6 Years Later

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*Minor grammer fixed. Will come back latter to fix the rest*

I am now 14. My life has been amazing. If you think hell is Amazing. I started calling Aizawa dad a few years ago and Hizashi pops. Hizashi is more like a mother to me though. He makes sure I'm feed, gets at lease 3 hours of sleep because now that I have mastered my quirks, the eraser quirk gives me sleeping problems like father. Father makes sure that I keep up with my training. I have master all hand to hand combat styles, weapons like knifes and guns and even swords. I have master every quirk I have which was most likely the worst part considering father wanted me to break the limits of my quirks.

I have already gained a masters degree from a local university. In every thing they offer. I'm still going to UA though so it is going to be a pain having to sit through all those lessons again. Nezu is like a grandfather to me and I have picked up some of his habits. He has even taught me things that I will never need as a hero but will need when they catch my father.

I have become a regular at the police station, helping out with cases. I have found out I can search the memories of a corpse as long as they haven't been dead for more then 72 hours. I also take some peoples quirks when I'm their. Words has gotten around that the police station can take your quirk if you don't want it. Happy to help I always except their offer and take their quirks. They are nothing to big but just a hassle to deal with, but thanks to my eraser quirk I can keep it dormant in myself so I don't have to worry about it annoying me.Unlike All for One the original, I don't make people my mindless slaves when I take or give quirks.

There is only a week until the entrance exams but I'm not taking them. I'm a recommend student recommended my Nezu himself so I don't even have to take the other recommended exam. I have my own test that I already took and of course I passed with flying colors. So I am already a student.

We get out of the car and I head straight to Nezu's office. Teachers have to start coming to school sooner then everyone else because they have to go over a of things and the Recommended Exam it today. I am there instructor because why not, is what Nezu said. I walk in without knocking as this has kind of become my office to. The teachers come to me if they can't find Nezu. I am the hair to the school so I have to take responsibility of it at time.

I sit at my own desk and let out a sigh. I have a few moments before I have to be outside. I get on my Hero suit and start heading out to he auditorium where pops is briefing them. I walk in and the group is small, but I know they next time I'm in here it will be with the Entrance Exam of the other students and that group is a lot bigger.

"This is your instructor... I wish you all luck" pops gives me a hug before he leaves, casting a worried glance at the people before closing the door behind him.

"Okay, lets get this over with...I am handing you the written portion of the test to see where you are at. Because you are all Recommended you are technically already students so I expect high marks." I use my telekinesis to hand out the test and pencils. "This is a 75 question test and you have 45 minutes to complete it. If you don't know then I suggest you just take a guess because I will be grading them and I take extra points off for the once that are not filled in. You may begin."

I automatically hear pencils and paper meeting. After about 20 minutes the door opens causing some people to look up. "I didn't know you had time to be distracted, maybe I should shorten the time limit." Everyone started writing again with more speed. I look over at the door to see dad with two large cups of coffee. I walk over and take the one he was holding out to me and start to down it. In less then 5 minutes I had already drunk it all and handed the cup back to dad and so he can leave.

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