Failing Apart Over and Over Again

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I wake up to hearing my door fly open. I sit up and look at my clock. 2:37. I swing my legs over my bed and look over to my door. Standing there with a bloody knife is my father. He starts to walk towards me and I back up with each step he makes.

"Get over here you little shit," My father says his words sharp and cold as he steps faster. My back hits the wall and I curl into a ball. He grabs my tail and starts to drag me out of my room. I start to Hiss and struggle with each step he takes. I take out my nails and scratch is hand and arm, causing him to drop me. I scramble up and start to run back away from him. I get to a window and start to open it to jump out but he again grabs my tail and starts to breathe fire on my back. The pain causes me to drop to the floor and scream in pain.

He starts to drag me back towards the stairs. Once we get there he throws me down them. Landing on my back, I scream out in more pain. I look over towards to kitchen and see my mom in a puddle of her own blood. Realizing that it was her blood on the knife I look at my father. I grab the knife when he comes near me and licks the blood. I will take something of my moms with me to keep her memory alive within me.

My father grabs my hair and drags me to a portal. He turns around and starts to catch the house on fire before walking into the portal dragging me behind.

When we emerge I see a bar with a misty guy behind it. Sitting in front of him is a boy about 7 years older than me. They look at my father and then at me. "So this is his granddaughter huh?" The boy said as he stood up. He started to walk down some stairs and my father follows. I was too tired and in too much pain to fight back so I let him drag me without a sound. It was dark at the end of the stairs. All you could hear was machines. I get once again thrown. This time I land at the feet of a man who has no eyes or nose.

"Hello, my granddaughter. Today your new life starts" He reached down and pulled me up by my hair, making me eye level with him.


I was captured when I was 5. I have no idea how long ago that was but I have grown a lot. I know I'm still a child because I was just starting to develop. Over time I have been here, my dad has sold me to multiple men and woman. Some wanted me as a slave. Some wanted toys. And I never got a say.

All for one, who says I'm his granddaughter, Likes to inject red tubes into me. Each time I feel sick for a few hours before I pass out for a few days.

Even with all of this I never gave up hope. My mom and Auntie were best friends with people, who are now Pro Heroes, in middle school. They will come looking for me. I just know it. So, I turned it all off, I fell apart multiple times but I always put my self back together and kept my hope.

I'm ripped out of my thoughts as my prison door opens to reveal All for one with a new tube. He walks over to me wires trailing behind him that was coming out of a gadget around his head. He got a needle and picked where to inject the chemical today. He chose an old scare that ran down my neck. It still hurts when he puts the needle in.

I grimace in pain but don't call out in pain anymore. After he is done he smirks before leaving me. I sit there waiting for the sickness but it never comes. Instead, a burning comes traveling down my throat and into my lungs. It hurt so bad that after a few seconds I screamed. Not able to hold back anymore.

After screaming for what feels like ever. The pain becomes an uncomfortable warm. And just in time. The quirk suppresser I had in my system ends. I dive into my head pretending to have passed out and start searching. I use my telepathy quirk and call out to the one who is still looking for me.

'Eraserhead?' I called out in my head.

'On time as always.' I get in reply

'Not like I have a choice' I chuckle

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