chapter eleven; tension

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"You enjoying yourself?"

A big grin immediately appeared on Luke's face when she turned away from the television. The other boys and Kristina – who was lying in the arms of her new boyfriend – were still too focused on the movie to know what was happening and she was glad. They could've commented on how he was doing anything to catch her attention, or see that she didn't like it at all and only wanted to catch some rest after a long day at school or that she was stressed – which he didn't seem to notice or care about at all. Now she only had to pretend and force a giggle.

"What are you smiling at?"

"At you."

Aileen kissed his cheek gently, feeling the stubbles brush against her lips. His hairs was a bit longer, like he actually didn't shave and let it grow out since she had told him her opinion. "How adorably cheesy are you."

"Adorably?" he raised an eyebrow, in way that showed her he was joking, and wrapped an arm around her middle. Not that he wanted to cuddle with her, he wanted to tickle her. Of freaking course. "I'm the sexiest person you know. Tell me."

A loud laugh left her mouth and he stopped moving his fingers over her hips, chuckling. Still giggling, she whispered what he wanted to hear her say in his ear and then lied her head on his chest. Hearing his heartbeat.

As she was looking in front of her, she could see Jai. He was hanging against the back rest, phone in his hands and playing with it. He looked lonely sitting beside the couple and for moment Aileen noticed the frown upon his face as he glanced at them. But then turned his head and their eyes locked, and that made her wonder why he was frowning.

Did it have anything to do with how two couples were cuddling on the same couch he was sitting, and wanted to do anything to be in that exact same position but with his ex – girlfriend, Ariana? Or was it something else that bothered him?

They continued to gaze at one another and while they did, she could feel herself getting nervous. Butterflies exploding in her stomach, heat flowing to her cheeks at the thought of wanting nothing else than be back at the day he was at her place. How there was still music in the background as he stripped his shirt off and all his muscles seemed to flex all at once. That right moment she wanted him to make her way towards her, put his hands in the crook of his neck like he had done when he said he thought about her and came to realize that he had missed her. She wanted him to press his lips against hers and his hands to travel down to her lower back, just above her butt. Or on her butt. She wanted him and she needed him to want her to.

The frown on Jai's face had disappeared and he was now licking his lips. And she wondered where he was going to go when he stood up, and she tried pleading him with her eyes for him to just sit back down but he didn't listen. He left her alone with all those people in the living room and she was unsure if she was able handle that without him.

"Where are you going to sleep tonight?"

"Hmm?" she sat up, to see Luke staring at her. With the same, yet not the same eyes as Jai. "Well, I think your bed is pretty comfortable. I don't know why you're asking me this, but-..."

"Wait, yeah... that's fine. There's still enough space in James' room," he got a grip on her hand, a gently one, when she was about to stand up and walk away. To be her own savior, since there was no freaking way Jai could help her now. When she needed him the most.

"That's always nice to know."

Luke chuckled because he understood, shrugging his shoulders. "No pressure, okay? I promise."

"Thank you," she stroked his cheek and sent him a sweet smile, before she left also left the living room. Just like Jai. But she wasn't sure if she was about to go after him or had to think of somewhere else to go and pretend.

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