got distracted by his music, or by him. Maybe. She was a bit unsure of the reason. "Where's my brother?"

"He's downstairs."

"And you're not?"

"I was."

Before there would fall an awkward silence, Jai was smart enough to turn around his laptop for her to see the screen. She burst out laughing, not only at the bad meme but at why the hell he even was scrolling through the meme tag on Tumblr. He laughed too. "You have a Tumblr account, right?"

"Yeah, I have," she raised an eyebrow, knowing why he was questioning her about it. "And I'm not giving you my URL. I'm not explaining you anything me and reblogging gifsets of Dylan O'Brien's butt."

"Luke isn't here."

"What's that supposed to have anything to do with Luke?"

"I don't know."

She groaned in frustration, lifting her laptop on her lap so she could type a lot easier. He moved closer to her as the page loaded, and there it was. Her Tumblr page, which was full of her celebrity crushes, plus stupid puns and some posts about the guys. She blushed at that. "You happy now?"

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