chapter eighteen; sunshine

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"I like your nose."

Jai chuckled, his warm hand caressing her aching back. They had been lying on his bed a while now, since she had come here after dinner and he was done filming a video in the backyard with the boys. It helped, being here with him and hearing his voice, seeing him. It made her forget that she was on her period and she had cramps everywhere.

"I'm not joking. I really do like your nose."

"You do?"

She nodded. "Hmhm."

"Is that all you like about me?"

"No," moving closer to him, she dropped her head on his chest and sighed. It was clear he wanted to know what she liked about him, why she was even here with him in the first place, and she wasn't sure if she was going to tell him. Not because he didn't deserve to, but because she was sure she would forget things and every little thing was important for him to know.

He kissed her crown.

"What time is it?"


"Nine, already?" Aileen grabbed his phone out his jeans pocket and checked. It was indeed nine o'clock and she wasn't sure it was good. Yes, she would be able to finally go to sleep after a long day and the week would go by faster, meaning her period would be over. But she wished to stay here, in his arms and it wouldn't last long she wasn't anymore. "Make the time stop ticking, Jai. It'll make me very happy."

"I can't," he brushed a strand out of her face, putting it behind her ear. While he did, his brown eyes were looking into her blue ones and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. It made her smile too, automatically. "I would if I could, sunshine."

"Why sunshine?" she dared to ask, a blush instantly creeping on her cheek. "Why do you call me that?"

"Because, sunshine, you brighten my day."

"But you've been calling me that since-..." she thought back at the first time he given her the nickname, furrowing her eyebrows and that made him snicker. He touched her eyebrow, so she stopped furrowing them. "You have been calling me that since the night you slept over at my place, that night you told me you missed me."

"I have, because I started liking you since then. I told you I've been thinking about you in that week, but you friend zoned me."

"I didn't. We were friends and I was with Luke."

"See, you're doing it again."

Her mouth dropped open and she quickly shook her head, disagreeing. "I can't go around and be cute with somebody else if I already have a thing. That's like cheating." She paused, sitting up to show him she was being serious. "Especially if it's their brother."

He went to sit too. "I know, I know. But it's still friend zoning."

"Alright, whatever. I friend zoned you, for a good cause."

"For a good cause?"

"Yes, it was for a good cause."

"So," he started, casually shrugging his shoulders. "If you weren't with Luke, you would've kissed me?"

"Be glad I did kiss you yesterday. I could've left you alone and go home by myself."

"It was a question!" he threw his hands up in the air, laughing. "I know. I know, okay? I know you could've chosen not to kiss me at all, and that could've left me and go home by yourself. I was asking you if you liked me too at that time and were only friend zoning me, because of my brother."

Sunshine || Jai BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now