chapter twenty-two; sun and moon

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"I mean, if I knew you so well I would know your Twitter name."

Aileen slyly smiled, lifting herself up from his chest so she could look at him. "At least you know my sister's boyfriend. You have been getting to know him, he has been getting to know you. That's good, right?" he caressed his face, feeling the stubbles on his cheek. "All things come with time."

"You're not going to ask me about it again?"

She knew what he was referring to; the conversation that she had never gotten the answer of from him how it had gone. It was funny how she had just told him that all things came with time, while she desperately wanted to know if they had gotten along well or not. So, she had to push her wishes aside and shake her head. "All things come with time, Jai. You'll tell me eventually."

"I will. I promise," he sighed, putting his arm underneath his head.

"By the way," she looked down at the necklace he had around his neck, letting her fingers fumble with the two pendants. "Have I already thanked you for packing my bag for tonight and bringing my keys? I know I've had forgotten something when I walked out of the house this morning."

"No, you haven't. But it's fine," he chuckled. "You were complaining and yelling at me, eventually you were too busy giving me the silent treatment that I knew you would forget. I brought along some books. I wasn't sure which one, though."

"I'm sure you know a place for them in your room," she pressed her lips on his bare skin, corners turning up into a smile. "In the summer I finally have the time to read, so I hope to come here often so I can annoy you."

"You won't ever annoy me, not even if you tried."

"Not even when I borrowed your clothes for the photo shoot, without asking?"

"You can wear my clothes, any time and any day." It made her sigh, dropping herself back on his chest to lie comfortable. Jai was a sweetheart, really. Not only with what he had told her, but there so much more reasons he was. He knew her so well, in so many ways that it was like she barely had anything to do herself. Her favorite word was sun, sunshine and sunny now because of him, the meaning behind why he called her that. Not that her disliking for hot weather would change anytime soon, besides that Jai would be walking around without a shirt, but-... Ugh, this guy and they had been dating for just a freaking day. What the hell was wrong with her?

"I like your Nirvana shirt a lot. It looks good on you."

"Why does it look good on me?"

"You know what looks good on you as well?" He chuckled at how she had ignored his question, but he still listened to her rambling. Her eyes were closed and her voice was soft, so she would still be able to hear his breathing and his heartbeat while she talked. "I like your bandanas a lot and your flannels, too. I like you in black and grey. But I also like you in your white shirt-..." She giggled, taking a pause to think. "I don't know why I started. It doesn't matter."

"You look sexy in my clothes. It's a turn on."

A blush crept on her cheeks and she smiled widely. "What more is a turn on?"

Jai played with her hair, stroking it and letting strands twirl around his index finger. It calmed her when he did that, and she suddenly wished he could do it forever. That lying on top of him, even though there was enough space on the bed, and him playing with her hair would last forever as she listened to him talking could last forever. "It's a turn on when you tease me, you get witty and you have these come backs that makes me want to things to you, you have no idea. It's a turn on when you give me that look-..."

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