chapter twenty; one o'clock

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The silence was driving her insane, but at the same time she wanted everything to be quiet. It was like every other time she would be stressed, just now she was all alone and she had no mom and it was too late to text her sister if she could stay over there. It was already one o'clock and she still hadn't tried lying down in her bed and sleep, despise how exhausted she was. Instead she was sitting at her laptop, doing her History homework and was sighing, yawning and groaning every once in a while, because it was impossible to focus.

Maybe she should've been so confused at who would text her at this hour, considering there was no other name than Jai showing up on the screen of her phone. She raised an eyebrow at what it said, but did as told.

'get on skype, sunshine.'

A second later she had logged in on her Skype account – which she had almost forgotten the password of, because she hadn't used it for a year now – and she got a request, asking her if she wanted to add Jai Brooks to her list or ignore. She pushed add button, giving him the opportunity to video call her and it caused her to mentally curse herself as she answered.

She was a mess and looked like one too, while Jai looked perfect. All he was wearing was a his tight boxers,  his hair a wet mess as if he had just showered. Her makeup was, on the other hand, smudged from rubbing her eyes and she was wearing the same clothes – including his hoodie – she had been wearing at the bonfire.

"You want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Do you want me to come over?"

Yes, she desperately needed him to come over and take care of her like he had done when she was on her period. She needed him to hold her and put his hand underneath her shirt to feel his warmth. She needed to smell his scent and hear his heartbeat. Especially the last thing, it would calm her. It would be better than music, it would be better than silence and it would be better than every sound to ever exist. She just need him to be here with him, but if he would she would be acting like a bitch in the morning and he didn't deserve that. So, no, she didn't want him to come over.

"I'm fine, honestly. You should sleep and I'll only finish this one page of the essay about this book and then I'll be in bed too," she shook her head. "Nothing to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about?"

A smile formed around her lips at how he raised an eyebrow. He knew her so well, it was unbelievable sometimes. "Well, too much to worry about for me, while I'm sure there are laid back people, like you, who have nothing to worry about if it's about the second day of the internship."

"Second day? I thought the first day went well."

"Yeah, because that's the day you don't actually do stuff. You get information on what you have to do in those weeks, you run through your schedule and you get to know the people you're working with, and that's basically it."

"Let me come over, okay?"

"I'm not letting you come over. I can take care of myself."

"It's not about if you can take care of yourself or not, because I know you can," he told her, rolling his eyes. "It's about me being there for you and have you lean on me, so you can get through the night without so much weight on your shoulders."

"I know."

"Then make sure you unlock your front door and you're lying in bed in ten minutes."

A sigh left her mouth and it was now her turn to roll her eyes. It was that he was so amazing and she knew he cared for her, if not she wouldn't have even moved a muscle. Now, she was standing up and ending the video call, so she could get change and get ready.

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